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The Keep Chanting (or not) Thread


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We should never stop singing this lads/lassies.

F*ck the PC Brigade.

One moaning faced Ambulance Chaser & the whole countrys talking about it.

Fuck them.

I have had enuff.

I will never stop singing it even in the face of arrest-I dare them to.

I would take it to the ECHR-Tho they would probably say it was Sectarian/racist.

:rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers: :rangers:

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What if it is going to lose Rangers points ?

will you still sing it ?

Ah they've struck fear into you already.

This is the attitude that has got us where we are today. Under fire at every angle for fear of losing something the will to fight is gone.

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What if it is going to lose Rangers points ?

will you still sing it ?

Ah they've struck fear into you already.

This is the attitude that has got us where we are today. Under fire at every angle for fear of losing something the will to fight is gone.

No fear in me. Ive said all along that the song would cause us bother and ive been proven right. Its a simple question really. If the SPL tell us that it will cost us points, would people still sing it ?

If so, then they are idiots of the highest order.

Rangers FC is what we all 100% love on here and at Ibrox. Not hatred of some Plastic Paddies. The people who like this song are in the minority overall (tu)

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I posted this on another thread but 'sing and be dammed' is only a reaction that will cause further issues for the club.

I dont like the famine over song, nor BJK, but I dont see them as racist, nor bigoted. I do find them distasteful and choose not to sing them. However I am stunned by the hypocrisy, mischieve making and utter rediculousness of both the Irish Consulate who felt they had to bring up this song and the BBC for the publicity they gave it. I like 'banter' with fellow, yes fellow, supporters - nothing beats a good wind up and sometimes songs from both sides come a bit near to the bone and as individuals we choose whether to sing or not sing them.

I can see no good coming out of this incident, at the very least it will start a series of tit-for-tat tell-tale complaints form both sets of fans about other 'offensive' songs but at worst it could lead to sanctions against Rangers and fuel the bitterness our support feel about the way we get treated by the media and authorities, further piling pressure on the club and eroding the fan base. It will also make the more rabid and extreme members of our support feel they have to 'fight' our corner more and that, potentially, could lead to stupid, but far reaching, actions by a section of our support.

We need to find a way of firmly combating the actions of the Irish Consulate (and the tiiming of this, just after an Old Firm defeat should not be lost on anyone either) and the actions of the BBC but without adding fuel to the fire.

I intend today to write to Ofcom about the biasedness of the reporting on the BBC, the manner in which they have ignored other fans actions such as Novo's address being published, the songs against him, the pro-IRA chants, the Neil Simpson song and others. I also intend to write a similar letter to the SPL and SFA. A slightly different letter to the Irish conslate is warranted as, from what I interpret from the reports it was a single fans complaint andshould they not be looking to clean up their own assciation with Celtic and is that really how they want to spend their money and time.

I also want the SPL and SFA to give CLEAR guidance on what is bigoted and racist as, while I find the famine song and BJK distasteful, I do not see why either is construed as bigoted or racist?

I intend to write to Rangers also to ask for them to push back in the media on the hypocrocy of the media and authorities. I realise the club has to pick its battles carefully as trying to defend the famine song would NOT be a battle they could win, however taking the press to task for slanted reporting of fans attitudes, songs and actions, the over reaction by the Irish consulate and the timing and nature of the complaint are areas that could be tackled.

I do NOT believe there is an institutionalised agenda against Rangers, but there are certainly mischieve makers and they need to be combated, but combated with firmness and flair. It would be extremely easy to come out fighting by taking 'a position and a corner' but the problem with that is that this may lead to a radicalisation of our support when we need to maintain the moral highground and tolerant attitudes. I fear that these actions by the Irish consulate will bring out the extremist who follow us and have the opposite effect from what was intended.

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I posted this on another thread but 'sing and be dammed' is only a reaction that will cause further issues for the club.

I dont like the famine over song, nor BJK, but I dont see them as racist, nor bigoted. I do find them distasteful and choose not to sing them. However I am stunned by the hypocrisy, mischieve making and utter rediculousness of both the Irish Consulate who felt they had to bring up this song and the BBC for the publicity they gave it. I like 'banter' with fellow, yes fellow, supporters - nothing beats a good wind up and sometimes songs from both sides come a bit near to the bone and as individuals we choose whether to sing or not sing them.

