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Halliday Holt Crooks


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How the fuck do you ever think to win a game at Tynecastle with a 3 man midfield who can't tackle, can't pass and have very little pace. What a FUCKING shambles

Halliday, Holt and Crooks, that was our midfield, that was who MW thought was going to boss the midfield, what fucking planet is he on? 

They had five in midfield, FIVE. Have they been playing this way this season? Or did they change it to suit us, did MW, does MW even look at the opposition?

If MW thinks a former Hearts, Bradford or Accrington fucking Stanley group of midfielders can win in a brutal physical Tynecastle game then he knows fuck all about Scottish football and what is needed at Rangers. 

Your summer signings have been SHITE! Wouldn't trust you with £1 never mind the £30m we are waiting from Dave fucking King! 

Charlatans and con-men aren't welcome at Rangers so we drove the cunts out Dave, but if we don't accept them we definitely don't accept mediocrity, low ambitions and fucking liars!

Fucking pissed off

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That midfield along with the front 3 is a shambles, need 2 strikers playing to link up together rather than having wingers who can't put a decent ball in the box. Zero creativity in midfield though it's a disgrace, and why we end up watching them play a lovely passing game back and forward with the defence 

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1 minute ago, A.T.G said:

:lol: Truly vented mate, night shift? 

Cant take much more of this mediocre football team mate, am gonna need some yellows

Aye mate constant. Just ate two wispa's n a share bag of maltesers, think am on ma period :lol:

It's depressing mate. What's fucking with my head the most is I don't see a 'solution'. Not just to beat teams I mean top to bottom, we don't look like we have money to spend, so how do we pay off Warburton? How do we guarantee the next manager funds? How do we get rid of a skint board? Fuckin so many questions I can't answer myself, that's whats getting me down the most.


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Just now, born a blue nose said:

Aye mate constant. Just ate two wispa's n a share bag of maltesers, think am on ma period :lol:

It's depressing mate. What's fucking with my head the most is I don't see a 'solution'. Not just to beat teams I mean top to bottom, we don't look like we have money to spend, so how do we pay off Warburton? How do we guarantee the next manager funds? How do we get rid of a skint board? Fuckin so many questions I can't answer myself, that's whats getting me down the most.


Can't argue there mate, there doesn't look like a solution in sight, there are no players from the bench who could make an impact in midfield, none of our strikers can score due to the lack of support, and when all of the above happens while we have an absolutely shite defence then we get beat off Celtic, Aberdeen and Hearts

Unless Dave King throws £5m to the team to add steel and quality, plus replacing MW and Weir then we've no chance for next season either

Fuck this mate, I'm going to ma bed :lol:

Enjoy work Brother G

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Just now, A.T.G said:

Can't argue there mate, there doesn't look like a solution in sight, there are no players from the bench who could make an impact in midfield, none of our strikers can score due to the lack of support, and when all of the above happens while we have an absolutely shite defence then we get beat off Celtic, Aberdeen and Hearts

Unless Dave King throws £5m to the team to add steel and quality, plus replacing MW and Weir then we've no chance for next season either

Fuck this mate, I'm going to ma bed :lol:

Enjoy work Brother G


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Our midfield was overrun tonight. We never had a hard tackling, ball demanding, forward passing, player in there. Our forwards were dropping back to try to get the ball, and they were just getting in the way of the defenders. I don't know how many times I thought 'what's he doing back there' usually about Miller.


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Every team in Scotland plays 4 or 5 in midfield these days meaning we are one or two men down in that area before a ball is kicked so I have a wee bit of sympathy for the 3 players who are always outnumbered in every game.

Teams should play to their strengths unfortunately Rangers play to our weaknesses.

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Halliday- Shit himself out of 6 tackles in the past two games. Panicked on the ball twice so just hit a Hearts player with it in our half. For an apparent Rangers man that's fucking embarrassing. It was hardly Galatasary we were playing ffs. This mythical argument that its an intimidating place is beyond me.

Holt- Actually put in a decent shift and was all over the park. Few vital blocks and was unlucky a couple of times. Always done the running but hes hardly going to get the ball off players like Paterson. 

Crooks- Miles off the pace and I mean miles. Summed up when Tav threw the ball at him and he wasnt even standing right to pass it back so the ball bounced infront of him which meant it went over Tavs head. Showed a bit of physicality but other than that he was abysmal 

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6 hours ago, JamesRFC__ said:

I honestly think this is one of those moments where we'll look back in a few years(after 55) and have a laugh that this was our midfield at one point. It generally was that pathetic tonight.

Hard to think at the moment just how far away that is a few years? I think we're talking 5+, need Europe next season for cash that isn't going to happen plain and simple we won't finish second as we're nowhere near good enough, 

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8 minutes ago, Prso's headband said:

Halliday- Shit himself out of 6 tackles in the past two games. Panicked on the ball twice so just hit a Hearts player with it in our half. For an apparent Rangers man that's fucking embarrassing. It was hardly Galatasary we were playing ffs. This mythical argument that its an intimidating place is beyond me.

Holt- Actually put in a decent shift and was all over the park. Few vital blocks and was unlucky a couple of times. Always done the running but hes hardly going to get the ball off players like Paterson. 

Crooks- Miles off the pace and I mean miles. Summed up when Tav threw the ball at him and he wasnt even standing right to pass it back so the ball bounced infront of him which meant it went over Tavs head. Showed a bit of physicality but other than that he was abysmal 

Fair assessment. 

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