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RST buys more shares


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And along comes another. I am amazed you people are even entertained by our support at large.

The outsiders of the rangers support at large. :).

You spoke of "renting a space in Paul Murray's arse" and I said in reply to Alex saying he'd love to know your logic that "I'd be surprised if logic comes into it tbh"

That wasn't meant as a derisory comment towards yourself or anyone else, but just a point made that I don't understand or even see your logic if there is any.

I'm not even a huge Paul Murray fan, but I still don't see your logic in linking renting space in his arse to the Trust buying a large block of shares.

It's just illogical.

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You spoke of "renting a space in Paul Murray's arse" and I said in reply to Alex saying he'd love to know your logic that "I'd be surprised if logic comes into it tbh"

That wasn't meant as a derisory comment towards yourself or anyone else, but just a point made that I don't understand or even see your logic if there is any.

I'm not even a huge Paul Murray fan, but I still don't see your logic in linking renting space in his arse to the Trust buying a large block of shares.

It's just illogical.

That did make me laugh.

I'm scared.

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I will take the RST seriously when they eventually start their investigation into scandal around the hacking of fellow board members emails. (Yes still waiting)

I think I may be waiting a while.

If they continue to act like yahoos then I will continue to treat them with the contempt they deserve.

A great idea that had some great bears involved that has been hijacked by the minority who are corrupt to the core.

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people read the scotsman?

Not many - it is now classed as a regional paper.

Who ran to them with the story??

A group consisting of less than 1,500 Rangers fans buys a less than 1% share in the club. Fukin hell surprised Fox News, CNN and MSNBC missed this one. Lazy journalists.

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Well done Eskbank for at least answering questions.

VB buy shares with OUR own money. We have raised 3 Grand in two weeks to purchase shares. We have no ambitions other than to help Rangers FC. We support the Rangers, we have no thoughts or plans other than backing the club.

That's not having a go at the RST, as my views on the leadership are well known, just stating our goals.

Fantastic effort raising that in two weeks.....The only thing I wonder is, buying shares is not directly helping Rangers,maybe keep the cash for the next share issue.......I bought shares in December 2012 and will if there is a second issue
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Fan power: The Rangers Supporters Trust's long-term ambition is to hand control of the club to the Ibrox faithful

Fans' group move to own 0.86 per cent stake of the League One leaders' total shareholding and is now aiming to reach the five per cent mark

The Rangers Supporters Trust has announced it now holds over half a million shares in the Ibrox outfit after buying a further 200,000 this week.

The fan group's long-term ambition is to hand control of the club to the Light Blues faithful, and they now hold 557,856 shares after using £52,000 donated by fans using the BuyRangers direct debit scheme to snap up their latest tranche.

However, their stake only equates to 0.86 per cent of the League One leaders' total shareholding, and Trust chairman Gordon Dinnie admits outright power is a long way off.

He said: "There is still a long way to go. We started our direct debit scheme just before Christmas. If we can get enough interest going in that then we can buy shares on a monthly basis and build up our stake. We can also borrow against that money coming in and use it to buy more.

"However, the big issue is availability of the shares. With the current price being so low, when you try to buy them on the market, folk are asking for a few pence more. So it's not a case of buying a £1 million's worth of shares if there is £1 million's worth of shares available.

"But then again, we don't need to aim for anything like a 50 per cent stake in the club. Because of the fractious nature of the shareholding, a 10 per cent stake could give you a major say in how the club is run.

"James Easdale had just one more share in the club than the RST following the IPO (initial public offering), yet he was appointed to the board.

"If we get to five per cent, we would hold the right to call an AGM, and the things you are able to do increases as your stake goes up from that point.

"We need to take it slow but if we can generate enough interest then hopefully we can then look towards taking our holding past one per cent, then five, then as our stake in the club grows we can think about getting a director onto the board of the club that has been elected by the fans."