I can see no good coming out of this incident, at the very least it will start a series of tit-for-tat tell-tale complaints form both sets of fans about other 'offensive' songs but at worst it could lead to sanctions against Rangers and fuel the bitterness our support feel about the way we get treated by the media and authorities, further piling pressure on the club and eroding the fan base. It will also make the more rabid and extreme members of our support feel they have to 'fight' our corner more and that, potentially, could lead to stupid, but far reaching, actions by a section of our support.

We need to find a way of firmly combating the actions of the Irish Consulate (and the tiiming of this, just after an Old Firm defeat should not be lost on anyone either) and the actions of the BBC but without adding fuel to the fire.

I intend today to write to Ofcom about the biasedness of the reporting on the BBC, the manner in which they have ignored other fans actions such as Novo's address being published, the songs against him, the pro-IRA chants, the Neil Simpson song and others. I also intend to write a similar letter to the SPL and SFA. A slightly different letter to the Irish conslate is warranted as, from what I interpret from the reports it was a single fans complaint andshould they not be looking to clean up their own assciation with Celtic and is that really how they want to spend their money and time.

I also want the SPL and SFA to give CLEAR guidance on what is bigoted and racist as, while I find the famine song and BJK distasteful, I do not see why either is construed as bigoted or racist?

I intend to write to Rangers also to ask for them to push back in the media on the hypocrocy of the media and authorities. I realise the club has to pick its battles carefully as trying to defend the famine song would NOT be a battle they could win, however taking the press to task for slanted reporting of fans attitudes, songs and actions, the over reaction by the Irish consulate and the timing and nature of the complaint are areas that could be tackled.

I do NOT believe there is an institutionalised agenda against Rangers, but there are certainly mischieve makers and they need to be combated, but combated with firmness and flair. It would be extremely easy to come out fighting by taking 'a position and a corner' but the problem with that is that this may lead to a radicalisation of our support when we need to maintain the moral highground and tolerant attitudes. I fear that these actions by the Irish consulate will bring out the extremist who follow us and have the opposite effect from what was intended.

I agree with most of your points other than the Famine song not being bigoted/racist BP9. When it is sung directly to Robbie Keane and Noel Hunt, the jolly craic excuse the Tims use, comes off the table (tu)

I too am writing to a number of authorities but my letter contains complete condemnation of the Famine Song and asks why the same rules do not apply to other fans. (tu)

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What if it is going to lose Rangers points ?

will you still sing it ?

Ah they've struck fear into you already.

This is the attitude that has got us where we are today. Under fire at every angle for fear of losing something the will to fight is gone.

No fear in me. Ive said all along that the song would cause us bother and ive been proven right. Its a simple question really. If the SPL tell us that it will cost us points, would people still sing it ?

If so, then they are idiots of the highest order.

Rangers FC is what we all 100% love on here and at Ibrox. Not hatred of some Plastic Paddies. The people who like this song are in the minority overall (tu)

guess i am in the minority

the famine is over

why don`t you go home

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We wouldn't be deducted points if the Rangers Board grew a collective spine and actually backed the fans. it's a tongue-in-cheek about plastic paddys and people should grew up. think i'l complain to my MSP about the deregoatory song No h*** in Europe as i had relatives killed in 2 wars when the Irish where harbouring Nazis (and still are). Would love to see how far that would get in the Scottish Parliament.

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We wouldn't be deducted points if the Rangers Board grew a collective spine and actually backed the fans. it's a tongue-in-cheek about plastic paddys and people should grew up. think i'l complain to my MSP about the deregoatory song No h*** in Europe as i had relatives killed in 2 wars when the Irish where harbouring Nazis (and still are). Would love to see how far that would get in the Scottish Parliament.

I am complaining about the aspects you raise and indeed my e-mails have been sent to the following:

darryl.broadfoot@theherald.co.uk; openline@radioclyde.com; yourcall@bbc.co.uk; john.kilbride@stv.tv; richard.littlejohn@dailymail.co.uk; reporters@<No links to this website>;

h.keevins@<No links to this website>; k.jackson@<No links to this website>; james.traynor@<No links to this website>;

newsdesk@notw.co.uk; info@scottishfa.co.uk; mail@nilbymouth.org; contactus@strathclyde.pnn.police.uk; sp.info@scottish.parliament.uk;

Jack.Mcconnell.msp@scottish.parliament.uk; bill.leckie@the-sun.co.uk; ewen.cameron@realradiofm.com; sportletters@theherald.co.uk

