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Supporters Direct meeting

Carsons Dog

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Absolutely, but if they can help deliver fan ownership then it's a mutually beneficial arrangement!

Alright REA, see you are under a new name now. Tell me this, why are Barcelona Swansea and Real Madrid, you know the "Fan-owned teams" getting chased for loans and dodgy transfer dealings? And why should we follow suit?

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Nothing to do with the RST

Is this not the scheme that dingwall is going apeshit over, over on ff?

if so, there are claims that some of the members of the RST were are heavily involved.

I'd imagine this is why the RST is being mentioned.

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Is this only open to those fans that were invited? Or can anyone just turn up & get in?

I'm not in favour of fan ownership these days, unless they have got £millions in the bank, & are willing to bank-roll Rangers.

It would be interesting to know how it all panned out, the meeting on 14th Feb, & I hope that someone will be going from RM, to let us all know what went on...

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"We are encouraging fans to actively take part in debates, chats and discussions about what they want to see happening at their club. Our social media sites are a great place to make your voice heard so make sure you join in our debates on Facebook or Twitter. If you are a supporter who believe that things should be done differently at your club then make sure you make your voice heard". - See more at: http://www.supporters-direct.org/homepage/get-involved#sthash.KgGz8BX5.dpuf

from their website

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Is this not the scheme that dingwall is going apeshit over, over on ff?

if so, there are claims that some of the members of the RST were are heavily involved.

I'd imagine this is why the RST is being mentioned.

This is a SD meeting - there are no 'factions'.

Everyone has been invited as a Rangers fan. I honestly think everyone invited should come along with an open mind. If you don't like the idea or SD can't answer your questions sufficiently then fair enough. But negativity until then isn't helpful to Rangers

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Guardian - SDS are advocating 20,000 Bears putting in £20 a month to raise £4.8m in the first year which at today's prices would buy 25% of the club's shares which is nearly enough for a controlling interest. How can that fail?

So, these faceless dudes we don't know have spotted the demise of the RST and the rest of the groups being left in limbo, and fancy riding into Ibrox on the fans money too.

It can fail cos we don't have 20,000 idiots in the support for a start.

This will be ridiculed unless there are folk we can trust 100% running it, and I don't just mean wheeling out some figurehead for the presentations.

In the current climate, there is absolutely no chance of fans getting behind something like this. The rebels divisiveness saw to that.

Folk aren't keen to part with cash so that somebody else gets a blazer any more.

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Guardian - SDS are advocating 20,000 Bears putting in £20 a month to raise £4.8m in the first year which at today's prices would buy 25% of the club's shares which is nearly enough for a controlling interest. How can that fail?

If we're waiting a year to collect funds before buying, who says that £4.8m will be anywhere near enough? The share price could end up rocketing due to Graham Wallace's performance or any other factors for that matter.

Finance needs to be put together and moves made ASAP imo. Then again, the share price might no budge at all in the next year and therefore everything would be fine.

Very interested in the model, however.

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Corky True Legend - I agree that once you start to buy shares the price will rise. That price rise will fluctuate depending on circumstances. Yesterday approx 150,000 shares were traded in one day with no price fluctuation. 20,000 Bears at £20 per month would buy c1.6 million shares per month at today's price which is approx 80,000 per trading day which may not affect the price quite as significantly as you suggest.

Total fan ownership is not a good option at the moment for the reason that you suggest with regard to the present investors likely selling price and lack of the required capital.

However, 25% of the shares in any PLC usually gives you a significant say in the running of any PLC and normallyat least 1 seat on a 5 person board which would allow the supporters to exert pressure on the board in the medium term as well as giving other longer term advantages.

If we were talking c£12M it would take 3 years but still achievable.

I would hope that this would be set up under a new organisation with one member - one vote and someone attending the meeting will clarify this point. If so, Paul Murray will have the same influence as the other 19,999 members.

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wellblue. The operative phrase is "at today's prices". Once you start to buy shares, the price will rise. To get 25%, and that is NOT fan ownership, I reckon you could be talking c£12M. To get fan ownership, I would think £30 -£40M is more realistic. Do you tink the "spivs" are going to sell out at a rock bottom price? Ah well, PM will just have to try another ruse.

Coop fanownership is about the communal ownership of the shares, it is not just defined by having to own 50plus1%.

I also disagree that the share price will automatically rise, in fact as a fans group starts to control more and more of the shares i think there is a good argument the price will either be stable where it is or even drop as the opportunity for an institution to make decisions to make them money to withdraw from the club decreases and the transparency that Fanownership would bring increases.

Remember this transparency starts when a Holding company owned by the Fan owns just 5% of the issued share capital, you dont have to wait to own 51%

over 8% has changed hands recently and the price fell.

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Alright REA, see you are under a new name now. Tell me this, why are Barcelona Swansea and Real Madrid, you know the "Fan-owned teams" getting chased for loans and dodgy transfer dealings? And why should we follow suit?

nope not me.

i have no need to hide my identity, Mr Papac.

Firstly and i think i may have had this discussion with you already Swanseas Fans Control collectivly 20% of the shares.

Secondly Fanownership is not a panacea.

Cooperative Onwership is a type of legal form of governance just like a PLC or a Ltd Co or a CLBG, or a Charity.

All are capable of being run well all are capable of being run badly.

What this form of ownership beings to a footballl environment is Transparancy.

But to say because Barca or Madrid are in bother so Rangers Fans should not consider it is like saying Rangers should not stay as a PLC because Woolworths went bust.

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Corky True Legend - I agree that once you start to buy shares the price will rise. That price rise will fluctuate depending on circumstances. Yesterday approx 150,000 shares were traded in one day with no price fluctuation. 20,000 Bears at £20 per month would buy c1.6 million shares per month at today's price which is approx 80,000 per trading day which may not affect the price quite as significantly as you suggest.

Total fan ownership is not a good option at the moment for the reason that you suggest with regard to the present investors likely selling price and lack of the required capital.

However, 25% of the shares in any PLC usually gives you a significant say in the running of any PLC and normallyat least 1 seat on a 5 person board which would allow the supporters to exert pressure on the board in the medium term as well as giving other longer term advantages.

If we were talking c£12M it would take 3 years but still achievable.

I would hope that this would be set up under a new organisation with one member - one vote and someone attending the meeting will clarify this point. If so, Paul Murray will have the same influence as the other 19,999 members.

worth noting that 5% actually gives you the ability to hold the board to account.

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You don't throw these things together in five minutes. This will have been months in the making. It costs nothing to listen to what they have. A healthy dose of scepticism is fine but if we dismiss everyone as spivs and schemers from the start we'll never get anywhere.

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I am a bit surprised at the Louden being so vociferous in support of this. I would have thought that, as business, they would not appear to be taking sides.

there are no "sides" to be taken.

People on here are trying to paint it like that.....they want to stop it in it's tracks.......why ?

It's an open forum to discuss the idea

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