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A Call For Unity Between Fans


A call for unity between the various fans forums  

197 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you wish for the owners and operators of this forum to develop a more healthy relationship with the other forums?

    • Yes
    • No
    • This is unnecessary

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It's pretty simple guys.

Our club has been shafted in recent times. Firstly by Craig Whyte, then by HMRC, and now who bloody knows?

We, as fans, have no idea what is really going on in that boardroom. Yes, we all have individual bloggers we trust more than others, but there's no way of knowing for sure.

The ONLY way we can know what is happening in the Blue Room is if we have a fans representative on the board.

Someone who, after every board meeting, raises issues and concerns with the fanbase so that we really know what is going on.

The effect of this is twofold. Firstly, we safeguard the Club from suffering a catastrophe like what happened under Whyte. Secondly, we get to put our own input as to how we'd like the Club run, and what initiatives we'd like to see.

But the first step, before all of that, is to actually have some form of harmonious relations between the fanbase. As a recent thread on here showed, and one on FF, these forums and their members are at each others throats. Whilst I recognise relations aren't as cold at Admin levels between the forums, the fact of the matter is this is creating divisiveness when now is our chance to get a man inside that boardroom.

I'm sick of opening up forums and seeing Bears attack Bears, when our enemies are the Mhanks and the SPL. We should be attacking them, not ourselves.

So with that in mind, I'm proposing the first step. I'm calling on the administrators and moderators of this forum, to attempt to broker some sort of peace deal between the forums that results in no unfounded personal abuse of either forums, supporter bodies or persons that are Rangers minded.

I don't think this is an unreasonable thing to ask, and I am sure the vast majority would rather be attacking Mhanks than attacking each other. So let's take that first step and make it happen.

This has been asked for on many Facebook pages/Twitter/Forums on many occasions...however, I find that RM is one of the best forums I have been on in a long time and I have been a member of a few. Every individual has their own voices, but there are certain forums do not allow these opinions to be either heard or read...until this happens then unity will be a hard thing to seek...
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Given the way FF and the RST have invaded here recently in a concerted campaign to push their agenda, I think it unlikely there will be any unity there.

All things are possible I suppose, tho some things are more likely than others.

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Firstly I'd like to congratulate the OP on a courageous opening post.

Our support and consequently our club, would be far better placed if there was greater unity and a common sense of purpose amongst the Rangers support. At times when I see the in-fighting between various factions I'm reminded of the biblical passage where the dogs are squabbling for the scraps from their masters table. This support deserves and should be the recipients of, far greater than scraps.

One of the most disappointing aspects of the last 2 years is that we have failed to learn lessons. There are people out there determined to destroy our club, often ably supported by the press, media and football authorities. But rather than spending our time moblising and preparing for the next onslaught we are too busy looking for an "enemy within" rather than the considerable enemy at our gates.

It may seem simplistic that the OP calls for greater unity amongst various forums, but to me that is an excellent start as you have clear communities of Rangers supporters and the means and technology to bring them closer.

The effort spent by anyone on a Rangers forum denigrating another forum, or Rangers group, is in my opinion, time wasted. It would be far better directed towards the enemies of our club.

Well done Buzz.

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Buzz - RangersMedia (the website), does not have its own opinion on supporter related matters.

The "owners and operators" of the website have their own individual opinions, and I cannot speak for others, but, my relationship with other forums is healthy as far as I'm aware.

Unfortunately, what you are asking for is not possible, nor necessary in my opinion.

RangersMedia is so popular because individuals like you and I can speak freely, within legal reason, without fear of opinionated moderation.

I think this is an undoubted strength of RM and I accept that RM pushes no party line.

I was a bit surprised, though, that you chopped the Gail Force thread last night then locked another thread referring to it. There was no excessive abuse in that thread, just a bit of gentle piss-taking.

I suspect you canned the thread to spare the blushes of a known Rangers figure and RM user who had lost his temper.

Understandable if that was your motivation but you're straying dangerously into FF territory with that type of moderation.

