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How many RSC's are there from Kirkintilloch?


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On Monday night a boy on our bus was steaming and got a knock back from the game. Anyway, he ended up in a pub and thought he'd missed the bus back and got talking to some guys from a Kirky RSC (don't have a clue what one), as he thought he'd missed his bus they offered to take him to Kirky on their bus. Kind act of generosity I hear you say...they tried to charge him £30. This boy was in no fit state and would have ended up paying it. The buses hadn't even left when he got back to their bus and apparently he spotted a guy from our bus while he was sitting on it waiting to leave and tried to get off and they tried to stop him. Now maybe they were just trying to stop a boy absolutely out his face from getting lost 2 hours away from home, fair play. But charging him £30 to get home from Forfar just seems to me that their ripping the piss.

I guarantee no-one paid £30 from a Glasgow(ish) based bus to get to Forfar and back, so why did they try to charge him that just to get home. I thought that was shocking tbh, and my mate would have paid it aswell after paying £20 to our bus in the first place.

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Whether or not they were trying to look out for the boy by trying to stop him getting back off the bus In a state they've tried to rip the arse out of it by trying to charge £30.

I would be very surprised too if it's the main Kirky RSC but it could have been anyone just trying to make £30 off a boy in a vulnerable state, which probably would never have went towards the bus and just ended up in the back pocket of the guys who told him they'd get him home. By that I mean it could have been any bus with a few idiots trying to cream bevy money off a fellow bear.

Fucking sickening actually. If your going to help a fellow bear out then help them out as most would do, don't pretend to be helping him while robbing him because he's desperate to get home.

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Were they even from Kirky they could have told him anything or did they drop him in Kirky?

£30 too Ffs

Don't know he spotted a guy on our bus and got back on our bus, so all he had to pay was a pound in the hat. But I'm only aware of one RSC from Kirky, and I'd be the most surprised person in the world if it was them.

My ex was from Kirky, used to play in the Kirky YCFB, so I know some of the guys that went on the bus. There must be more than one bus from Kirky though surely.

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I've been caught out a few times, missed my bus home or been completely lost and fortunately been offered a lift home by other busses who run from down KP way. Only happened twice actually but both times I've asked how much they want and only once have I been told to just pay the same fare as the other members have paid. Which was absolutely fine by me as their doing me a favour and paying the same money is fair enough to me even though I'm only getting their bus one way.

The other time they wouldn't even take money off of me because they insisted it was fine and just stick a tip in for the driver (which ended up a tenner because I felt terrible about it!) since they were happy to help out a fellow bear.

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I was a member of Kirkie RSC for a good few years, there's only one, and this would totally surprise me. I remember Claudia Reynas first game I got far too steaming, was only 15, and they redirected the bus to practically my doorstep so I got home alright.

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I really hope to fuck there has been a mistake made by somebody here FFs.the first thing you do is make sure the boy is ok and get him home.money shouldn't be an issue.our bus has stopped and helped bears before and the first thing that is asked is "want a beer mate"?

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