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From the Staff at RangersMedia: Enjoy Yourself!

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Hi everyone,

The rest of the staff and myself would like to wish you all the very best wherever you may be for the UEFA Cup Final.

For those of you heading to Manchester, you are going to be lucky enough to see an important part of our history unfold directly. Do all of us here on the forum who can't be with you proud with your celebrations and behaviour! You are our representatives to the eyes of the world.

We Are The People!

All the Best!


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Good man CR (tu)

You and the staff don't get enough credit for the work you do on here, well done to you all :clap: :clap:

I also won't be in Manchester, but those who are going: remember, you will be part of something very, very special.


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Ill be in Manchester with a few people from RM and hope to meet a few more of you as well.

It will be the biggest night of my Rangers supporting life and I cant wait for it.

Enjoy yourself wherever you are Bears and Bearettes, its going to be a night to remember no matter the result!

Oh aye.... dont forget to BELIEVE!


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Thanks mate.

The biggest bears party in history is coming our way.

Lets go for it as only we know how.

Lets be a credit to the Rangers, ourselves, Great Britain, Scotland and bring the cup home with pride.


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Im so proud we made the Final. I am also very proud of Rangersmedia and everyone on the board.

It will be a massive occassion and one fantastic party.

Do us proud and be great ambassadors for Rangers.

Have a great time. :rangers:

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Ill be in Manchester with a few people from RM and hope to meet a few more of you as well.

It will be the biggest night of my Rangers supporting life and I cant wait for it.

Enjoy yourself wherever you are Bears and Bearettes, its going to be a night to remember no matter the result!

Oh aye.... dont forget to BELIEVE!


Have a great time Dado and all the others from RM!!

:beer2: :beer2: :beer2:

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Well said CR! (tu)

To those fortunate enough to be there, I hope I can be with you, but either way, do the club proud.

This will be our 10th away game, so let's keep up the ZERO ARRESTS!! (tu) Treat Manchester with respect.

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The good people of Manchester are in for a treat because one of the games truly great clubs are coming to town. If the result does go against us just remember where we were 18 months ago and that the future is all ours



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