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Burley has actually spoken some sense

Blue Nosed Babe

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With regards to league reconstruction he has actually spoken some sense. He agrees that Rangers should have a say in matters! He does have a dig at CG but I guess he had to so we knew it really was him.

http://www.<No links to this website>/sport/football/football-news/reconstruction-proposals-should-be-torn-up-1531712

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With regards to league reconstruction he has actually spoken some sense. He agrees that Rangers should have a say in matters! He does have a dig at CG but I guess he had to so we knew it really was him.


Can you c and p it mate dont want to click on that link.

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Reconstruction proposals should be torn up and redrawn

13 Jan 2013 00:01

I RECKON I have a proposal which would make the battle for Euro spots more exciting and allow young players to shine.

I TOOK a look through the new league reconstruction proposals last Tuesday and thought they should be ripped up.

After studying the plan at some length, and trying to make sense of a lot of it, my first reaction was to burn it and make sure it never rears its ugly head again.

It is an appalling concept that leaves more questions than it answers. It’s change for the

sake of change.

Money is the saviour but the customer is king, so how would you price a season ticket? Would it be one for the first 22 games and then another for post-split matches?

If a team is isolated at the bottom after 14 games or so there would be dead-rubber fixtures before the split. Knowing his team are going into the bottom four, a manager may field weakened line-ups for fear of suspension and injury to key players.

What will the new set-up’s constitution consist of? Will there be stadium criteria and the need to show a healthy bank balance?

Should Hearts be allowed into it after the disgraceful way they have treated employees in the past few years in terms of wages?

Just because Stewart Regan, Neil Doncaster and David Longmuir posed for photos at

Hampden with warm handshakes all round doesn’t mean everything is going to be fine.

I detected cause for concern behind the powerbrokers’ smiles. But I won’t do a Charles Green and slaughter the plan from top to bottom without offering an alternative.

I took a few hours out on Friday night to come up with a suggestion. Slept on it and gave it a wee tweak here and there.

My proposal ticks the important boxes. It would be competitive, sexy and uncomplicated.

I would go to three leagues of 10-10-16. I’ve never been a fan of splits so there wouldn’t be any.

It would be European places for the first four top-flight teams, the bottom side would

automatically be relegated and eighth and ninth would be in a play-off. Winner stays up and the loser goes down.

The team finishing top of the First Division goes up and second and third play off for the right to be promoted.

Even the clubs in sixth, seventh and eighth place would most likely be involved right to the end, whether it was to sneak a European place or avoid the play-off.

Now I know managers will queue up to argue a league of 10 stifles the emergence of young talent. That there’s too much at stake to blood kids.

Rubbish. That is, and always will be, a total cop-out. If players are good enough they will play. Age doesn’t matter.

Also, it’s not as if our clubs are awash with cash and can afford to splash out on transfers.

So they need to play kids and most have been doing so for the past five years. And surely a youngster will benefit more from playing regularly in a competitive SPL environment in front of a full house than being involved in tippy-tappy games with an audience of little more than 2000.

One of the most important things to any set-up is the pricing structure. And I hope the new amalgamated governing body doesn’t allow ticket prices to be hiked up by home clubs depending on who the visiting team are. That is robbery.

There should be a ceiling put on it of £20 with plenty of attractive packages on offer for families to attend.

Television companies would buy into the new set-up as it would create freshness and drama. I’m probably a bit sadistic but I love the Championship play-offs down south.

I’m not saying this system would replicate that but it has potential.

I’ve only allowed room for 36 teams in the new set-up as I feel we have too many clubs that do not merit a place. It’s time to boot out the nonentities.

For example, why do we need an East Stirling? They finished last in the bottom division five seasons on the trot from 2003 to 2007.

So I would kick six clubs out. And let’s face it, you could put at least 12 in a hat and pick six to axe and hardly a soul would give two hoots.

I find it absurd that clubs with an average attendance of less than 300 can have a say in what happens to our game. Get rid. Pronto.

But allow clubs the chance of promotion into the set-up through a pyramid system.

There must also be a mechanism put in place for Rangers to have an official voice in the running of Scottish football.

But maybe one of the terms of agreement should be for a muzzle to be put on the Ibrox chief executive. Green has been mouthing off all week and some of the stuff he has said and the threats made have been ludicrous.

He is in danger of becoming a laughing stock and losing all credibility. He has a voice but must use it wisely. Someone at Ibrox should have a word.

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Reconstruction proposals should be torn up and redrawn

13 Jan 2013 00:01

I RECKON I have a proposal which would make the battle for Euro spots more exciting and allow young players to shine.

I TOOK a look through the new league reconstruction proposals last Tuesday and thought they should be ripped up.

