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When i was in Hamburg for the werder bremen game i got talking to some guys in a bar, we got to talking about boruc when he comes running toward the copland road end at the start of the match, anyway they said that they had heard there was this thing going around that when he comes toward the copland road stand, goes to do the old cross himself act, the whole stand was going to turn their back on him.

think this would be the ultimate put down, him crossing himself dosen't bother me but i think it would be a perfect wind up, just imagine everybody in the copland road turning his back on him just as he got to his 6 yard box.

has anybody heard of anything about this ?

wish i had posted this earlier but ive just remembered about it. probably too late now but worth a mention i thought.

anyway enjoy the game 2morrow men

its coming home


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Both great ideas! I have heard of the turning the back one before, I just wish it could be organised and done. He would have to cross himself to nobody, or wait until they turned around and show himself up for the wind up merchant he is.

It would wind him up no end, and ruin his concentration for the whole game (tu)

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You know what everyone should do is bring in a newspaper to pretend they are reading LOL

:lol: that would be brilliant (tu)

We do it here in sports. Its quite funny. When the other team is getting introduced everyone whips out a newspaper and opens it in front of them.

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We dont need to do anything to put him down......he does it himself.

He has discredited himself as a sportsman on numerous occasions and not only against us.

To be honest its about time the authorities took action, can you imagine Graeme Roberts and Co. getting away with half of what he's done.

Give him pelters tomorrow, ignoring him wont make him go away.


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let him make a fool of himself yet again.

I like the concept - "you can't wind me up if I'm not looking" and it is clear he does set out to wind people up.

The key is don't get wound up by him ignore him if you can but if you know that if he does something it will rile you then yes turn your back on him, look the other way - whatever you can do to avoid taking the bait that he will most certainly put out there.

He will be expecting a reaction - ignoring him would probably wind him up even more than something so noticeable - any form of obvious protest just shows him that what he is doing is working.

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He will be expecting a reaction - ignoring him would probably wind him up even more than something so noticeable - any form of obvious protest just shows him that what he is doing is working.

completely agree. He likes to think he's a star and gets under our skins. I personally will only think about him when the ball flies past him into the net - hopefully several times.

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As he runs towards his goal everyone should sing Village People's YMCA.

"Young man, there's no need to feel down.

I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.

I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town

There's no need to be an arsehole. :lol:

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When he's walking up to the goal everyone should start going OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH then when he is going to cross himself everyone should just let out a big cheer :clap:

His face would be a picture :D

Like it, also like Eric Caldows song, stick it to the polish poof big time.

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Definitely ignore him completely. Makes us look a bit petty booing someone blessing themselves, plenty of people do it on a football pitch. It would annoy him more if there was no reaction to him doing it.

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When he's walking up to the goal everyone should start going OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH then when he is going to cross himself everyone should just let out a big cheer :clap:

His face would be a picture :D

I like that...


Sing Lets all Laugh at Boruc

while pointing at the big fat gaylord

Or even

"Artur boruc is gaaay" to the tune of Seven Nation Army :D

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