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Just What Will It Take To Create A United Front?


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The RST is clearly pretty unpopular with the mainstream support. As far as I can tell, much of the animosity directed towards the RST is due to the presence of one individual, a certain Mr Dingwall.

I think the issues go a lot deeper than just Mr Dingwall. They do for me at least.

Avarice. Self-Interest. Egotism. Bullying. Censorship.

These vices are not just the preserve of Mr Dingwall within the RST. Or if they are, then it is a dictatorship that the great dictators would be envious of.

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I think the issues go a lot deeper than just Mr Dingwall. They do for me at least.

Avarice. Self-Interest. Egotism. Bullying. Censorship.

These vices are not just the preserve of Mr Dingwall within the RST. Or if they are, then it is a dictatorship that the great dictators would be envious of.

I thought that was a significant proportion of my point. I didn't say he was the only reason, I did intimate he was the main reason.

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I think you have made a simple error, supporters or fans have no rights in the decisions that the club make but they can refuse to go to the matches (buy the produce). Shareholders have rights about the decisions made at board level and can vote out board members. What is needed is a shareholders forum so these can be raised at board level and more individual supporters to buy shares so that their voice is heard. The only power anyone has is the percentage of shares they own or refusing to buy the product. If anything a representative that liaises with the board on behalf of the share holders is the only thing that would hold water and we can ask for the club to do this at the next AGM. A share holder forum could even be hosted on the club web site.

To be clear, shareholders own part of the company, that runs Rangers Football Club.

Supporters are paying customers of the company and are buying the entertainment that Rangers Football Club provides.

Fans can not go to the AGM but shareholders can.

Sorry if it sound patronising but I thought it needed clearly and simply explained what the differences are.

I would not give my voting right to anyone else so they can speak on my behalf but will vote on what I believe is the best for Rangers. I can attend the AGM and voice my own concerns and don’t need any group to do it for me, that is what I bought for my £500.

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With no fans there is no Rangers

This is the vital part as we are both owners and paying customers. The institutional investors will use us as a barometer of feelings about issues. And they will be receptive to ideas produced in a share holder forum as this is paying customers speaking.

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I tried to have a discussion about the Rangers Supporters Trust over on FollowFollow a few months back and because I dared to critisise their actions (it was in regards to the lies about Bill Miller and Charles Green, and I was right in the end) I received a life ban from FollowFollow with no explanation given. So how fucking dare the trust mouthpieces like the OP moan when we all don't fall in line and forget everything they have done when they like to ban opinions that don't fall in line with theirs.

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Don't know if it has been said but I will........Buzz you are Lightyears away as long as Chequeman is still involved and they do not have the membership in their thousands and by that I mean members joining by their own free will......rather than having to join if they want to be caught by one of the many money making schemes.

Do you claim leccy expenses and wear and tear for laptop use buzz when you guys sing their praises on here. :matron:

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That was basically the point in my post above in No. 68 although I was trying to encompass the entire Rangers family. Well. at least give them all the opportunity to have a voice, no matter how small.

I have always thought a shareholders group would be an excellent way of getting a fan voice - your either in or out based on if you have a season ticket - season tickets held by clubs still count as one card one vote and that the club should help is administer such a thing - like a 'voice' of the fan who could represent us

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The RST wanted to let Rangers die it and its supporters are remembered for that.

They wanted to see ordinary Rangers workers out a job not just well off players as they tried to get supporters to veto Greens bid and sabotage the season ticket sales.

I would not go so far as to support your first statement.

What I would say is that they, the Untrustworthy' put their own agendas ahead of the well-being of Rangers Football Club. A fact borne out by their 'Yankee Go Home' protest. Combine that with the constant bleating of their lackies on FF then I humbly suggest the RST has no future amongst Rangers fans. Hence their stagnant membership of <2K.

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I tried to have a discussion about the Rangers Supporters Trust over on FollowFollow a few months back and because I dared to critisise their actions (it was in regards to the lies about Bill Miller and Charles Green, and I was right in the end) I received a life ban from FollowFollow with no explanation given. So how fucking dare the trust mouthpieces like the OP moan when we all don't fall in line and forget everything they have done when they like to ban opinions that don't fall in line with theirs.

I'm a member of the RST and also banned from FF. My life ban was for complaining about a weeks ban and stating ".... Want to run the club? You cannae run a website.......".

But that does not make them all bad guys does it?

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We all know this has been a problem area for Rangers supporters.

The only way for all the supporters to fall under the one umberalla is for the club to activley impliment an official supporters group that will encompass ALL supporters and for ALL supporters to get behind and actively support that group.

With regards to who would run the supporters group then the club should appoint someone as a figure head,John Grieg for example and the rest of the committee it should be by an election process that would change anually through a decromatic voting process.

Not difficult to achieve if everyone gets behind the idea.

I know there would be voices of concern,namely the guys who would want their own selfish little slice of power for themselves, but surely if Charles Green and Ally McCoist got behing the idea then i am sure that the vast majority of the support would back the scheme.

It really is time for all the various supporters groups in their many guises to put aside their differences and work as one with the club for the club, if not then they would be the ones on the outside looking in!

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