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Craig shite to release a book

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18 hours ago, Gman36 said:

 The disturbing thing about this is that it'll be more likely to be written to please the scum, as no self respecting bear will be going anywhere near it. 

True mate. No doubt he'll make out there is a secret meeting every full moon in the bowels of Ibrox were humans wear horses heads and sacrifice Catholics.

It's actually pathetic and disturbing to think I'm only half joking. No doubt to get that lot to buy it he will play into all their wildest fantasy's in some way. Something about Catholics and referees is guaranteed. Easy money to be made from such idiotic people.

That Phil muppet has been cashing in on their grandpa's yarns for years now. Even rustled up a book about how Scotland mistreated it's poor Irish Immigrants. The cunts lap it up yet I've never seen someone being mistreated for having Irish heritage in all my years in Glasgow. I mean how would people even know. Yet the ones who do still get shit like blacks and Asians don't run around shouting about being oppressed. I honestly despair at how embarrassing and dumb they are.

If it wasn't for that football club you wouldn't hear about such historical stuff. Every mass immigration causes problems and some hostility yet these cunts are allowed to wallow in things that happened so long ago simply because a football club was established and run along ethnic and religious lines. All Grandpa's tales of woe should be shot down wherever they are mentioned now but our media and politicians seem to play along for cash and votes. 

Talk of this nonsense only exists to this day because of that manky club. Only thing that could come close to being the equal of that lot would be if Muslims founded a club and sung songs about ISIS whilst going on about being opressed but they wouldn't embarrass themselves as they have to much self respect.

There is no where with a mob like that and it's fucked up the country's football and even the perception of the social history of the place. Nothing unusual about immigrants having a hard time in a new land. It's always been part of the migrant experience. Theirs has been much easier than most and I say that as someone who had a distant ancestor from what is now the Republic of Ireland. 

Embarrassing that our country still allows people to peddle all this divisive nonsense. It only really exists today because of that fucking football club yet somehow they have even managed to blame Rangers for it.

Time such nonsense was ended but I doubt it can be whilst that club exists. They even sell it as the 'celtic story' ffs. Whyte will scrape the same old barrel and the deluded halfwits and ones who like to believe in it all because it reminds them of their daft old Grandpa's will roll up and pay him. No doubt he will stick the boot into us again just for more cash. Little prick needs booted fuck out of and told to disappear. Laws need changed as well so that people can't cash in on their crimes in this way.

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13 hours ago, Redwhiteandblue said:

I certainly would never buy the thing, but I would definitely read it if I got the chance. We all want to know the truth of what exactly happened. I'm still of the opinion that it was green and his cronies that were the real masterminds behind this, and with the complexity of the scam they pulled of, I don't think there will have been any prosecutor in the country that could've put a case together that could've proved beyond all reasonable doubt that they had acted illegally. They couldn't even get them to stand trial for it. I hate to use this word, but it was genius what they pulled off. The perfect murder, if you will.  David Murray done many things wrong over the years, selling to Whyte probably being the worst of them. 

It would be better if the lot of them wrote a book, AJ, Murray, Whyte, Green, Ahmed, Duff and Phelps etc etc... That way we could read the lot and come to our own conclusions. 

There's still so much that we still don't know about and we deserve answers. If that means we have to read their shitey books, then that is the only way we can ever start to get answers. The only other way would be to get them all on to a bloody Jeremy Kyle lie detector show at the same time. 

The idea of a stand alone Craig Whyte book being out there won't get us all of the answers, its just one mans views (which will no doubt be full of lies) which is very dangerous. We need to hear from them all. For as much of a dick Craig White is, at least he is putting out his version of events. 

It's simple in my opinion when you take out all the smoke and mirrors. Whyte came in to put us into administration. The idea that he could buy the club using season book cash without ticketus informing Murray is ludicrous as is the idea that he didn't know Whyte was a relative nobody and a dodgy failed businessman. He knew he had no money. Murray just wanted out of the hot seat before the EBT case took us into deep waters.

All the rest is really just the ado. The above is the crucial points. We were fucked from the moment Murray's businesses got into big trouble and he lost most of his worth because he had put us in debt and used EBTs to the extent he did. He sold to Whyte knowing what he would do and no doubt Whyte knew that Murray also knew what was going on even if it wasn't said in absolute terms. 

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3 hours ago, William McBeath said:

It's simple in my opinion when you take out all the smoke and mirrors. Whyte came in to put us into administration. The idea that he could buy the club using season book cash without ticketus informing Murray is ludicrous as is the idea that he didn't know Whyte was a relative nobody and a dodgy failed businessman. He knew he had no money. Murray just wanted out of the hot seat before the EBT case took us into deep waters.

