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Labour to repeal SNP fascist football law

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I get the feeling the two main parties don't really care if we become independent or not. If we do, The Tories rule England forever and a day and Labour do the same in Scotland.

Scottish Unionists / Loyalists must start becoming political and looking out for our own people.

(tu) This

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The thing is that in Scotland there really only is a choice between Labour and the SNP and no way am I voting for the pieman Hitler.

And this shows exactly why we have no say in anything that goes on in this country.

It is small minded to say that there are only two choices when it is obviously not true.

There are far too many within our support and the community in general in Scotland that cannot see beyond SNP or Labour.

The phrase "divide and conquer" was never more apt than in the case of politics within Scotland.

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I have, in the past, found BNB's posts most enlightening and helpful and have often expressed my support and admiration. However, on this occasion i regret that I find the idea of voting Labour totally reprehensible. I would rather have TLB as our manager than do that. What next, BNB? Harper McLeod as our legal representatives?

Rangers, my team not my project.

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Newsflash folks. It's either Labour or the SNP you vote for up here, I know which one I'd rather vote, and it's not the bigoted party that wants to break ip a 300 year old union.

You could vote for the Monster Raving Looney Party (or UKIP as i think they are now called :pipe: )

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The only reason Labour are doing this is to pander to their target voters at the Emptihad. If they weren't getting caught up in the fallout from this appalling piece of legislation they wouldn't go near it.

It was bought in as a stick to beat football fans and Rangers fans in particular. That it has caught the dhims out was purely unintentional but Labour have to maintain their core supporters.

I'd rather not vote than give it to to one of them.

you think celtic fans are the core labour support?

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I have, in the past, found BNB's posts most enlightening and helpful and have often expressed my support and admiration. However, on this occasion i regret that I find the idea of voting Labour totally reprehensible. I would rather have TLB as our manager than do that. What next, BNB? Harper McLeod as our legal representatives?

Rangers, my team not my project.

I just call things as a lot of people see them.

Until there is a credible alternative then this is the political reality we have right now.

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To respond to Bluepeter, it's very simple. The are now a large minority and vote on mass. They vote in a block vote. So allowing for the very low turnout from other people there vote becomes very powerful.

The en mass made me giggle the rest is just stupid

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There is zero evidence that Catholics vote on mass, that's ridiculous. Blue Peter is right and Nicka Jelavic should do more research, you cant just pluck statements like that and pass them off as fact. I'd suggest looking at the Scottish Election Study 2011 by the ESRC as a starting point.

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The mockits are 16% of our poulation, why do Presbyterian liebour voters think that 16% is in control of not only Glasgow but the West of Scotland.......answers on the back of a ballot paper ...."ma granny voted liebour we always vote liebour even if they are mockits" (tu)

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There is zero evidence that Catholics vote on mass, that's ridiculous. Blue Peter is right and Nicka Jelavic should do more research, you cant just pluck statements like that and pass them off as fact. I'd suggest looking at the Scottish Election Study 2011 by the ESRC as a starting point.

In one of the newspapers there was a piece which was based on the findings from some research in England that there was some correlation between religion and voting - RCs and labour, Anglicans and the conservative party.
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If anyone think repealing this law will make a blind bit of difference to Rangers supporters, then you must button up the back.

You will find out eventually that we will still be culpable for all the country's probs.

They will bring out a modified version that allows free speech for paddys and hammers us.

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you think celtic fans are the core labour support?

What I believe is irrelevant its what they believe and who they listen to. How many Labour politicians have season tickets at Ibrox?

Not many (any?) jumped to speak up for us when we were at the nadir of our current situation. Do ypu believe if the dhims weren't affected by this Labour would give a toss?

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In one of the newspapers there was a piece which was based on the findings from some research in England that there was some correlation between religion and voting - RCs and labour, Anglicans and the conservative party.

'Some correlation' is not what he said, almost the opposite of 'on mass'. Of course some people take these things into consideration but its not a vote changer like he suggested.

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All Songs deemed to be offensive to the permanently mock offended minority will remain banned...Even if they are Historical or Funny. Those poor wee bleeding hearts of the rhepublican terror lovers cannae take it, and the scum lovers in positions of power in this bigoted wee country will ensure that only members of the PUL can or will be arrested and jailed for singing songs. IMHO.

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