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Ally Tactics Yesterday


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I'm sure Kenny knows where he should have been himself.

Only doubt would have been whether Ally wanted him to play centre back or goalkeeper. :)

If Miller had come on for Boyd or Clark, then the substitution would have been self explanatory but I am sure Boyd & Clark would like to have known if they were going 4-3-3 (as if!) or 4-3-1-2 etc.

You do know there's plenty reasons to criticise the manager without resorting to just making up bullshit.

Right, so I am talking pish then, making it up and this did not happen?I am sure there are other ways you can keep your head in the sand!

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It was obvious to any fan of football Miller was on to provide an outlet and hold the ball up the park or in their half, and if he was able to hold it and create any chances it would be a bonus. What else was he going to do ? Run the midfield ? Marshall the defence ? Stand next to the goalie and advise him where to position himself ? Football sometimes just isn't that complicated, and every pro knows the basics. And even most of us amateurs know those basics too.

Does anyone seriously believe Miller did not know what his role was in a situation where we were a goal ahead with a short time to play ?

As it was he did perfect, job done. :clap:

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Presumptuous gossip, Ally deserves his fair share of criticism, but not for yesterday. Both his subs scored almost immediately and even Ian Black put in a decent shift.

Criticism where it's due, but praise also.

See #25

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Personally, I thought his tactics were shocking. The last few games at home we looked to have turned a corner, playing the ball on the deck and at least trying to move it quickly and the movement of Boyd and Clark paid dividends. Yet, for some reason, we decided to completely cast that aside and smash the ball up to Boyd who stays the same height while jumping? Why? Finally some football getting played and we resort to long balls after two encouraging home games.

Simonsen last week never once went long, this week, within the first 10 minutes, the entire back 4 pumped it long. Baffling. Did Ally highlight QOS weakness for long balls? Because we didn't win one all game?

The subs baffled me slightly, happy he changed it at half time, but I can't believe he took Zal off, he certainly wasn't any worse the Moshni. He said it was to change the shape, but the shape was the exact same, he just needed to keep Jig on the park. Straight swap for black. Temps was a good call, but I have no idea why he doesn't start? I'd personally play him every week regardless of form.

Plusses - good second half and comeback, once we got the ball on the deck Clark looked like a player again, he needs to stay in that team.

Negatives - everything else, mainly moshni's performance and I like the big man, but fuck me. Awful to see.

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Should he get credit for setting up badly nd correcting it?

Or chastised for starting badly to begin with?

That's highly unfair in this instance.

He set the team up fine, there were no changes to the team that just won three on the bounce, He realised the center backs were having a nightmare and made early substitutions to rectify it. And it worked, we were instantly rewarded, and went on to win the game comfortably.

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I would have thought someone would have posted by now but clearly not - as I cannot find it.

If you were watching yesterday, as Ally put Kenny on, he did the classic mistake of not telling the player where he was going on the park! You could clearly see Kenny being asked by players what the plan was and he looked the bench and shrugged his shoulders, as if to state he had no clue.

Sums it up for me. We might have been in the driving seat at that point but if you are going to make a substitution, tell the lad where the hell he is playing and if there is a need for others to move positions, they need to know also.

Agree with your point but, surely such a seasoned player would ask such a question if he wasn't told before going on the park?

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Agree with your point but, surely such a seasoned player would ask such a question if he wasn't told before going on the park?

So it is the players fault that he found himself on the park replacing a midfielder and not knowing the wishes of the MANAGER? I think not.

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