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In light of the current squad


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And the fact we've brought in a left winger (Beasley), a striker (JCD), an attacker (Gow) etc etc, what are the positions which still need to reinforced with quality?

For me;

Right winger, a midfielder, a CB, a left back, a right back.

If you look at the first team:






We need a permanent partner for Weir. We don't have one. We definitely need a left back given our problems there. We need someone better than Burke on the right given our loss of Faubert. And we need a CM to give us further depth imo, albeit that is the least critical one. We also need competition for Hutton.

tbh, the team is taking decent shape, and clearly Smith is working on the recruitments we need. Just a few slots badly need filling and I think we'll have a team (tu)

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Last week the optimisim was high, the failure to land Faubert has left the fans deflated and quite frnakly cheated.

I rthink Walter is doing a good job and the team will benefit next season, but as Danny says there are some gaping holes that we need players for, and Faubert would NOT have filled any of the holes.

We need to make some signings without the penny pinching that cost us Faubert, if we had gone £5m instead of 2 weeks messing around, he would have ben at Ibrox before Weat Ham thought about paying too much for him

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Last week the optimisim was high, the failure to land Faubert has left the fans deflated and quite frnakly cheated.

It hasn't wholly bothered me tbh, and I am not quite sure why.

I rthink Walter is doing a good job and the team will benefit next season, but as Danny says there are some gaping holes that we need players for, and Faubert would NOT have filled any of the holes.

Well, he'd have given us a right winger and right back?

We need to make some signings without the penny pinching that cost us Faubert, if we had gone £5m instead of 2 weeks messing around, he would have ben at Ibrox before Weat Ham thought about paying too much for him

Penny pinching is par for the course at Ibrox these days. We lost Hartley because of it, same with Brown, and the same will probably happen with Naismith too.

Why won't we give Killie what they bloody want? £1.5M is not a ridiculous sum for a promising youngster? These stepladder bids are just insulting.

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We definitely need a left back given our problems there. We need someone better than Burke on the right given our loss of Faubert. And we need a CM to give us further depth imo, albeit that is the least critical one. We also need competition for Hutton.

Spot on mate. (tu)

Love to see us get PK from WHAM for the left back slot.

Not really fussed about Koumas, esp not for £5mil as has been touted

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Well a couple of things Danny...

That formation assumes Walter is going with a 4-4-2...which I don't think by any means is a cert.

However going with that....

The CB position is one that continues to puzzle me - we have Ugo there to partner Weir...we have Webster waiting in the wings...and we are after Cuellar. My betting on that would be if we get Cuellar it will be Weir & Cuellar at the heart of the defence.

Left back would be Smith as 1st choice - yet there is cover from Murray/Papac and Broadfoot. Funnily enough either 3 of the latter can also fill in at centre back....and along with Hemdani gives us adequate cover in that position which is why our pursuit of Cuellar continues to puzzle me ( within the constraints of a limited transfer budget - one for the future I guess when Weir finally hangs up his boots.)

The midfield is also interesting - perhaps more so for who gets left out more than anything else. BF is a cert and then you have Hemdani and Thomson vying for the other spot. Beasley and Adam challenging for the LM position and Burke/Gow...perhaps even Buffel at RM

Then upfront you hav Boyd/ JCD/Buffel /Novo and of course Sebo to choose from.

My feeling is it wont be a 4-4-2...but one of the many variants of it.

I can see him playing a system which accomodates Thomson/Hemdani and BF.

Interesting times.

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I'd like another striker, and to ship off novo.

We should get cuellar and naismith.

We still need a winger and a right back.

And hopefully someone with quality in the mix aswell, of any position.

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RB, CB, LB, RM/W and 2 ST's.

2 strikers?

We have Buffel, Gow, JCD, Boyd, Sebo and even Novo. That's 6. You want another 2?

Sebo, Buffel and Novo can go for all I care. Gow can play in a few positions. I'd like to see someone like Balaban and Fowler(think we have to sign him).

Smith was wanting McCulloch and Naismith, two players who can play striker.

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Well a couple of things Danny...

That formation assumes Walter is going with a 4-4-2...which I don't think by any means is a cert.

Fair comment.

However going with that....

The CB position is one that continues to puzzle me - we have Ugo there to partner Weir...we have Webster waiting in the wings...and we are after Cuellar. My betting on that would be if we get Cuellar it will be Weir & Cuellar at the heart of the defence.

Ugo showed in Spain that he's simply not good enough to play in Europe. He might be REASONABLY competent in the SPL, but at a higher level he's nowhere near what we need. Webster is a rather unknown quantity tbh. He's played one game, and poorly. I am entirely uncertain of where he stands.