Nicola.Sturgeon.msp@scottish.parliament.uk; James.Kelly.msp@scottish.parliament.uk; scotlandtoday@stv.tv;

But your argument about this song being about plastic paddys fails when the song is sung directly at Robbie Keane and Noel Hunt (tu)

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nothing wrong we singing this, i was singing outside porkheed and police said to me if I am caught singing that on my own ill go to the jail, I said to him why his response cause your no aloud to sing it its sectarism

I said there is nothing to stop us from singing it you explain to me why its racist or sectaraism have a valid point then you can arrest me and the 5000 other people there singing it!!

will just be another thing for the spl to throw at rangers dont sing this that what next???????? :angry2:

they will be telling us to show some respect to that mhanky mob next or we will get death threats!!!!

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Some Rangers fans astound me.

First and foremost as a Rangers fan you defend your corner and your fellow supporters no matter what they sing.Once the hullaballoo is over then you take stock and assess the songs being sung.

Never give in to the unwashed and their media friends....

The famine is over is not racist.it's directed at those Celtic fans who continue to support irish terrorism against Britain,who support the Irish national team before the country of their birth,who continue to fly the Irish flag and profess to be Irish and not Scottish/British,who denounce the UK in every shape and form,who denounce the British Royal family and wish their demise,who would and have stood on the steps of our national stadium and supported Ireland over Scotland.

They want to be irish so much then why don't they go home.

I'm embarrassed i support the same club as some of you on here....my father and grandfathers would turn in their grave at some Rangers fans these days..

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Some Rangers fans astound me.

First and foremost as a Rangers fan you defend your corner and your fellow supporters no matter what they sing.Once the hullaballoo is over then you take stock and assess the songs being sung.

Never give in to the unwashed and their media friends....

The famine is over is not racist.it's directed at those Celtic fans who continue to support irish terrorism against Britain,who support the Irish national team before the country of their birth,who continue to fly the Irish flag and profess to be Irish and not Scottish/British,who denounce the UK in every shape and form,who denounce the British Royal family and wish their demise,who would and have stood on the steps of our national stadium and supported Ireland over Scotland.

They want to be irish so much then why don't they go home.

I'm embarrassed i support the same club as some of you on here....my father and grandfathers would turn in their grave at some Rangers fans these days..

You are entitled to your opinion but i will never defend something i do not agree with. To do so is tantamount to the same hypocrisy displayed by the Irish Consulate in raising this issue and the Celtic fans who ignore their own issues. Its not for me thanks. (tu)

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Some Rangers fans astound me.

First and foremost as a Rangers fan you defend your corner and your fellow supporters no matter what they sing.Once the hullaballoo is over then you take stock and assess the songs being sung.

Never give in to the unwashed and their media friends....

The famine is over is not racist.it's directed at those Celtic fans who continue to support irish terrorism against Britain,who support the Irish national team before the country of their birth,who continue to fly the Irish flag and profess to be Irish and not Scottish/British,who denounce the UK in every shape and form,who denounce the British Royal family and wish their demise,who would and have stood on the steps of our national stadium and supported Ireland over Scotland.

They want to be irish so much then why don't they go home.

I'm embarrassed i support the same club as some of you on here....my father and grandfathers would turn in their grave at some Rangers fans these days..

i agree gaffbear my father and grandfather and all the other absent bears will be turning in their graves, at the thought of some of the cowards we now have amongst our support.

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I don't see the song as being rascist, bigotted etc, but I really don't think the song should be sung, it is distasteful and has no place in today's society, there is a difference between friendly banter and just trying to get the opposition fans wound up.

I really do think that certain areas of the media are only concentrating on what the Ranger's fans are allegedly doing wrong and not looking at the bigger picture. For long periods of time Celtic fans have been singing songs supporting the IRA etc and no action is taken, for Christ's sake they are singing in support of an organisation which terrorised British soil and didn't have any remorse on their targets. There is also the issue with Aberdeen fans who still sing about the Ibrox disaster which is just as distasteful as singing about the famine. The one difference about the famine is how long ago it happened "An Gorta Mor" started in 1845, to continue to sing this song is just childish.

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Some Rangers fans astound me.

First and foremost as a Rangers fan you defend your corner and your fellow supporters no matter what they sing.Once the hullaballoo is over then you take stock and assess the songs being sung.

