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Baldy Thomson Claims We Are Only 2 Years Old


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Thankfully there is no hope in hell that his claim will be accepted, unless of course LNS`s decision is completely overlooked.

I would love it if they were too skint to pay in full, more likely though is that he is just fuelling the fire to try gain a reaction from us, it`s all about The Rangers & he knows it.

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I know where you are coming from Rab, but the idea of giving that baldy wee troglodyte money nauseates me.

any money we put through their turnstiles will be fuck all compared to having to draft in the army as well as the polis to sort out the army of bears descending on that shithole.

fuck this shit boycott bollocks.i want us to pay our money at the gate in fuckin unseen before numbers.lets see about sporting integrity then.

boycotts as well as strikes achieve fuck all.

lets show them how fuckin much an angry snarling army "who have only been together for 2 years" can join in unison, after all , in 2 years you aint got anytime to get decent songs , an away support or any credibility to get together. You are livingston or gretna.

but 142 years? Shat on by all and sundry, saved only by the wee yins of scottish football, insulted and humiliated by cunts who aint fit to wipe let alone kiss the arse of Rangers..

make your own mind up. And if you are in the season ticket boycott camp as well.

Rangers sent me a text today. I renewed mine instantly, not a second thought.

its time for us to stop moaning and grizzling and sounding like a bunch of fuckin tarriers, and instead come out and show what a fuckin spectacle a Rangers support is...especially with a grudge against it.

Fuckin Man Up You Lot.

im prancing about the living room like a frenzied cunt cos I want us to send a reminder so bad to all the cunts who shat on us. Cant fuckin wait for next season.

No Surrender


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Rab some cunt could write a book based around your rants. Magnificent.

I agree with you screw the lot of them and march like an army spreading fear that Rangers are on the prowl. Back to the fabled days of Wolverhampton town.

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To think this lot had the cheek to go on about 'integrity' two years ago. Now they decide to try and cheat Rangers out of the money they are rightfully money due for nurturing and developing Telfer since he was a kid. If the shoe was on the other foot, DU would be screaming injustice and you can bet all the usual candidates in the media would be backing them.

I don't how fixed the compensation rules are on this type of issue but Rangers should get there lawyers all over this to identify any loopholes and hit DU with as large a claim as they can - even if it's just to get Thompson shitting himself for a few weeks that he may have to cough up more than he can afford. And if Rangers can't spare the money for the lawyers - might be a good use of some of the RFFF.

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i thought they were worried about there fans saftey when they were coming to ibrox last time and then this cunt comes out

with that pish , i mean what if there was 4 or 5 hundred rangers fans waiting on him coming off the team bus and all of

a sudden they all decide to throw eggs at him and his shite team then i would understand being frightend to come to ibrox

but of coarse we are rangers fans and would not do that but there are crazy people out there who might .

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