Left back would be Smith as 1st choice - yet there is cover from Murray/Papac and Broadfoot. Funnily enough either 3 of the latter can also fill in at centre back....and along with Hemdani gives us adequate cover in that position which is why our pursuit of Cuellar continues to puzzle me ( within the constraints of a limited transfer budget - one for the future I guess when Weir finally hangs up his boots.)

I would probably say the fact you're proposing a lot of cover from players who really aren't good enough is why we are after the likes of Cuellar. Who here can honestly say they would be happy with Murray, Papac or Broadfoot at left back on a psuedo permanent basis? Murray is the only one but that's not a given. Hemdani has also shown he is simply not a defender. He is a sitting midfielder and incapable of tackling. We need one quality CB to partner Weir. Rather than all the jiggling about with deputies.

The midfield is also interesting - perhaps more so for who gets left out more than anything else. BF is a cert and then you have Hemdani and Thomson vying for the other spot. Beasley and Adam challenging for the LM position and Burke/Gow...perhaps even Buffel at RM

There is no way Beasley has been signed to challenge Adam at LM - Beasley's a first choice there imo. Ferguson is indeed a cert, and I would say Thomson is too - I can't see a starting slot for Hemdani unless we play 3. Gow is a left sided attacker - I don't think he's ever played right wing. And Buffel is wasted on either flank - he needs freedom inside the hole (ooer) to drift and support. Isolating him to either side is a bad idea.

Then upfront you hav Boyd/ JCD/Buffel /Novo and of course Sebo to choose from.

My feeling is it wont be a 4-4-2...but one of the many variants of it.

I can see him playing a system which accomodates Thomson/Hemdani and BF.

Interesting times.

Hemdani has done little wrong but is being cast by many out of the side in favour of Thomson.

What I would say is that second-guessing the formation is a bad idea because like you say it is probably going to wildly vary. It won't be a hard 4-4-2 every week - the side will probably change all the time including some personnel.

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I think we need a RB to challenge Hutton; A left back maybe as I feel Broadfoot can play there if Smith is unfit; A quality CB = Cuellar IS NEEDED; in midfield we NEED more guile/quality/etc - so yes another is needed; RW is a need as neither Burke or Novo are good enough; a striker/target man is needed preferably a BIG guy as we do not have one (NOT SEBO!).

Then we are in good shape.

GOOD post though Danny!!

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I would probably say the fact you're proposing a lot of cover from players who really aren't good enough is why we are after the likes of Cuellar

Yes on reflection you are probably right - just concerns me that Ugo is on an 18 month contract - another sitting on the bench picking up a considerable wage ? Though if we are improving the squad with better quality players thats one sacrifice we are going to have to make.

There is no way Beasley has been signed to challenge Adam at LM - Beasley's a first choice there imo. Ferguson is indeed a cert, and I would say Thomson is too - I can't see a starting slot for Hemdani unless we play 3. Gow is a left sided attacker - I don't think he's ever played right wing. And Buffel is wasted on either flank - he needs freedom inside the hole (ooer) to drift and support. Isolating him to either side is a bad idea.

This is where it really becomes interesting and depends on tactics. Im not sure I entirely agree re Adam - I cant understand why we would tie him up on a 5 year contract to just be a bit player....but then again - Im not a footie manager. Im not certain about Thomo over Hemdani either - though would concur BF is a cert.

4-4-2 would certainly accommodate all 4 recognised midfielders (but there is still the question who plays RM) - but then restricts options up front. Perhaps he would play Thomo RM in a more sitting role allowing Hutton to venture forward freely. Just a thought.

Maybe we will start off 4-4-2 and then revert to a more attack minded 4-3-3 if things dont appear to be working out.

Interesting times ahead.

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RB, CB, LB, RM/W and 2 ST's.

2 strikers?

We have Buffel, Gow, JCD, Boyd, Sebo and even Novo. That's 6. You want another 2?

Sebo, Buffel and Novo can go for all I care. Gow can play in a few positions. I'd like to see someone like Balaban and Fowler(think we have to sign him).

Smith was wanting McCulloch and Naismith, two players who can play striker.

Sebo and novo can leave. I would rather have one guaranteed 20 goal a season striker than have them 2. Our pathetic return of goals last season surely shows us that we need to strengthen up front. on the topic of fowler muffger there was an article on teletext i think it was saying that he hadnt received any offers since he left liverpool. I still think he could do a job up here.

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RB, CB, LB, RM/W and 2 ST's.

2 strikers?

We have Buffel, Gow, JCD, Boyd, Sebo and even Novo. That's 6. You want another 2?

