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Me and Mr Smith.


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Me and Mr Smith.

When I was A kid my Dad used to take me to his bowling club on a Saturday morning to play bowls, pool and to have a go on the fruit machines. The place as you would imagine was full of old people, some were in there forties. Really old when you are ten. They would buy me crisps, and coca-cola's. Heaven when I was ten.

When I was really mature, about eleven, I would help the bar-man Jack, he was really really old, about sixty. He would tell me what crates to lift up onto the bar for him and he would stack the shelfs. I liked Jack he smoked club king size the same as my grandpa. It was a smell I was accustomed to. He really appreciated the help. All the guys who worked in the bar were retired, they were working for something to do and some beer money.

Jack knew me and my Dad were Rangers fans, Rangers were playing Dundee Utd in the league cup final. I came in from school one day and my dad told me that Jack had got us cup final tickets, I couldn't believe it, I had never been to a cup final before. I asked my dad why Jack got us tickets and my Dad told me to say thank you for all the help I had given him. I found this odd as I was just having fun on a Saturday morning. I asked how he had got them and my Dad told me that Jacks Son worked at Dundee Utd as there assistant manager.

On the day of the game me, my dad and Jack set off. We were going to Hampden by bus and train. I honestly don't remember anything about the game. As we came out from the match Jacks Son was going to spend some time with his Mum and dad so he was not going back to Dundee. So we met him outside the stadium jumped in his car and set of for Carmyle. Jack and his Son sat in the front, me and my dad in the back. It was a bit odd three of us Rangers fans being driven home by the assistant manager of the loosing team. Jack talked to his Son, he didn't say much. It just felt a bit odd. After a while I plucked up the courage to say something. I said “ I think Utd were unlucky today” It was met by silence. The silence would be an un-welcome passenger for the remainder of our journey.

A few years later in 1986 I remember feeling the pride beam off Jack as his Son was named Rangers assistant manager. It rubbed of on everyone in the club too. I was just amazed that I had met somebody who was now connected with my team. I took great joy telling my mates about how I had met him.

As Souness left for Liverpool I was gutted, also worried at who would follow. A little bit later I was not worried. I went down my club. Jack was working behind the bar. As soon as I laid eyes on him I knew his Son would be the next Rangers manager. My eyes were right.

At first I was over the moon with Walters appointment. I was about 20 years old and I had a connection with the Rangers manager. Walter was in our club a few times, not much. He got a bit of peace in the place. I never really spoke to him. As far as I was concerned he could do no wrong.

When would I have sacked Walter? Marseille v Rangers 1993. He was being interviewed half an hour before the kick off. He was asked if he would take a draw now and he said yes. It was not just that he had said yes. ( the draw would have put the group in Marseilles hands, they would be the masters of there own destiny. A win for us would have put it in our hands.) It was the way he said it and the look on his face as he said it. I just watched the Rangers manager bottle it.

Heavy heart.

Since that night I have been Walters biggest critic. Style of football, players played out of position, tactics, transfer buys and training methods are all poor. I really have only the hope of adequacy for as long as Walter is in charge. I hope that I am very very wrong.

When Walters Dad Jack died I didn't go to the funeral, I thought there would be a lot of hangers on at it. I went down to my club and raised a few glasses to him.

Walter couldn't pick me out of a line up to save his life. I respect him as a person but detest him as the manager of my team.

Rangers Till I Die.

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Interesting story.

Sad that you couldn't distinquish between Smith the Rangers manager, and Smith the man though.

Just my opinion but not tuning up to a mans funeral who you clearly admired throughout your childhood 'cause his son's managerial abilities was something you disagreed with is a tad pompous IMO

I know you attribute that to hangers on but I don't believe that was the case.

I disagree with our manager over many many things, but his personal life is just that!

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I fear Walter will always be the great enigma ... won so much and yet not really rated by so many.

