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Offensive Behaviour At Football Act Getting Abolished?

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Opposition parties in Holyrood will attempt to repeal the SNP's Offensive Behaviour at Football Act.

In what could be one of the first clashes of the new parliamentary session the SNP's Offensive Behaviour at Football Act could be scrapped by opposition parties who outnumber the SNP. The legislation was passed narrowly in December 2011 with every vote in favour coming from SNP MSPs.

The calls comes just days after a Sheriff called the Act "deeply flawed legislation" when dismissing charges against two individuals in Dumbarton.

According to the latest figures since the bill was made law 231 people have been convicted.

Scottish Labour's James Kelly has vowed to introduce a member's bill to overturn the law.

Kelly said: "I will bring forward a Member's Bill to change the law to scrap the SNP's hated Football Act. Sectarianism in Scotland is a complex problem which goes way beyond 140 characters in a tweet or 90 minutes on a Saturday.

"The place to tackle sectarianism is in our classrooms and communities. Instead the SNP passed a law based on chasing headlines rather than finding solutions and set us back in the fight to end sectarianism in Scotland.

"Labour will work other parties in the Scottish Parliament to repeal the Football Act. The law has become a symbol of the SNP's arrogance in government. No other party supported the law but the SNP used their majority to bulldoze it through anyway. The SNP are now a minority government and that means Parliament can repeal the SNP Football Act."

All four opposition parties in Holyrood committed to repealing the legislation in their election manifestos at the recent Scottish Parliament election.

The Scottish Conservatives, who have the second largest grouping of MSPs in Holyrood, said that opposition parties "need to work together" to repeal the legislation.

Tory chief whip John Lamont said: "Having prevented the SNP from gaining an overall majority, we can now use the powers of the parliament to scrap some of the bad laws they passed in the last one.

"To do that, opposition parties need to work together where possible - and, as Scotland's main opposition, we aim to facilitate that as best we can.

"There are proposals to bring forward legislation to scrap the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. We want to work with other opposition parties on this to ensure parliamentary time is provided over the coming weeks and months so we can act without delay.

"We believe there is a majority in the new parliament to end this absurd law. With opposition parties working together, we can now get on with the job of holding the SNP to account."

The Scottish Liberal Democrats also reaffirmed their commitment to repealing the law.

A party spokesman said: "We all want to tackle sectarianism but this law was a badly drafted, knee-jerk reaction to a genuine problem and Lib Dems are committed to scrapping it.

"Tackling sectarianism goes beyond 90 minutes on the terraces. The Scottish Government created the independent advisory group on tackling sectarianism. We need ministers to listen to the experts."

When asked to comment on the Scottish Conservatives' call for opposition parties to unite a spokesperson for the Scottish Greens pointed STV to the party's manifesto. The document states that Green MSPs "support the repeal of the Act".

The law was however defended by the SNP and accused Labour of "teaming up with the Tories". They said that public opinion was for the law remaining in place.

A party spokesperson said: "This legislation is about taking firm action against sectarianism and other offensive behaviour, and it speaks volumes about Labour's priorities that they see teaming up with the Tories to try and scrap such laws as the most important issue facing Scotland.

"Opinion polls show this measure is widely supported by people across Scotland, and the public will take a dim view of the opposition using this for political games."

With opposition MSPs outnumbering the SNP's Holyrood group in the chamber this potentially could be the government's first defeat since losing their majority.

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Who cares?
Get it repealed. Who gets jailed for singing a song?
You are never going to deal with sectarianism with this law. Allowing the 90-minute bigot to release his pent-up resentments by singing on a Saturday is alleviating the problem.
Look at the source - separate schools.

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It was a joke law to begin with. How do they pick out who to prosecute and who to ignore? It's probably more common to get nicked for it at the football, where it is more likely to happen (obviously), but others have been lifted for comments online and whatever. I don't know how they come to their conclusions, but I will always say whatever I want regardless. I always have and never had a chap at the door. Maybe it's getting changed because a certain fenian teacher has had her photo taken with her burd...


Change the rules to suit and all that.




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