Sebo,Buffel and Gow have proven not to be strikers in the spl. I think if Novo was given the chance to play through the middle he would score goals again. JCD is an unknown quantity.

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Bring in Cuellar, Steve Davis and David Healy. All proven quality.

Healy - thats a name that has not been mentioned for some time after considerable interest

Being from N.Ireland ive seen quite a bit of him and im telling you now he's top drawer. His goals and the variety of goals speak for themselves but his movement and intelligence is also great. He would be a bargain and would be a much better bet than Naismith and wouldnt cost much more.

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I would probably say the fact you're proposing a lot of cover from players who really aren't good enough is why we are after the likes of Cuellar

Yes on reflection you are probably right - just concerns me that Ugo is on an 18 month contract - another sitting on the bench picking up a considerable wage ? Though if we are improving the squad with better quality players thats one sacrifice we are going to have to make.

I would suggest Ugo is a very, VERY capable deputy who can come in when needed and stabilise the defence in the SPL. He's a good squad player, and in that sense quite valuable and worth keeping. But he is not a starter imo, and isn't good enough for Europe, period.

There is no way Beasley has been signed to challenge Adam at LM - Beasley's a first choice there imo. Ferguson is indeed a cert, and I would say Thomson is too - I can't see a starting slot for Hemdani unless we play 3. Gow is a left sided attacker - I don't think he's ever played right wing. And Buffel is wasted on either flank - he needs freedom inside the hole (ooer) to drift and support. Isolating him to either side is a bad idea.

This is where it really becomes interesting and depends on tactics. Im not sure I entirely agree re Adam - I cant understand why we would tie him up on a 5 year contract to just be a bit player....but then again - Im not a footie manager. Im not certain about Thomo over Hemdani either - though would concur BF is a cert.

Adam: he can get goals, and has a decent left peg which makes freekicks his domain, but he doesn't offer the team a great deal else tbh - he's not mobile, lacks pace, skill or ambidextrousness, and isn't visionary. We have tied him up because, again, he's a great squad player and valuable in that context. Like you though, I am not a manager and for all I know WS has him earmarked as a first team starter.

As for Thomson; we're in no position to buy players for £2M and not play them. And I consider him a better option than Hemdani, through no express fault of Hemdani's own.

4-4-2 would certainly accommodate all 4 recognised midfielders (but there is still the question who plays RM) - but then restricts options up front. Perhaps he would play Thomo RM in a more sitting role allowing Hutton to venture forward freely. Just a thought.

Unlikely as I believe Thomson is strongly left footed. Very rare to have a player on the wing of the opposite foot orientation. Seedorf is the best example of a contrary case.

Maybe we will start off 4-4-2 and then revert to a more attack minded 4-3-3 if things dont appear to be working out.

Interesting times ahead.

What I like is the sheer fact we cannot predict WS's intentions. If it was all in black and white and totally predictable, that would a sure sign of a lack of squad depth and possibly quality. We don't know what he will do, or who he will bring in. And in a way I like that.

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What I like is the sheer fact we cannot predict WS's intentions. If it was all in black and white and totally predictable, that would a sure sign of a lack of squad depth and possibly quality. We don't know what he will do, or who he will bring in. And in a way I like that.

Yes I think that is very significant - and a vast improvement on last year. I just hope the quality of the new additions justifies our growing optimism.

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What I like is the sheer fact we cannot predict WS's intentions. If it was all in black and white and totally predictable, that would a sure sign of a lack of squad depth and possibly quality. We don't know what he will do, or who he will bring in. And in a way I like that.

Yes I think that is very significant - and a vast improvement on last year. I just hope the quality of the new additions justifies our growing optimism.

Me too!

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What I like is the sheer fact we cannot predict WS's intentions. If it was all in black and white and totally predictable, that would a sure sign of a lack of squad depth and possibly quality. We don't know what he will do, or who he will bring in. And in a way I like that.

Yes I think that is very significant - and a vast improvement on last year. I just hope the quality of the new additions justifies our growing optimism.

Me too!

I can see us settling into a new formation, that plays 1 up front with 2 runners playing off him. If we do that, then Frenchie (assuming he adapts quick) would be ideal for that front player, with Gow and Beasley playing off him.

Then midfield 3 of Fergie, Thommo and Hemdani (holding role) with a flat back 4 - Hutton, Smith, Weir and hopefully Cueller

As regards the back 4, we have a lot of options but you have to think that Weir and Ugo as well as Papac will all be gone in a year plus Websters situation allied to his injury history, we will need this depth.

I would like to see another forward thinking player to play on the right hand side, either between the midfield and the striker or as the edge to a midfield 4.

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