The only time I ever encountered him was when he and Jim McLean were standing around outside Hampden just after they had lost the UEFA Cup final. Back then I used to rush about everywhere with typical protestant vigour and Walter gave me a dirty look as I walked past because (I assume) he thought I was going to gub either him or wee jum. Even today it seems a bit of an over-reaction on his part but I dare say he felt justified :rolleyes:

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I remember that of the Marseilles game, but surely Walter was banking on winning the last game against CSKA Moscow at Ibrox which we only drew ? Wouldnt winning that have got us through to the Champions Leage Final ?

I cant quite remember to be honest.

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Jimenez, My Dad was at Jack's wife's funeral and he was embarrassed at the amount of hangers on. When it came to Jack's funeral there were about a dozen of us who didn't go all for the same reason, me and my Dad included. I'm up for any debate on any football matter. I'm not up for a debate on my decision making regarding a funeral many years ago. If you choose to respond to this part you will have the last word.

Jimenez, you think that it is sad that I cant distinguish between Smith the man and Smith the manager. I feel you may have missed the last line of my post. So here it is again for you.

“Walter couldn't pick me out of a line up to save his life. I respect him as a person but detest him as the manager of my team. “

Lastly Jimenez, I have never been called pompous before. Much, much worse but never pompous. So thanks for the new experience.

Coopermania, its a long time ago, as best as I can recall it was 2 pts for a win and 1 for a draw. Our last game was against CSKA Moscow at home and Marseille were playing Bruges. Marseille won 1-0 which meant that it was irrelevant what the score was at Ibrox..

The reason I posted this? I was banned from FF after starting a poll to see who was pro Smith and who was against Smith. ( I was against Smith) I thought that when I joined here I would do a genuine post to show that I would love to be behind Smith 100% Sadly that is not the case because I feel at best Smith is just OK and only that sometimes.

Thanks to everybody who took the time to read it.

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Jimenez, My Dad was at Jack's wife's funeral and he was embarrassed at the amount of hangers on. When it came to Jack's funeral there were about a dozen of us who didn't go all for the same reason, me and my Dad included. I'm up for any debate on any football matter. I'm not up for a debate on my decision making regarding a funeral many years ago. If you choose to respond to this part you will have the last word.

Jimenez, you think that it is sad that I cant distinguish between Smith the man and Smith the manager. I feel you may have missed the last line of my post. So here it is again for you.

“Walter couldn't pick me out of a line up to save his life. I respect him as a person but detest him as the manager of my team. “

Lastly Jimenez, I have never been called pompous before. Much, much worse but never pompous. So thanks for the new experience.

Coopermania, its a long time ago, as best as I can recall it was 2 pts for a win and 1 for a draw. Our last game was against CSKA Moscow at home and Marseille were playing Bruges. Marseille won 1-0 which meant that it was irrelevant what the score was at Ibrox..

The reason I posted this? I was banned from FF after starting a poll to see who was pro Smith and who was against Smith. ( I was against Smith) I thought that when I joined here I would do a genuine post to show that I would love to be behind Smith 100% Sadly that is not the case because I feel at best Smith is just OK and only that sometimes.

Thanks to everybody who took the time to read it.

hi mate dont worry you are entitled to your views and if people dont like it, then thats to bad. to me walter will always be a hero, but going for ten in a row he lost it big time, and he has come back with the same old boring football, playing players out of position and to negative.

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An interesting post mate and I certainly share a lot of doubts about Walter's ability (or lack of).

However, I'd like to make a couple of points - firstly I think it's not really a great foundation to base your opinion of a manager's tactical nous on pre-match interviews. IMO, it's a safe bet that they don't always tell the truth in such matters.

I was only about 16 when we played Marseille in France but from what I remember of the game we certainly didn't play for a draw and were unlucky not to win. The team or the manager certainly never lost their bottle so I think it's rather harsh to suggest he should have been sacked then.

After that season Smith never really hit the heights in Europe again (well until last season) but the intense pressure of 9IAR and the support expectations therein meant I felt we never really concentrated on Europe like we perhaps should have done. SDM realised this I think so that's why we brought in Advocaat who had a better international pedigree.