After studying the plan at some length, and trying to make sense of a lot of it, my first reaction was to burn it and make sure it never rears its ugly head again.

It is an appalling concept that leaves more questions than it answers. It’s change for the

sake of change.

Money is the saviour but the customer is king, so how would you price a season ticket? Would it be one for the first 22 games and then another for post-split matches?

If a team is isolated at the bottom after 14 games or so there would be dead-rubber fixtures before the split. Knowing his team are going into the bottom four, a manager may field weakened line-ups for fear of suspension and injury to key players.

What will the new set-up’s constitution consist of? Will there be stadium criteria and the need to show a healthy bank balance?

Should Hearts be allowed into it after the disgraceful way they have treated employees in the past few years in terms of wages?

Just because Stewart Regan, Neil Doncaster and David Longmuir posed for photos at

Hampden with warm handshakes all round doesn’t mean everything is going to be fine.

I detected cause for concern behind the powerbrokers’ smiles. But I won’t do a Charles Green and slaughter the plan from top to bottom without offering an alternative.

I took a few hours out on Friday night to come up with a suggestion. Slept on it and gave it a wee tweak here and there.

My proposal ticks the important boxes. It would be competitive, sexy and uncomplicated.

I would go to three leagues of 10-10-16. I’ve never been a fan of splits so there wouldn’t be any.

It would be European places for the first four top-flight teams, the bottom side would

automatically be relegated and eighth and ninth would be in a play-off. Winner stays up and the loser goes down.

The team finishing top of the First Division goes up and second and third play off for the right to be promoted.

Even the clubs in sixth, seventh and eighth place would most likely be involved right to the end, whether it was to sneak a European place or avoid the play-off.

Now I know managers will queue up to argue a league of 10 stifles the emergence of young talent. That there’s too much at stake to blood kids.

Rubbish. That is, and always will be, a total cop-out. If players are good enough they will play. Age doesn’t matter.

Also, it’s not as if our clubs are awash with cash and can afford to splash out on transfers.

So they need to play kids and most have been doing so for the past five years. And surely a youngster will benefit more from playing regularly in a competitive SPL environment in front of a full house than being involved in tippy-tappy games with an audience of little more than 2000.

One of the most important things to any set-up is the pricing structure. And I hope the new amalgamated governing body doesn’t allow ticket prices to be hiked up by home clubs depending on who the visiting team are. That is robbery.

There should be a ceiling put on it of £20 with plenty of attractive packages on offer for families to attend.

Television companies would buy into the new set-up as it would create freshness and drama. I’m probably a bit sadistic but I love the Championship play-offs down south.

I’m not saying this system would replicate that but it has potential.

I’ve only allowed room for 36 teams in the new set-up as I feel we have too many clubs that do not merit a place. It’s time to boot out the nonentities.

For example, why do we need an East Stirling? They finished last in the bottom division five seasons on the trot from 2003 to 2007.

So I would kick six clubs out. And let’s face it, you could put at least 12 in a hat and pick six to axe and hardly a soul would give two hoots.

I find it absurd that clubs with an average attendance of less than 300 can have a say in what happens to our game. Get rid. Pronto.

But allow clubs the chance of promotion into the set-up through a pyramid system.

There must also be a mechanism put in place for Rangers to have an official voice in the running of Scottish football.

But maybe one of the terms of agreement should be for a muzzle to be put on the Ibrox chief executive. Green has been mouthing off all week and some of the stuff he has said and the threats made have been ludicrous.

He is in danger of becoming a laughing stock and losing all credibility. He has a voice but must use it wisely. Someone at Ibrox should have a word.

I cant read that mate.

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I cant read that mate.

I RECKON I have a proposal which would make the battle for Euro spots more exciting and allow young players to shine.

I TOOK a look through the new league reconstruction proposals last Tuesday and thought they should be ripped up.

After studying the plan at some length, and trying to make sense of a lot of it, my first reaction was to burn it and make sure it never rears its ugly head again.

It is an appalling concept that leaves more questions than it answers. It’s change for the sake of change.

Money is the saviour but the customer is king, so how would you price a season ticket? Would it be one for the first 22 games and then another for post-split matches?

If a team is isolated at the bottom after 14 games or so there would be dead-rubber fixtures before the split. Knowing his team are going into the bottom four, a manager may field weakened line-ups for fear of suspension and injury to key players.

What will the new set-up’s constitution consist of? Will there be stadium criteria and the need to show a healthy bank balance?

Should Hearts be allowed into it after the disgraceful way they have treated employees in the past few years in terms of wages?

