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Brentford vs Celtic


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I have family who live in Brentford and my uncle and his two sons attended the game today and had to leave due to fighting between the fans and the "anti-british" songs.

He text me saying that he has never seen anything like it in his life and told me to go to the following forum...


The bottom post sums it up, absolutely fucking disgusting!

I hate to post about Celtic but this is a new low for them!

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This is what is says for those not able to click on the link...

"I'm just back & struggling to contain the anger at what went on today. Our visitors sang songs celebrating the murder of drummer Lee Rigby, fights were provoked from early AM, balaclavas were worn, Provo flags and IRA chants continued throughout the game, multiple pitch invasions and finally Bees fans forced to take protection into their own hands thanks to the useless stewards and police. Celtic fans tried to smash the Brook rd goal and set off the sprinklers. I have seen harder firms than this lot over the years but never such a mass of prehistoric knuckle dragging sub humans with so little respect for others. "

Read more: http://www.brentford...0#ixzz2ZcOXd9YR

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I have family who live in Brentford and my uncle and his two sons attended the game today and had to leave due to fighting between the fans and the "anti-british" songs.

He text me saying that he has never seen anything like it in his life and told me to go to the following forum...


The bottom post sums it up, absolutely fucking disgusting!

I hate to post about Celtic but this is a new low for them!

Thanks for posting Del.

Liked the add on in the Brentford forum where a tim actually registered to apologise for the shite behaviour of his support;

"I registered here because I feel I have to apologise for the Celtic support today, I was at the game and was totally disgusted at the constant IRA chanting, sectarian chanting and worst of all, the so called fans celebrating Lee Rigby's murder.

Whatever fans believe in a political sense, they should still show respect to someone who was willing to give his life to defend us.

Credit to Brentford fans, most other supports wouldn't have shown as much restraint as you did, all it would have taken is one spark and there could have been a riot the way some fans were today.

Not all our fans are knuckle dragging idiots but a percentage is and unfortunately that percentage is the loudest and they drag many other fans down to their level.

I'm utterly ashamed to be a Celtic fan today, so many of us let ourselves and the club we support down.

Read more: http://www.brentford.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=2789&start=76&posts=80#ixzz2ZcWkmMGU"

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Fucking hate Celtic fans and everything they stand for! Better off without these anti British bastards! Actually raging after seeing what they were singing about Lee Rigby, scummy bastards

we all know they are scum Wilbert , but the Lee Rigby bit? If true , well I'm speechless really, sickening !!
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Fucking hate Celtic fans and everything they stand for! Better off without these anti British bastards! Actually raging after seeing what they were singing about Lee Rigby, scummy bastards

If theres video/audio of the songs being sung then there really should be a nationwide outrage because of it, it's unacceptable, whether it's Celtic fans singing about it, or any other club support singing it. I think it was the same for most Brits, even those who arent political, when I say I felt sick when the news broke. We had Muslim extremists murder a British soldier on British soil, one of which goes on to justify his hatred in an English accent, that was disgusting. So when we have a British support, of a British club, celebrating Lee Rigbys life being taken, then I think the whole of Britain should be informed and made aware of their hatred, just as Muslim hate preachers are exposed for pretty much the same thing, finding glory and pleasure in the murder and terrorism of British people. There ARE a section of their support who are all about the football and who don't take part in their embaressing behaviour, sadly for them, they appear to be outnumbered, heavily outnumbered.

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Just wish someone somewhere could do something about these cunts. Nobody wants them alive. They are the sickest form of human beings. That is a complimentary version of my feelings towards them. They almost literally make me sick

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Thanks for posting Del.

Liked the add on in the Brentford forum where a tim actually registered to apologise for the shite behaviour of his support;

"I registered here because I feel I have to apologise for the Celtic support today, I was at the game and was totally disgusted at the constant IRA chanting, sectarian chanting and worst of all, the so called fans celebrating Lee Rigby's murder.

Whatever fans believe in a political sense, they should still show respect to someone who was willing to give his life to defend us.

Credit to Brentford fans, most other supports wouldn't have shown as much restraint as you did, all it would have taken is one spark and there could have been a riot the way some fans were today.

Not all our fans are knuckle dragging idiots but a percentage is and unfortunately that percentage is the loudest and they drag many other fans down to their level.

I'm utterly ashamed to be a Celtic fan today, so many of us let ourselves and the club we support down.

Read more: http://www.brentford...0#ixzz2ZcWkmMGU"

And was there not a 1st post below accusing him/her of being a Bear? .....they really are dirty mhanky bastards

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Most guys on here will remember gazzas debut for us in july '95 versus steau was plastered all over the front pages of most papers , because he made a joke by playing the flute .

The same day in birmingham , 2 pubs were wrecked , fights in the city centre , a stabbing , visiting fans invading the pitch , Karen Brady had to come onto the field and appeal for calm , the gfitw continued to sing songs of terrorism towards our shores . Birmingham is a city that has been scarred on many occasions by bombing atrocities . This was highlighted by the local police who published a letter to local papers telling of their disgust and the supporters were not welcome again . Not surprisingly it never reached most of our papers except one paragraph in The Sun . This was my first real experience of the sweep sweep machine in action between papers & them .

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just had a look at the headlines on the BBC UK section of the website: NOTHING about fenian scum but wait whats this something about a " contentious" Orange Order parade being stopped in Ulster

(td) (td) (td) (td)

Now if it were Rangers fans causing bother...

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