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Make no mistake about it...they want troops banned


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One thing has become self-evident over the past two years is that there is a concerted effort by elements in the media to vilify everything related to The Rangers Football Club. They tried to kill us and failed but make no mistake these people are not going away.

One only has to troll through the comnents section of Scotlands newspapers and you will be met full on with continued anti-Rangers propaganda. The same lies being repeated over and over with hardly a retort.

This repetition of lies is a proven tactic used bu the republican movement in NI for decades. Repeat the lie often enough and eventually it will become fact. More especially if it is not contradicted.

Ignore these haters, like Thomson and Galloway, at your peril. These people backed by phil ii names are not going away and their never ending smear campaign will continue.

To date the only people prepared to take the fight to them are a few individuals such as D'Art and the Vanguard Bears.

Too many of our fans appear more interested in boardroom squabbles where we have no tangible influence all the while ignoring the real battle agaibst our enemies. I said during the financial crisis and will repeat againthese peopke want our club dead and buried.

Any appeasers who deny that as a fact must have their heads stuck firmly in their own colonic canal.

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Let me say right away that I think the CFC supporters and Rangers-haters who are protesting the Armed Forces Day at Ibrox on Saturday are showing a degree of desperation and are coming across as pathetic. In fact, I do believe that in the long term they are causing more damage to their own club than they are to ours.

These AFD's and Remembrance Day celebrations are heartfelt displays of gratitude from the Rangers' support toward our servicemen and servicewomen. They are too, a huge PR coup for Rangers as a club. CFC have allowed the Republican element of their support to dictate that they can NOT match such patriotic displays of gratitude from their support. This is why any protests coming from the east come across as petty and vindictive. They sense that Rangers and their support, by doing something that comes naturally, gain massive steps of goodwill from the rest of the country. In fact the CFC board know this too. Remember when Rangers were given such a good response for their IPO, Lawwell - and I suspect Reid as well - was astounded at why the City supported our offer so well.

We have watched for years now, how the east has gained many small victories by howling their mock-offence at any positive steps taken by Rangers and its support. How, you might ask, could anyone take offence at four young squaddies holding a scarf or other soldiers doing the bouncy with the support? It really is mind-numbing.

However, I have come to accept the view of the Commanding Officer of the Scottish troops when he says that seeing the troops celebrating with the crowd on Remembrance Day is inappropriate and that the day should be more solemn. On the other hand an AFD like Saturday should be more relaxed. I would suggest, in an effort to nullify any more mock-offence replies next year and to make sure that we do not lose the ability to laud our troops, that the band leading the troops out should form at the centre circle and the troops form one or two circles on the edge of the playing surface. If they are brought to the 'fall out' position they would then be able to accept the support's gratitude and could reciprocate in kind. If anyone is offended by this mutual display of respect then I guess they can F**k right off.

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What a strange and disjointed place Britain has become

People getting offended by the slightest thing and running squealing to the authorities demanding punishment

The troops that are stationed in the likes of Afghanistan must think that the core of Britian has gone soft, maybe they are right?

It has gone dark and republican, not soft.

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What I have a major problem with their demonisation is that they are also trying to make us out as criminals and that is what I find most offensive. It becomes very personal to me and my family, for doing nothing other than supporting our team. These lying allegations constantly go viral on twitter, the inet, terrestrial and Sky TV. Offended? I am fucking raging. Most outwith Scotland have no idea of the rancid underbelly that exists within the West of Scotland and will take these accusation as read at face value, leaving me and my family labelled as criminals and bigots. If some don't have a problem with this, that's there prerogative, but I do and it has to stop.

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I know of a part time Celtic fan who was in the stadium Saturday with his pals. He's in the army. Said it was a great day out.

Did he enjoy being in such a big crowd for the first time?

Glad to hear he enjoyed the day.....respect for ALL our armed forces personnel.

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what i saw on saturday was service men and women being proud of what they are - members of the Forces, they dont get much chance in this country to show what they are and precious little thanks from anyone for the job they do.

the left wing rebel cabal who are up in arms about this are the self same people who quite happily sing "rebel" songs claiming them to be political, but god forbid anyone who doesnt have the same twisted mind set or agenda as themselves. the left wing cabal are similar to the westboro baptist church in the US, they are extreme bigots who will stop at nothing in destroying everything that they disagree with.

I hope that next year we have a similar parade for the Troops as one tiny bit of recognition from us is a hell of a lot more than they get anywhere else in scotland these days.

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