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Gazza Emergency Detox


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He'll not be the first alcoholic to die through lack of will power, and he won't be the last.

Very blunt, but also very true.

Ability to overcome a disease like alcoholism has little to do with will power. It is a difficult disease to treat and often needs chemical medication, psychotherapy and lots of ongoing counselling and even then there is no guarantee of success. I just hope Gazza eventually finds a way to defeat his demons.

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met the gazza a fair few years back now with my cousin in a glasgow snooker bar, got yarning & he got on the phone & next thing hes handing me a mcewans rangers shirt, to take back to new zealand.

funny thing im wearing it today,first time in ages & this lump gives me greif in the kelson dairy 2day about not liking my shirt.

told him 2 fek off, but gazza is a hero 2 me & always will be.

hope he beats the grog

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He isn't Gazza anymore. He's done. Will be dead by next year unfortunately but he's had enough chances and thousands spent on his help.

Of course he's still Gazza. That's a disgraceful comment about one of Rangers greats, of course he's had chances and is fortunate to get them but that doesn't make it any less sad that he's not battling his demons. He is and always will be one if my all time favourites, just hope he wins his fight.

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It seems he never treats the real reason behind why he drinks, I mean the treatment he receives seems too superficial to adequately beat this. Just think about it, he said he swapped booze for sunbeds and botox. That's a bit crazy to me.

Also, if he had proper friends who didn't drink or allow him to drink he might have had a chance. I know when I smoked it would have been impossible for me to stop if I had continued on with my friends out to pubs, drinking etc. So I stopped that until I felt able to be in that atmosphere without lighting up.

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It's really sad. I have no doubt that when Gazza goes to detox he genuinely wants to and believes he will beat his addiction but back in the real world it seems that is too hard for him to fight his demons. Unfortunately I can only see this ending one way and if I'm honest I'm surprised he's even still here at all :(

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Maybe having him live permanently in rehab is his only chance i hope he beats it but don't think he ever will.

Its a shame for him but like Laudrup with cancer or Ricksen with his Motor Neuron Disease they are the ones who deserve our support and admiration Gazza is an alky if he wasn't Gazza he would be another tramp living rough that no one cared about

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