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Yes as fans we need to come under the one banner. People like me have shares and I would like all the fans shares put together for voting rights only. I have no faith in the rst but does not mean I and others could not come together for the good of the club. We need to get a list where we can send our details somewhere and get them hooked up with the rst shares but for voting only as I paid for the shares and do not agree with the rst sale of shares. But each to their own, but we all have one thing in common. RANGERS and that should be more than enough.

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I think this is an undoubted strength of RM and I accept that RM pushes no party line.

I was a bit surprised, though, that you chopped the Gail Force thread last night then locked another thread referring to it. There was no excessive abuse in that thread, just a bit of gentle piss-taking.

I suspect you canned the thread to spare the blushes of a known Rangers figure and RM user who had lost his temper.

Understandable if that was your motivation but you're straying dangerously into FF territory with that type of moderation.

My thoughts exactly on last nights events

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I think this is an undoubted strength of RM and I accept that RM pushes no party line.

I was a bit surprised, though, that you chopped the Gail Force thread last night then locked another thread referring to it. There was no excessive abuse in that thread, just a bit of gentle piss-taking.

I suspect you canned the thread to spare the blushes of a known Rangers figure and RM user who had lost his temper.

Understandable if that was your motivation but you're straying dangerously into FF territory with that type of moderation.

Furthermore it flies in the face of claims in this thread that persons can air their views uncensored. Totally agree with COI - this is very dangerous territory.

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I think the issue of fan disparity is one that is often exaggerated but there's no doubt there is a problem which does hold us back in some ways.

In saying that disagreement is healthy enough so as long as it remains respectful then we're OK. When it does cause problems is when people go beyond constructive criticism to insults and abuse while spoiling reasonable debate with the same constant negativity.

Nevertheless, Admin on RM are also correct to highlight that they don't censor opinion which is agreeable and I know from personal experience how hard they work to deliver a valuable platform for any supporter to have their say. I think most other forums do the same thing and it's a shame when we do see sensible debate censored for whatever reason.

In saying that we do have a problem. Some people (albeit probably only a vocal minority) seem to enjoy the wagon circling we often see online and I think that does hold us back in terms of the online community working together more regularly and more effectively. Yes, it doesn't stop us when needs must but such arguments are divisive and I think it's fair to say we'd be better off if they were minimised further.

The main issue this causes is that people will not approach some debates in their normal reasoned way and will simply say sugar to someone else's sh!t mainly because their 'opponent' may have a different background. That's ridiculous, immature and exactly why some people involved with the club can exploit some situations which none of us benefit from.

To that end, I think it is worth discussing how we can improve the above and, during another very challenging time for the club, I'd contend improved relations are an absolute necessity. Generally speaking representative options for Rangers fans are very disappointing. Online divisions make that worse.

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You have to look at why people have a problem with the Trust, and for most folk, it's petty shite like "I got banned from FF for calling a fellow poster a mong" and other complete rubbish like that.

There's having a well founded opinion that's against the Trust, and there's petty shit like that. I personally don't like the way the Trust has gone, and that's why I intend to change it from within. The democratic way.

I have been banned from FF, the RST's mouthpiece, mainly for questioning RST policy, plus I've been blocked from adding commenrts to the RST FB page. I also witnessed Fury's extraordinary outbursts last night when a pro-RST blog was discussed in a jocular manner on here.

Add all that together and you may see why I have no wish to join an organisation with such a bizarre, prickly attitude to prospective members' opinions.

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All you've said is that no matter what the outcome of this, RM will refuse to publicly back any attempts to civilise the relationships between forums.

How do you suggest we 'civilise the relationship?' Are we to ban any negative mention of FF? To be honest, I don't really see much of that anyway. I wouldn't say there's none, but not enough to concern anyone. Are FF to ban any negative mention of FF?

Or is what you're getting at that we should ban any negative mention of the RST? Remember, FF and the RST are completely separate, or so we are repeatedly told. We will continue to allow both positive and negative comment on the RST. They are a supporters organisation with the aim of owning the club, and are therefore wide open to comment and criticism.

Have you seen the Chris Graham thread?!?!

I saw as much personal abuse from Chris Graham yesterday as I saw from anyone.

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