As for going on to detest the manager because of his first spell, well again I can understand why anyone would doubt some of Smith's past or current decisions but I think you've ignored some of the good times from Smith's spells in charge to reach what is a very strong dislike of a manager who delivered 9IAR and has helped improve a few things at the club in his second spell.

Sure, I think we'd all share your doubts about his overall ability but I must admit it surprises me when supporters use such strong language when discussing our manager.

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The reason I posted this? I was banned from FF after starting a poll to see who was pro Smith and who was against Smith. ( I was against Smith) I thought that when I joined here I would do a genuine post to show that I would love to be behind Smith 100% Sadly that is not the case because I feel at best Smith is just OK and only that sometimes.

Thanks to everybody who took the time to read it.

Good post mate, I don't doubt your sincerity and I enjoyed your viewpoint. All the best.

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Frankie, In any pre-match interview I expect to hear the the usual there a good team with some great individual player, there at home and this will be a tough match, etc etc., but I also expect to hear we are Rangers and we always try and win every game we play in. I do take your point about basing any longterm opinions on pre/post match interviews. Thats not what I did, in my post I said thats when I would have sacked him. I didn't mean that was the start of my issues with Smith, it was more that interview was the straw that broke the donkeys back.

You are right about the game, it was a cracker, Durrant scored a peach and I think it was with his left. They were a top team full of fantastic players. It is only my thoughts that Smith is a bottle merchant.

You are right about me ignoring the good times under smith from that time onwards. I think that I do regret that a bit now. As I get older I have mellowed a bit, still got a long way to go though. I just believe that my club should always be looking to improve and go forward and I don't see that happening under Smith.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm new to this, so all comments are welcome.

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Frankie, In any pre-match interview I expect to hear the the usual there a good team with some great individual player, there at home and this will be a tough match, etc etc., but I also expect to hear we are Rangers and we always try and win every game we play in. I do take your point about basing any longterm opinions on pre/post match interviews. Thats not what I did, in my post I said thats when I would have sacked him. I didn't mean that was the start of my issues with Smith, it was more that interview was the straw that broke the donkeys back.

You are right about the game, it was a cracker, Durrant scored a peach and I think it was with his left. They were a top team full of fantastic players. It is only my thoughts that Smith is a bottle merchant.

You are right about me ignoring the good times under smith from that time onwards. I think that I do regret that a bit now. As I get older I have mellowed a bit, still got a long way to go though. I just believe that my club should always be looking to improve and go forward and I don't see that happening under Smith.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm new to this, so all comments are welcome.

Was a brilliant goal from Durranty - will never forget that one.

Sairdy, you make some very good points in your posts about Wattie, but I also think credit must be given him for all he's brought to us - especially last season when he guided this particular team (a squad that pales in comparison to the 92-93 squad that was in the CL) through arguably much better opposition all the way to the UEFA Cup final.

Sometimes I think we all get so frustrated by his choices (playing players out of position, formations, &c) that it can be easy to lose sight of the good that he does accomplish. Just a thought.

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Delparlane, hi, I am very critical of Smith. Most of it I feel is just. Being so critical has its down sides. Like not enjoying the highs as much, because your almost waiting for it to go wrong also as you say missing out the good thing (s) he has done. Who knows what the season bring.

Thanks for the reply.

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Delparlane, hi, I am very critical of Smith. Most of it I feel is just. Being so critical has its down sides. Like not enjoying the highs as much, because your almost waiting for it to go wrong also as you say missing out the good thing (s) he has done. Who knows what the season bring.

Thanks for the reply.

Certainly understand where you're coming from, as his bizarre decision-making often has me pulling my hair out (and scalding the airwaves) as well. I can't be throwing too many stones, though, living in my gless hoose as I do. ;)

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Good read mate.

My auld granda used to take me to his bowling club anaw when i was about the same age when he used to watched me on saturday :lol:

He was the club president before he was diagnosed with cancer and passed away.

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