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Ryan Jack called up to Scotland squad


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9 hours ago, knoxy said:

Over the moon for Ryan on his call up, what is glaringly obvious to everyone is why has it taken two withdrawals from the original squad who are no where near the class of Jack. 

Tom Cairney is a far better player than Jack and I'm one of Jack's biggest supporters.

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9 hours ago, Jamie0202 said:

Mate I usually agree with you on most things but there's a lot wrong here. Ian Black's treatment I agree was poor but that was at Easter Road and not a true Scotland support.

Strachan suggesting Wallace should move on for the sake of his career never mind international career is common sense. In hindsight it's true. Wallace has absolutely sacrificed a lot to stay and can hopefully be rewarded by playing a part this season and winning some medals. Hopefully a league medal being one of them.

As for the national team I really don't understand why any Scot wouldn't support them because as a player It must be amazing being recognised by your country and getting a cap. As for Griffiths aye he's a cunt but in our national colours he's a cunt representing Scotland, not the manky mob.

The national team may have too many of their players for our liking but it's entirely our own fault as we've been pish over recent seasons and actually don't have many Scottish first team players now that I think of it.


Who do you think you are? Coming on here talking common sense. If you want to be accepted on here, you have to rant about hammer throwers, hamish and morag, deride the tartan trannies and moan about SNP/SFA . Otherwise you will never be accepted as one of us.

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9 hours ago, Jamie0202 said:

Mate I usually agree with you on most things but there's a lot wrong here. Ian Black's treatment I agree was poor but that was at Easter Road and not a true Scotland support.

Strachan suggesting Wallace should move on for the sake of his career never mind international career is common sense. In hindsight it's true. Wallace has absolutely sacrificed a lot to stay and can hopefully be rewarded by playing a part this season and winning some medals. Hopefully a league medal being one of them.

As for the national team I really don't understand why any Scot wouldn't support them because as a player It must be amazing being recognised by your country and getting a cap. As for Griffiths aye he's a cunt but in our national colours he's a cunt representing Scotland, not the manky mob.

The national team may have too many of their players for our liking but it's entirely our own fault as we've been pish over recent seasons and actually don't have many Scottish first team players now that I think of it.


That's patriotism, which is all fine and well - but not everyone is a patriot. And the concept of patriotism is less straightforward in Scotland due to the continued attempts by the government to push the romanticised myth that Scotland was a fully Gaelic speaking nation, or that we were one with Ireland. (Speaking of Ireland, was Griffiths representing Scotland whilst waving an Irish tricolour in the celtic end?) They're pretty much trying to shape what the Scottish identity is and revise history, so it's not that surprising that it puts people off, given that a good number of the tartan army crossdressers are their target demographic. Even before then some in Scotland considered themselves British first and foremost. 

I chose to support Rangers as a boy as they were my father's team, like he supported them as they were his uncle's team. (My papa spent most of his childhood in Oldham, so supported Man City then Third Lanark upon his return, so my dad didn't exactly follow on in his dad's footsteps.) Rangers games are still something that my dad, my sister and me have in common. 

I didn't, on the other hand, choose to be Scottish, so don't see why I'm expected to have some automatic allegiance to them. Especially in an era where having a Scottish grandparent is enough for you to represent Scotland, even if you'd never stepped foot here before being called up. International football is just a bit of a joke to me, so -  whist I appreciate it means something to the players - I couldn't give a fuck if they're called up or not. If they don't return injured and their value increases then great, but other than that I'm not fussed. 

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8 hours ago, Loyaleastend said:

I understand that, but perhaps if you spoke across to people and not down to them you may get a more favourable and cordial response to your points.

please take a look at your previous post to me in this thread and tell me why I should actually show you any respect? Should I take all the shite thrown at me and respond respectfully ? Is respect not earned? I have strong view points - should I not state them?  I do try to laugh at the vitriol poured my way but should I just cower away from having my own views? 

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18 minutes ago, Bluepeter9 said:

please take a look at your previous post to me in this thread and tell me why I should actually show you any respect? Should I take all the shite thrown at me and respond respectfully ? Is respect not earned? I have strong view points - should I not state them?  I do try to laugh at the vitriol poured my way but should I just cower away from having my own views? 

Ok, you crack on.

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19 hours ago, The Ibrox Derry said:

Would rather he told them to fuck right off. The Scotland national team, in my eyes, are the equivalent of The Republic of Ireland. I don't want ANY Rangers players representing an SFA that are tarrier controlled throughout and vehemently anti Rangers and anti Union.

Its time some folk woke the fuck up.

Scotland represents the country not the organisation - been through this hundreds of times, support the players not the organisation (has a familiar ring to it). Bitterness can blind some people on this matter.

I'm old fashioned, remember the times when the team was rammed full of Rangers players - so I still support the side, as I don't have any leanings to any other country, would gladly support a UK team but that is never got to happen. It's great to see Rangers players getting called up, and McLeish at the helm.

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