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Boyfriend battered celtic fan love rat over naked romp at double Treble party

Shaun Bielby launched a vicious attack on Allan Davey with a piece of wood after catching him in bed with Yvonne Kearney during celtic trophy celebrations.


Shaun Bielby, left, caught Yvonne Kearney, naked in bed with Allan Davey, right, after the celtic fans had toasted double Treble success

A heartbroken boyfriend flipped and battered the married love rat he caught naked in bed with his girlfriend as they celebrated celtic's double treble win.

Shaun Bielby was incensed when he caught his partner of 10 years, Yvonne Kearney, naked in bed with Allan Davey after the celtic fans had toasted Brendan Rodgers' side's success.

He then launched a vicious attack with a piece of wood that left Davey scarred for life. The wound on his forehead required nine stitches to close. The assault left him "covered in blood" and "looking like a zombie."

All three had been in the pub together earlier in the evening but Bielby left to go home, leaving Davey and Kearney in the bar after they had watched celtic win their second consecutive domestic treble on May 19 last year.


Yvonne Kearney had been enjoying celtic trophy celebrations and then ended up in bed with a married man

The boozy pair then went back to Davey's brother Patrick's home in Paisley and ended up naked in bed together.

Bielby went looking for Kearney later that night and headed to Patrick Davey's home in Whitehaugh Avenue, Paisley - where he found the pair naked in bed together.

The red mist descended and Bielby grabbed a piece of wood that was lying in the hall and used it to batter Davey.

The details emerged on Wednesday at Paisley Sheriff Court when Bielby went on trial over the events of the day in question.


Shaun Bielby was incensed when he caught Yvonne Kearney naked in bed with Allan Davey after they had celebrated celtic's trophy success

He had earlier pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving Mr Davey scarred for life and seriously hurt by assaulting him with "an unknown implement."

But he denied assaulting Miss Kearney by hitting her with the same weapon, in an alleged attack that was said to have been aggravated by involving abuse of his partner, and went on trial on that charge.

Mr Davey said he was sleeping in bed naked and woke up being assaulted.


Allan Davey was attacked with a piece of wood after toasting Brendan Rodgers' side's success

The 57-year-old explained: "I was woken up by what I now realise was a blow to the head.

"Then the next four to five minutes was a serious of blows to the head, the body, the arm and the back.

"I was trying to protect myself from the blows that were raining down on me.

"I noticed I had blood running down my face. It was substantial injuries - there was quite a lot of blood running down my face and down my body.

"Yvonne was in quite a lot of distress.I was covered in a lot of blood. "I had bruises on my chest and bruises where I'd put my arms up to protect myself."

When asked if he and Kearney had been doing something they shouldn't, given he was married and she was in a relationship with Bielby at the time, he replied: "I don't recall but I can't rule it out because of the alcohol.

"I didn't think it was a good situation to be going back to my wife and having to explain."


celtic fan Yvonne Kearney was naked in bed with Allan Davey when he was attacked

And he admitted lying to police by telling them it had happened in the living room, saying: "As a married man, painting a picture that was would've probably been better than the factual events."

But Kearney told police they had been naked and intimate in bed together, and said in evidence today that Bielby entered the bedroom and hit her with a weapon.

After being asked to acquit Bielby of the attack on Miss Kearney, Sheriff Seith Ireland said: "Whatever the truth is, it comes down to the reliability of Miss Kearney. "No reliability can be placed on her evidence. "The safest verdict is not proven."

And, after being told that Bielby, who moved to Hull after breaking up with Miss Kearney, had "lost his temper" after finding his partner of 10 years naked in bed with another man, the judge called for background reports to prepared and deferred sentence for the assault on Mr Davey until next month.

As he did so, he said: "At the end of the day, somebody ended up being seriously assaulted.

"It may well be there are some extenuating circumstances which your solicitor will ask me to take in to consideration.

"You serious assaulted this man and left him with permanent disfigurement - that is a serious matter."



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