All the rest is really just the ado. The above is the crucial points. We were fucked from the moment Murray's businesses got into big trouble and he lost most of his worth because he had put us in debt and used EBTs to the extent he did. He sold to Whyte knowing what he would do and no doubt Whyte knew that Murray also knew what was going on even if it wasn't said in absolute terms. 

I'd agree with most of those 'bones'.

I think it fairly clear that Whyte was moreso brought in to do the 'dirty business'.

The whole thing (including post Whyte) has been an ongoing and fluid huge stitch-up with the club/fans the victims. 

- Follow the money,....... eg. Sir Duped today 

- Accountability,...........Who has been found to be accountable and punished ?   

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On 22/11/2017 at 11:44, orangecountry said:

 No, not sarcasm. And for 2 valid reasons.

1)Guy was flung under a bus by Murray and murrays pals in the media was cleared in the courts and deserves for his side of the story to be heard. 

2) - and most importantly... corruption in football and MP's. Teams offering to throw games for cash. Footballers shagging away from home n catching stds. Cops turning up to seize cars of a 20k pw footballer. Administrators up to no good... bullshit that doesn't sound like an interesting read 

Sounds like Whyte is now trying to capitalise on his book and movie rights. I doubt an editor would touch his book, unless he has evidence to back up his claims. Even if he does have evidence then the way he obtained that evidence should be scrutinised  as the editors could land themselves in hot water with court actions.  

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On 22/11/2017 at 11:21, gj923 said:

I think this is total bullshit as this originated from that roaster John James who stays in a bedsit but pretends to be hiding overseas.

He released what he claimed was the first chapter yesterday and is now asking for a fiver a head to read the rest of the chapter summaries.

I mean come on to fuck that the DUP tried to get him a seat in the house of lords!


22 hours ago, Virtuoso said:

I just read what that rabid bastard has written. Makes you wonder if he's actually writing the book as it will take some amount of work to fabricate chapters every day in the hope that people will pay to read it, especially when it can be copy n' pasted for free.

Don't give his blog any hits people:



21 hours ago, Redwhiteandblue said:

Thanks for quoting that mate. There's lies in it straight from the start. The police wouldn't just walk up to you and say "you're under arrest" unless they knew on what charges you were being charged with. It would be "you are being detained under section... Blah blah blah". Although, that could just be for drama that they have done that. But if you're going to write a book about the " truth" then you can't lie just for the sake of drama. 

This definitely has that rabid cunt JJ all over it.

A quick look on his blog this morning shows that he's offering exclusive chapters to those who pay a minimum fiver a year subscription to his blog. He has 'teasers' up from chapters 2, 3 & 4 trying to entice folk to sign up.

Now, there's either a book in the offing originating from him - or he's going to a helluva lot of work in producing chapters every day in the hope people pay to read it.

My guess is a fabricated account of what his warped brain thinks happened and it will be published on some self-publishing site such as lulu - much the same as Philth-4-Names and his previous publishings.

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The thing with cunts like Whyte....  They'll always have money. Somewhere... somehow, they always have it when they need it.  A book from him?  Not sure where this is in the Whyte grand scheme of things.  But I'd bet anyone... he doesn't need the money.  A billionaire from Motherwell living in Monte Carlo.  He had me convinced and chancers like him are fucking world class at well.. being con men.

I just get the feeling he's laughing at us.  Fuck him.

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On 23/11/2017 at 08:24, born a blue nose said:

We should have just broke away from white and formed a new club 

"We" did, well not the club, but the company. It appears that what was said above was what happened. Green was brought in to do the unthinkable - put Rangers into administration, and then after that Green & co would take over with Whyte getting a backhander for doing what he did. It seems he was screwed over though by the criminal genius Green which has left Whyte very pissed off, so much so that he has written a book about it. It appears that if anyone was duped, then it was Whyte. There is no doubt in my mind that there was criminal fraud committed at our club, proving it beyond all reasonable doubt is a totally different matter though. 

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21 hours ago, .Williamson. said:

Other than taigs I can't see who would ever buy this

I would be willing to buy a single copy of the book on the basis that someone, or a couple of people would be willing to type it all out and put it on here. That way only a single copy gets bought and we can all read it. 

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On 23/11/2017 at 12:48, Virtuoso said:



This definitely has that rabid cunt JJ all over it.

A quick look on his blog this morning shows that he's offering exclusive chapters to those who pay a minimum fiver a year subscription to his blog. He has 'teasers' up from chapters 2, 3 & 4 trying to entice folk to sign up.

Now, there's either a book in the offing originating from him - or he's going to a helluva lot of work in producing chapters every day in the hope people pay to read it.

My guess is a fabricated account of what his warped brain thinks happened and it will be published on some self-publishing site such as lulu - much the same as Philth-4-Names and his previous publishings.

If you're right about that, and there's no book then that is all this is - some rabid giving other rabids what his obsessed brain thinks about when he's not thinking about ripping off nappies, which is: ripping off "his own people". 

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