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Ally ready to become a loser, to become a winner.


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Ally was in a difficult position and still will be until he is able to sign players he wants and get a full preseason.

He will not be able to do that with new players even next season due to this illegal transfer ban which imo should be lifted.

That said, some of his decisions this year in player selection and tactics have been baffling.

I want him to succeed, but frankly have big doubts about his ability as a manager. I just do not think this management team of his is good enough.

Hopefully he turns it around. The next few games until the season's end will be interesting.

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Trying to read between the lines, I think he is suggesting we may only sign 2 big name players in September, and we are possibly losing 2 or 3 experienced players in the summer who will be gone or not playing in August. My guess is that Kyle will go, and possibly Shiels and Black, along with 1 or 2 of our foreign players, will be sold or free transferred in pre-season, despite their longer contracts. This would obviously free up wages for a couple of big signings (who I expect will be ex Rangers players.)

What worries me though is the idea that a team going up as champions, with all the resources and wages we are paying, along with 4 or 5 SPL players, are considering losing at least 2 of their first 4 games in division 3 of the Scottish league. Wonder if Ally is perhaps voicing some frustrations, and may not have been given same free rein on signings as beginning of last season.

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McCoist said: "I'm hoping to watch a lot of football over the next four or five weeks and I'll certainly be more selective in the games I'll be going to.

"I went to Man United v Real Madrid last week although that doesn't do you any harm either because that's where you want to be eventually.

then he went to Elgin

back to earth with a bump :7325:

but a good wee interview with ally there

i like what he said

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Yeah, good luck with that Ally.

Who is going to want to buy the players you signed on 2 or 3 year deals after the way your team have played this season against part timers? You have made them unsaleable and we will be be watching the same depressing sh!te next season. :-(

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for a person who keeps saying you hope Ally succeeds you don't half have a downer on him!

I don't have anything against ally but I will admit this season has left me feeling pretty disappointed....this was such a great opportunity for us yet judging by ally's comments it seems this whole season has been a waste of time in terms of progressing as a team (long term plan) and financially....had we approached the season differently then we could have been in a much stronger position....

I didn't have any unrealistic expectations and didn't expect to win cups (although ally said he was building a team for that purpose) or to go through the season winning every game 5-0 but what I did expect was progression and for the foundations to be laid for the next 5 years....anyone who thinks the footballing side of our club has done as well as it could this year is seriously blinded to where we are and what could have been achieved...

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I don't have anything against ally but I will admit this season has left me feeling pretty disappointed....this was such a great opportunity for us yet judging by ally's comments it seems this whole season has been a waste of time in terms of progressing as a team (long term plan) and financially....had we approached the season differently then we could have been in a much stronger position....

I didn't have any unrealistic expectations and didn't expect to win cups (although ally said he was building a team for that purpose) or to go through the season winning every game 5-0 but what I did expect was progression and for the foundations to be laid for the next 5 years....anyone who thinks the footballing side of our club has done as well as it could this year is seriously blinded to where we are and what could have been achieved...

You come out with paragraphs like this above and then write post after post condemning every word he says and everything he does, its inconsistent - who amongst us has never been caught out with hindsight - Ally always comes across pretty honest in his assessments of what is happening and where we are and that makes me think he is working to change these things (and learn from hos mistakes) - you seem to take every utterance and use it as another stick to beat him with in your crusade of posts against him.

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You come out with paragraphs like this above and then write post after post condemning every word he says and everything he does, its inconsistent - who amongst us has never been caught out with hindsight - Ally always comes across pretty honest in his assessments of what is happening and where we are and that makes me think he is working to change these things (and learn from hos mistakes) - you seem to take every utterance and use it as another stick to beat him with in your crusade of posts against him.

I have to say I find your ally crusade quite disettling at times....you seem to think everything is about him when it isn't....the club is and always will be the most important thing and ally himself would agree with that...

You really need to get this chip off your shoulder that every post that isn't "praising" ally is "attacking" ally....to be honest I have been very consistent in my view all season to the point it's probably quite boring and repetitive!

Ally has said certain things like on Saturday where he felt the performance was "just what we needed" and stated he plans to completely rebuild the team for each division....no matter who was saying this after what I have seen then I would question it....that doesn't mean I am using it to berate him...

The whole point of this forum is for rangers fans to discuss rangers and its healthy for fans to have conflicting opinions however when that opinion is to refuse to see any "negative" point of view as anything other than an attack on the manager it defeats the purpose....

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I have to say I find your ally crusade quite disettling at times....you seem to think everything is about him when it isn't....the club is and always will be the most important thing and ally himself would agree with that...

You really need to get this chip off your shoulder that every post that isn't "praising" ally is "attacking" ally....to be honest I have been very consistent in my view all season to the point it's probably quite boring and repetitive!

Ally has said certain things like on Saturday where he felt the performance was "just what we needed" and stated he plans to completely rebuild the team for each division....no matter who was saying this after what I have seen then I would question it....that doesn't mean I am using it to berate him...

The whole point of this forum is for rangers fans to discuss rangers and its healthy for fans to have conflicting opinions however when that opinion is to refuse to see any "negative" point of view as anything other than an attack on the manager it defeats the purpose....

LOL love how you go into lecture mode when someone disagrees with you - you do seem to be on a bit of an Anti-ally crusade yourself - you may not mean it but it sure as hell comes across that way, you berate his every utterance and move at the moment, that is your right, just as much as it is my right to think you are wrong - it is a forum and that means MY view, no matter how positive or supportive of Ally I chose to be, is just as valid as yours!

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what are you still alive?

i spent the nite sticking pins into my blackman voodoo doll


you have the longevity of a cockroach

Yup... When the whole shithouse goes up in flames, it will only be Me, the cockroaches, Keef Richards and linoleum floors left.

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He literally telling us to not expect him to be signing any superstars. This is of course right, but I'm not convinced we can afford to buy any top class players anyway.

The only small but significant worry is that he is running around shouting from the roof tops that most of the players we have now aren't worth a fuck, which is also right, but it will make them a tough sell and make it difficult to recoup our losses when it comes time to sell them on. Who will want to buy them when even the manager is saying we would probably be better off not fielding them at all?

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