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McMurdo's View on the Boardroom War

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The Truth Behind Ibrox Boardroom War

Posted on August 23, 2013by billmcmurdo

I see Jim McColl is already throwing his weight around as a major shareholder at Ibrox.

That is, if you consider £2.80 of shares a major shareholding.

McColl clearly thinks he has a right to run the club and dictate positions on the board. Of course, he is claiming to speak for certain shareholders. These include institutional shareholders.

It’s a bit ironic that the McColl group are claiming to be the real Rangers men versus the money men when their backing is from… well, money men.

I am quite sure the institutional investors couldn’t give a monkey’s about Rangers traditions and heritage. They care about one thing: return on their investment.

In short, they are in it to make money from Rangers.

But wait a minute, isn’t that what the all the fuss was about with Green and co?

The reality is that the Ibrox boardroom battles are not between real Rangers men who have Rangers DNA and the sinister dark forces of capitalism.

The battle at Ibrox is and always has been between money men.

Money and power is what motivates both sides of the tussle.

Jim McColl wants power at Ibrox for his four shares, while people who have invested real money in Rangers are the men McColl wants out i.e. Brian Stockbridge and Craig Mather.

McColl wants his placemen to replace men who have invested substantially in the club. He is backed by ringmasters in the Ibrox support who think they have the right to speak for Rangers fans and whose desperation for a blazer is nauseating to watch.

It’s all the desperate search for money and power – well, power mostly because most Rangers supporters have spent more money at Celtic Park than most of these freeloaders have ever put into Rangers.

Of course, the real question that must be answered is what has the McColl group promised the institutional investors to ensure their backing for boardroom change? Remember that these investors like lean costs and fat profits, as well as high share prices.

And institutional investors are notoriously fickle and susceptible to the siren songs of those who promise a better performance than the current regime.

Which means six months from now some other group could come along and initiate a boardroom cull if the McColl group don’t perform to investor satisfaction.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether the McColl group succeeds in their coup.

I only have one thing to say to those who hope they do:

Be careful what you wish for.

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Who do you support - both sides are an unknown........ Like being involved in an election, but no knowledge of the candidates strategies. Wished to f*** either Walter would come out with a definite direction or a fan buyout similar to b.dortmund.

Walter is Silenced.................

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Complete misses the point that Rangers are pissing away the money of course there is no defence for incompetence regardless how much you invest

Are you basing that on the detailed accounts yet to be published or speculation?

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Who do you support - both sides are an unknown........ Like being involved in an election, but no knowledge of the candidates strategies. Wished to f*** either Walter would come out with a definite direction or a fan buyout similar to b.dortmund.

Walter supports the removal of the board and the appointment of Biln and P. Murray.

Although he wants a compromise to allow Mather to stay.

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Walter supports the removal of the board and the appointment of Biln and P. Murray.

Although he wants a compromise to allow Mather to stay.

Do we really care about what Walter wants or says..............I mean he has been noticeable by his absence in all of this......he has brought heehaw to the table.

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Are you basing that on the detailed accounts yet to be published or speculation?

Where has the £22m IPO money gone then, if we only have £10m ST money in the bank?

Obviously we can only speculate on what it was spent on until the AGM, but a sizeable chunk of it was almost certainly 'pissed away'.

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Walter supports the removal of the board and the appointment of Biln and P. Murray.

Although he wants a compromise to allow Mather to stay.

And where does McColl fit into that mate - he's promoting himself as the spokesman/leader. So, would blin & pm be his runners. Not as easy as it seems it is mate.

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Where has the £22m IPO money gone then, if we only have £10m ST money in the bank?

Obviously we can only speculate on what it was spent on until the AGM, but a sizeable chunk of it was almost certainly 'pissed away'.

Yup, speculation just as I thought. I think I'll wait to see the accounts before I make up my mind, feel free to do what you please of course. (tu)

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Are you basing that on the detailed accounts yet to be published or speculation?

Basing it on money that is no long in the accounts £22M plus 35,000 in last years season ticket money and another 35,000 for this season this is on there own admission of Stockbridge/Mather in the newspaper we have 10m left,

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Basing it on money that is no long in the accounts £22M plus 35,000 in last years season ticket money and another 35,000 for this season this is on there own admission of Stockbridge/Mather in the newspaper we have 10m left,

Like I said, your speculating. But I would wait to see what the accounts actually say first. Bearing in mind that there has been a few one off costs etc carried out this term. Feel free tho, each to their own.

The cynical may deduce that the reason PM & McColl want the board removed before the accounts are published might be because they may find their scaremongering and rhetoric are completely unfounded....

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Borussia Dortmund or something like it - please God!! I just want to start enjoying the football again. I'm sick to f*#+ of parasites and profiteers squabbling like a bunch of fat greedy children over The Club and I wish they would all piss off. There has to be a way we can move forward without them.

I remember when guys like Rae Simpson was Chairman and as far as I know he never took a penny out of Rangers. Dare I say it - I'm not aware of Alastair Johnston bein paid!? There must be hundreds of decent bluenoses who would do a better job than all the factions that are circling like vultures just now.

I'm desperate to see some strong, caring leadership emerge - I thought at one stage it might be McColl but I seriously doubt that now. Where the hell is the right man/group?

Tonight at least I can focus on the game and a couple of beers - tomorrow no doubt the next self seeker will be on the front page of some scummy tabloid!

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And where does McColl fit into that mate - he's promoting himself as the spokesman/leader. So, would blin & pm be his runners. Not as easy as it seems it is mate.

You said you wished Walter would come out in a definite direction. He has.

He is for all the changes proposed by the McColl camp, except the possible retention of Mather.

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Yup, speculation just as I thought. I think I'll wait to see the accounts before I make up my mind, feel free to do what you please of course. (tu)

No it is a fact that the £22m IPO money and all of last seasons ST money (£10m) has been spent.

The definition of 'pissing away money' for a club in the fourth/third tier of Scottish football.

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No it is a fact that the £22m IPO money and all of last seasons ST money (£10m) has been spent.

The definition of 'pissing away money' for a club in the fourth/third tier of Scottish football.

A fact?


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Like I said, your speculating. But I would wait to see what the accounts actually say first. Bearing in mind that there has been a few one off costs etc carried out this term. Feel free tho, each to their own.

The cynical may deduce that the reason PM & McColl want the board removed before the accounts are published might be because they may find their scaremongering and rhetoric are completely unfounded....

Stockbridge confirmed that the £22M IPO money was gone in a recent interview. That's not speculation.

I don't think there's anything untoward with regards to where the money has gone (excluding obscene bonuses) but I don't think we're being well run at all.

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Stockbridge confirmed that the £22M IPO money was gone in a recent interview. That's not speculation.

I don't think there's anything untoward with regards to where the money has gone (excluding obscene bonuses) but I don't think we're being well run at all.

I've read all the interviews, and I've read all the speculation ~ the fact remains we do not know, nor will we until the figures are published.

Then, and only then can we say whether its being run right or not, is that not logical?

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