Just because Stewart Regan, Neil Doncaster and David Longmuir posed for photos at

Hampden with warm handshakes all round doesn’t mean everything is going to be fine.

I detected cause for concern behind the powerbrokers’ smiles. But I won’t do a Charles Green and slaughter the plan from top to bottom without offering an alternative.

I took a few hours out on Friday night to come up with a suggestion. Slept on it and gave it a wee tweak here and there.

My proposal ticks the important boxes. It would be competitive, sexy and uncomplicated.

I would go to three leagues of 10-10-16. I’ve never been a fan of splits so there wouldn’t be any.

It would be European places for the first four top-flight teams, the bottom side would

automatically be relegated and eighth and ninth would be in a play-off. Winner stays up and the loser goes down.

The team finishing top of the First Division goes up and second and third play off for the right to be promoted.

Even the clubs in sixth, seventh and eighth place would most likely be involved right to the end, whether it was to sneak a European place or avoid the play-off.

Now I know managers will queue up to argue a league of 10 stifles the emergence of young talent. That there’s too much at stake to blood kids.

Rubbish. That is, and always will be, a total cop-out. If players are good enough they will play. Age doesn’t matter.

Also, it’s not as if our clubs are awash with cash and can afford to splash out on transfers.

So they need to play kids and most have been doing so for the past five years. And surely a youngster will benefit more from playing regularly in a competitive SPL environment in front of a full house than being involved in tippy-tappy games with an audience of little more than 2000.

One of the most important things to any set-up is the pricing structure. And I hope the new amalgamated governing body doesn’t allow ticket prices to be hiked up by home clubs depending on who the visiting team are. That is robbery.

There should be a ceiling put on it of £20 with plenty of attractive packages on offer for families to attend.

Television companies would buy into the new set-up as it would create freshness and drama. I’m probably a bit sadistic but I love the Championship play-offs down south.

I’m not saying this system would replicate that but it has potential.

I’ve only allowed room for 36 teams in the new set-up as I feel we have too many clubs that do not merit a place. It’s time to boot out the nonentities.

For example, why do we need an East Stirling? They finished last in the bottom division five seasons on the trot from 2003 to 2007.

So I would kick six clubs out. And let’s face it, you could put at least 12 in a hat and pick six to axe and hardly a soul would give two hoots.

I find it absurd that clubs with an average attendance of less than 300 can have a say in what happens to our game. Get rid. Pronto.

But allow clubs the chance of promotion into the set-up through a pyramid system.

There must also be a mechanism put in place for Rangers to have an official voice in the running of Scottish football.

But maybe one of the terms of agreement should be for a muzzle to be put on the Ibrox chief executive. Green has been mouthing off all week and some of the stuff he has said and the threats made have been ludicrous.

He is in danger of becoming a laughing stock and losing all credibility. He has a voice but must use it wisely. Someone at Ibrox should have a word.

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Aye,...and all the shite that's been coming from Hamdump and Liewell was worth listening to.10-10-16?Is Burley living on the same planet?12 team leagues are part of the problem and he wants to reduce them again,the mind boggles.Think Charlie is starting to get to the haters,long live King Charles. :7325:

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As far as I'm concerned the proposals that are in place to be voted on are not only tragically out of sync with all of Scottish football's fans, it's designed specifiacally to break the resolve of the Rangers fans.

The authorities seem to be hoping that we shall not support the team thtough another round of games with these lowly teams.

Basically, it's an anti-Rangers set up and CG is right to condem in from top to bottom.

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Burley talks a lot of sense, people just find it hard accepting his honesty.

I agree. Burley is not always right (far from it) but at least he ha an opinion that's his own and he doesn't appear to me to be driven by any agendas.

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Burnley is a tool but at least its something that some of us have been saying there is too many teams in Scottish League. The big problem is how do you tell 6 teams they are nolonger wanted??? and what 6 teams would be kicked out?? why not a 16 10 16 with playoff between all the leagues ie one down and one up from each league, playoff 15 and 14 D1 D2 2-3 D2 9 -8 play D3 2-3 in playoff., Simple and gives everyone something to play for. Lets face it the Euro spot are alway going to between 6 or 7 teams regardless of the season

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Burley doesn't talk sense. Burley never talks sense. The guy is a fucking imbecile. His proposals for a revamped league are as short sighted as the current SPL proposal. 2 leagues of ten? So make the league SMALLER? Who does that benefit? 4 games a season against the same shit every season is why the league is as boring as it is. ^ teams removed because they are 'nonentities'? Using which criteria Craig? Their low attendances? Lack of success? Would Queens Park be removed? Surely an amateur team have no place in a professional set up, oh aye except what happens when the owners of the National Stadium get into a dispute with the National governing body?

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