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Dundee United plan to sue referee over Rangers match blunders

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I think that it is quite lucky that Dundee United is doing this. We are by far the team that is hurt by terrible officiating the most.

Maybe this will some fairness the rest of the way which I think will benefit us.

Or refs might find the need to even things up... :ph34r: paranoid android

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What I thought was a nice simple answer when Walter Smith was interviewed in the match, when he was asked about the controversial decisions, his response was something like, "Do you want to go over the season and talk about decisons?"

Absolutely mate, damn good post. That is dignity personified.

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I considered Levein to be one of the better managers in the Scottish game up until this weekend.

Fair enough, emotions run high and anoutburst after the game can be excused from time to time. However, this was no ordinary outburst. If he'd said thereferee had a shite game then I'd have been fine with that - he did. Instead he comes up with the bitterest of conspiracy theories. Even the ever-paranoid tims and Roman Romanov couldn't have done better if they'd worked together than Levein did at the weekend. he made and absolute fool of himself and the fact that the club are continuing this high profile assisination of McCurry's integrity gives the world yet another chance to laughat Scottish football, whose credibility our club has been single-handedly pulling out of the gutter this year.

One thing that seems to have completely escaped everyone at Dundee United is the fact that they were 2-0 down when all of these incidents took place. We had buried them in the 1st quarter o hour of the match and 2-0 was n't justice to our superiority in the 1st half. Let's say the 1st decision was given to them and they did win and score a penalty, they would still have been behind againstthe tam with the best home record inScotland this season. There is nothing to suggest that they would then have gone on to win the match and qulify for Europe.

I'm not defending McCurry - he had a shocker and should be dealt with for that, but I don't think he was biased and I hink Dundee United have embarrassed themselves and the Scpttish game with their antics in the past 2 days.

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I think it is embarrassing for DU because both decisions were correctly dealt with by ref. The penalty might have been given if the ref had a better view but he didn't and the offside decision was correct. Like the tims this lot have selective memories. Hunt could have walked by sything down players and dissent.

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About bloody time we had a break from the men in black! Look at Septic, christ they would'nt be we're they were if it was'nt for bad refs.

It's a game of two halfs and it was the Ger's that got the better half on Saturday.

Dry your eye's DU supporters!

:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

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What I thought was a nice simple answer when Walter Smith was interviewed in the match, when he was asked about the controversial decisions, his response was something like, "Do you want to go over the season and talk about decisons?"

Absolutely mate, damn good post. That is dignity personified.

The perfect response.

I have no problem with clubs complaining about poor refereeing in the SPL. IMHO, the standards are very very low and I would guess that every single week this season there has been at least one controversial decision that had the potential to affect a result.

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News Flash!

Rangers to sue SPL for stupidity and ineptness at the very highest levels.

- Story by BigAmo

Today, Sir Walter Smith announced at just another news conference with the same questions asked for approximately the 1,457,897th time, that Rangers Football Club would be suing the Scottish Premier League, and Lex Gold's mother for indeed having him. Sir Walter was fuming, as one of his eyebrows might have risen during the conference, so expect that to be front page headlines tomorrow as he's surely cracking under the pressure.

In direct response to Dundee United's proposed suit against officiating in Scotland, up to and including the part time footie mum watching over her childrens matches in the garden, Rangers will name in the suit far to many to list individual calls that have improved Celtic's attempted title defense, an apparent disregard for the fact that Rangers could well put Scotland on the map for eternity, and for the sheer amount of ugly in the Celtic starting eleven.

Rangers, still livid over the SPL snub for assistance during the build up to the UEFA Cup Final to be played in Manchester, pounced on this opportunity to underline a season-long series of referee blunders that has proven to hinder Rangers quest to complete the quadripple.

Sir Walter also said after the eyebrow returning to it's natural state and him seemingly more under control, "It is the opinion of Rangers Football Club that if these numpties are crying now for television replay due to our match last Saturday against Dundee United, Rangers will countersue with the use of a microscope to find proof of wee Aidan's willie. I mean, to find proof of an alarming rate of failure in match officiating that could very well be used to show a pattern of ineptitude, rather than a one off bungling as we saw on Saturday."

At this point, Sir Walter inhaled through his nose so we all took that to mean he was going to boil over, and the news conference ended.

Wee Gordon Strachan was quoted soon afterwards, saying "I don't care if they only got one call all season. It's the timing of it all not the amount!"

For some reason Mrs Strachan had to excuse herself immediately. Nothing more on that later in the story, as I've used up pretty much all the space allowed for Rangers in this country, in any newspaper.

Until Next Time, kick Keevins in the keister,


P.S. - God Bless Jama88 for CanadianGer's sig.

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Did they take legal action when Darcheville was a yard onside and clean through on goal in the cup final and flagged? Or when Lee Wilkie assaulted Novo after his goal in the second Tannadice game and didn't get so much as a telling off? Or when Cousin scored in the first defeat at Tannadice last year and the goal wrongly chalked off?

Perhaps Levein will also be looking for Willo Flood, Noel Hunt and Lee Wilkie to be brought up on disrepute charges for their disgraceful behaviour on Saturday?

Not just all that. Will they be suing Mark Kerr for costing them the cup final? Or WIllo Flood for costing them two points against us in the league? Their behaviour is nothing short of shameful.

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As for Levein, I'm sorry but anyone who ever thought he was a fair minded and impartial manager is blind to him.

He's been on Sportscene a million times and his hate for Rangers is so obvious - and goes back months and months and probably years.

He was really angry about Saturday because it was Rangers it happened against. I have no idea if he's a tim or not, but I do know he loathes us.

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This will never happen ... it's just a lot of wee club hot air. More to the point is Mike McCurry going to sue levein after his comments that the referee had decided that Rangers were going to win today ... now that really is worth a day court!

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Pathetic outburst yet again from Levein, the one who tried to get the game at Ibrox abandoned at half time last season because of water around the centre circle(his team being well behind), a guy with a long history of these tantrums when his team gets beaten.

He could have had no view of the penalty incident from his dugout. My view from the 18 yard line was that Hunt went to ground and caused Weir to run into him, it was a split second thing and I thought Hunt deserved a yellow. I am sure Setanta will have slowed replays down and would have gone on their regular crusade to try to prove that an injustice was done to a team facing Rangers.

I, however, still think that my angle of view was the best and apart from Hunt there was not much of an outcry from the Dundee Utd players. The "offside" goal did confuse me but then again so did the the unpenalised, by cautions, attacks on Novo and Ferguson throughout the game.

There are poor decisions in every game against both sides and I think we are all aware that referees are now frightened to award "stonewall" penalties to us for fear of media backlash.

As I said, Levein has a long history of outbursts and if he cannot accept his teams being beaten by better teams he should do the decent thing and give up the game. I think he would make an ideal traffic warden and would then be able to satisfy his bitterness at life by persecuting motorists.

That's the word Doc. Well said.

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Levein and dundee united should be the ones getting sued. Paranoid arseholes who are taking 2 bad decisions that went against them in a match full of wrong decisions, and turning it into a question of integrity in scottish football.

Perhaps this is why levein wasnt chosen for the scotland job, they knew what he was like.

Can you imagine if he was scotland boss, think of a game at wembley, england trouncing us 5-0 then bazza gets pulled down in the box, only for a penalty not to be given. He would start accusing the royal family, the mafia and the nwo of conspiring against the team.

Craig levein, the david icke of football.

Shame on you. David Icke was a decent man.

Just went a bit cuckoo.

Levein's a dick - always has been.

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