The RST ploughed £250,000 - including £5,000 pledged by former Ibrox striker Kris Boyd - into Rangers when it was floated on the stock market in December 2012. However, that was not enough to stop controversial former chief executive Charles Green gaining control.

The shares were priced 70p each at that point, but the off-field turmoil surrounding the club since has seen that price tumble to just 25.75p per share.

The RST was able to buy its latest tranche at 26p per share after negotiating the seller down from 29p.

In an email to RST members, Dinnie claims that low value could help the Trust double its stake.

He said: "It's a tremendous achievement for our members to reach this level of ownership through our BuyRangers scheme. The next target for us is to own a million shares in the club.

"The addition of a direct debit option to BuyRangers will be a great help and enable us to buy more shares as and when they become available at a reasonable price."

The RST announcement comes just two days before Supporters Direct Scotland stages a presentation to Rangers fans at the Louden Tavern, Ibrox, about the possibility of setting up a rival scheme.

SDS has already helped Hearts and Dunfermline set up rescue bids for their administration-hit clubs and will now advise the Light Blues' support how they can gain control.

Dinnie refused to criticise the government-backed group for competing with the RST scheme, but insisted the Trust would now step up BuyRangers.

He said: "They say their meeting is a consultation process and not a new scheme, so there is no need for us to stop doing what we're doing. In fact, we're now cracking on with BuyRangers.

"But the long-term aim is to see fan-ownership realised at Ibrox - that has been our reason d'etre for the last 10 years. Their new scheme that could have have worked alongside BuyRangers.

"However, I won't condemn it. It would be ludicrous for me to condemn it when they are working towards the same thing as we are. However, we will carry on with BuyRangers because we think it is the best way forward."


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Excellent, so having seen another group buying up shares we now have the rebel group doing likewise.

It's been said the support is too divided for a fan ownership scheme.

There is no chance with 2 of them.

I wonder who they'd want on as a director in the remote chance they got enough of a shareholding.

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I don't want to sound like I'm passing the buck but I did only join the board 2 weeks ago. As I understand it, once the allegation was made an investigation was opened up. All of those involved resigned which and a complaint was raised to the police, I believe by MD.

As at that point all individuals involved has resigned & the police were involved it no longer became a Trust matter.

As for FF, that isn't anything to do with me and I don't think that is fair to ask.

I am 100% comfortable with my data (tu)

Well that is the worst cop out I have ever heard, just because the people are no longer on the board does not mean you automatically stop the investigation. If someone steals £50k and then resigns, will you just stop the investigation?

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Well that is the worst cop out I have ever heard, just because the people are no longer on the board does not mean you automatically stop the investigation. If someone steals £50k and then resigns, will you just stop the investigation?

Have to agree with this though I don't blame eskbank. The resignations are a complete red herring and the investigation NEEDS to be completed. (tu)

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Well done Eskbank for at least answering questions.

VB buy shares with OUR own money. We have raised 3 Grand in two weeks to purchase shares. We have no ambitions other than to help Rangers FC. We support the Rangers, we have no thoughts or plans other than backing the club.

That's not having a go at the RST, as my views on the leadership are well known, just stating our goals.

Willhelm, can you explain how buying shares on the open market is in any way helping Rangers FC? Surely you would be better just donating the cash to the club, as they would then get some direct benefit from it?

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Willhelm, can you explain how buying shares on the open market is in any way helping Rangers FC? Surely you would be better just donating the cash to the club, as they would then get some direct benefit from it?

Although it is how shares work, but in theory by buying shares you are taking the shares out of someone else's hand and putting them in your control.

And because everyone that owns shares apart from the RST are spivs, then in their world it is better.

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Although I admire a lot of the good work done by the VB's, I hope they do not gain any influence over the way the club is run. Referring to fellow Bears as "scum" and "spivs" just because they do not agree with some of their principles is not going to endear them to a lot of our support. Come on lads, rein in the offensive terminology and show yourselves to be worthy of our respect. Do not slide down to the level of tgb. We neither need or want that.

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