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Charles Green: too outspoken?


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there is no such thing as half a hole :P

Wanna bet? I'm putting up new fences and my wife asks me if I'm finished digging the last post hole, so I tell her I'm half finished the fucking hole, so she says; Oh! you've dug half a hole? <cr>

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He's a shrinking violet and he needs to start saying what he thinks!

Important thing with CG is not just to listen to what he says but read between the lines.

I don't think he says anything without it intending to mean or achieve something.

Sometimes it's as though he's not really saying anything, but the timing of when he says it can be important.

He comes up with a statement about leaving Scottish football (which we know ain't happening) just as new league proposals are announced, going to be voted on and TV deals will undoubtedly be haggled over. More a reminder that he's still here and willing to make a nuisance of himself to SPL.

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His most recent statement contains this line:- “If we are genuinely looking at transforming Scottish football then why wouldn’t you include the biggest club?". Now if you forget all the rest of it and just consider this one line, how true a statement is that?

Over 50% of Scottish football is Rangers yet the people at the top of the SPL & SFL did not think to ask us what we were thinking even if we don't have a vote. They are trying to build a world which does not include us. They tried already & failed but they have not stopped trying.

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Splendid, awake to a 1/2 a hole debate!

Clearly, CG will do what is best for himself. At the moment, he has a substantial sum of money tied up in us. Therefore, us doing well financially means he does well himself. If he has to get the fans on board by saying things they want to hear then he will BUT I don't for one minute think he says anything without thinking it thoroughly through first and then actually committing to doing what he says.

He has done very little wrong (if anything?) so far and long may it continue. Personally, I want to see him stinking rich from us - means we are too then :)

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His most recent statement contains this line:- “If we are genuinely looking at transforming Scottish football then why wouldn’t you include the biggest club?". Now if you forget all the rest of it and just consider this one line, how true a statement is that?

Over 50% of Scottish football is Rangers yet the people at the top of the SPL & SFL did not think to ask us what we were thinking even if we don't have a vote. They are trying to build a world which does not include us. They tried already & failed but they have not stopped trying.

Only in Scotland would that happen.

We see everyday that the supporters (?) of other clubs hate us more than they like their own clubs.

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I think he is keeping his cards to his chest.

All these meetings in the summer with the sfa & spl where things were done so wrong by these cunts. IMO he's waiting to pounce on them. Look at the fight back against Thompson at Dundee Hibs. Thompsons didn't defend himself one bit. More to come guys let's keep filling ibrox and backing the board and the team.

We're stronger standing together.


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I think he is keeping his cards to his chest.

All these meetings in the summer with the sfa & spl where things were done so wrong by these cunts. IMO he's waiting to pounce on them. Look at the fight back against Thompson at Dundee Hibs. Thompsons didn't defend himself one bit. More to come guys let's keep filling ibrox and backing the board and the team.

We're stronger standing together.



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Dammed if he speaks out, criticised if he does not. Not an easy position for Charles Green.

So far his outspokenness has helped sell seats at Ibrox. Yes sometimes he sails close to the wind, and yes sometimes I am a little uncomfortable with it all, but he is the man responsible for the business plan which needs to succeed for Rangers to prosper.

In terms of the business plan, so far it has been in my view a success, far beyond what I imagined could be achieved even only 6 months ago. For this he deserves both credit and respect.

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I wish i had the confidence in CG that some of you guys do. Let's never forget he is a business man and the SOLE reason he is here is to make money for CG - hopefully in his mind a shed load.

He doesn't have the interests of RFC at heart unless it serves to further his sole reason. Imo he shots his mouth off far too


We know this .

He told us this .

So the way I see it it is a drivingechanism for him to take us to the top.

We win he Wins, simple business ethic.

Why would you not Support him in that? .

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So far his outspokenness has helped sell seats at Ibrox. Yes sometimes he sails close to the wind, and yes sometimes I am a little uncomfortable with it all, but he is the man responsible for the business plan which needs to succeed for Rangers to prosper.

Exactly this

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I think hes bril simple as that, timing of his statements are spot on. If you read what he says alot of it has meaning and is within the rules. I trust CG I think as someone else said he is keeping his cards close to his chest as I think when this Kangroo court gives it verdict I think CG will let loose if the verdict is unfair. For me its watch this space???

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