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Who's FAULT is it? (light hearted)


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-- Who's FAULT is it? (light hearted)

procedure Numeric_1 is

type Value_Type is digits 12

range -999_999_999_999.0e999 .. 999_999_999_999.0e999;

package T_IO renames Ada.Text_IO;

package F_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Value_Type);

Value_1 : Value_Type;

Value_2 : Value_Type;


T_IO.Put ("First Value : ");

F_IO.Get (Value_1);

T_IO.Put ("Second Value : ");

F_IO.Get (Value_2);

F_IO.Put (Value_1);

T_IO.Put (" + ");

F_IO.Put (Value_2);

T_IO.Put (" = ");

F_IO.Put (Value_1 + Value_2);

end Numeric_1 = EDU; yup confirmed, EDU.

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Some humour to try and bring the mood back up. Who is to blame for the poor performances?



Durrantys stand up in the canteen getting tiresome?

Black Ops with the Celtic players?


Ally's two hats amongst his other fashion faux pax ?

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I blame Edu scoring that last minute goal against cellic.

I remember thinking at the time, he could do that when the pressure was really on, and if we ever got put in the bottom division, for whatever reason, we could win every game, even if a last minute goal from Edu was needed.

I think we let him go too early, he would have scored over 30 last minute goals by now and the league would have been won before Xmas.

I blame Edu.

Saying that though, Ally did get a token Ian Black in the team but so far Ian has not proved as good as Edu.

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Hands up bears...I cannot tell a lie.....It was I..!!!......Not Allys hats....but mine...I changed my lucky hat yesterday cos it was baltic...wot a wimp...Sorry guys... doh ....

well don't let it happen again Ally needs you in the correct hat!

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