Never give in to the unwashed and their media friends....

The famine is over is not racist.it's directed at those Celtic fans who continue to support irish terrorism against Britain,who support the Irish national team before the country of their birth,who continue to fly the Irish flag and profess to be Irish and not Scottish/British,who denounce the UK in every shape and form,who denounce the British Royal family and wish their demise,who would and have stood on the steps of our national stadium and supported Ireland over Scotland.

They want to be irish so much then why don't they go home.

I'm embarrassed i support the same club as some of you on here....my father and grandfathers would turn in their grave at some Rangers fans these days..

i agree gaffbear my father and grandfather and all the other absent bears will be turning in their graves, at the thought of some of the cowards we now have amongst our support.


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This song has nothing to do with Rangers. We're not losing a part of our heritage or anything by stopping this song being sung.

It's so ridiculous some of the pish that's spouted when this topic comes up. Be brave, be proud, stand tall.........about singing about the f*cking famine ? Seriously ? I'm not a teenage ned, so I don't fit the bill to sing the famine song when I look at those I've seeng singing it at Ibrox. It's a small minority, and thankfully the overwhelming majority of our support see sense with this issue.

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Some Rangers fans astound me.

First and foremost as a Rangers fan you defend your corner and your fellow supporters no matter what they sing.Once the hullaballoo is over then you take stock and assess the songs being sung.

Never give in to the unwashed and their media friends....

The famine is over is not racist.it's directed at those Celtic fans who continue to support irish terrorism against Britain,who support the Irish national team before the country of their birth,who continue to fly the Irish flag and profess to be Irish and not Scottish/British,who denounce the UK in every shape and form,who denounce the British Royal family and wish their demise,who would and have stood on the steps of our national stadium and supported Ireland over Scotland.

They want to be irish so much then why don't they go home.

I'm embarrassed i support the same club as some of you on here....my father and grandfathers would turn in their grave at some Rangers fans these days..

The problem is your views have been overtaken by the laws of the land. If someone, anyone believes that song to be racist then the law must treat it as such. You may say it's a daft law and I'd agree however it's still the law.

Racist crime/harassment is interpreted as any incident where the victim or any other person, believes that the perpetrator had a racial motive.

Racist crime is a hate crime.;client=opera

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This song has nothing to do with Rangers. We're not losing a part of our heritage or anything by stopping this song being sung.

It's so ridiculous some of the pish that's spouted when this topic comes up. Be brave, be proud, stand tall.........about singing about the f*cking famine ? Seriously ? I'm not a teenage ned, so I don't fit the bill to sing the famine song when I look at those I've seeng singing it at Ibrox. It's a small minority, and thankfully the overwhelming majority of our support see sense with this issue.

here we go just sit back and say nothing that is the rangers way, well that is what the problem is and why they keep attacking our club and support. and you know what is not just the songs they want banned, its rangers football club they want rid of, and three cunts murray bain and scott are helping them, as they are three cowards who want you to pay your money sit quiet and buy their pies an tea then off you go, the dont care about our fans and never have done.

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This song has nothing to do with Rangers. We're not losing a part of our heritage or anything by stopping this song being sung.

It's so ridiculous some of the pish that's spouted when this topic comes up. Be brave, be proud, stand tall.........about singing about the f*cking famine ? Seriously ? I'm not a teenage ned, so I don't fit the bill to sing the famine song when I look at those I've seeng singing it at Ibrox. It's a small minority, and thankfully the overwhelming majority of our support see sense with this issue.

:rangers: :thumbs_up:

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Its simple guys IMO by reacting to there groundless and nonsensical comments , regarding what songs we sing and words they contain we fuel what they believe to be their fire .

If any comment should be forth coming it should be from the office of Martin Bain , as no group of supporters or club bar none has done as much to stop bigotry .

let our board defend us as we defend the club

and let others shout and look foolish while we hold our own council and maintain or rightly earned dignity with regard to this issue ,



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This song has nothing to do with Rangers. We're not losing a part of our heritage or anything by stopping this song being sung.

It's so ridiculous some of the pish that's spouted when this topic comes up. Be brave, be proud, stand tall.........about singing about the f*cking famine ? Seriously ? I'm not a teenage ned, so I don't fit the bill to sing the famine song when I look at those I've seeng singing it at Ibrox. It's a small minority, and thankfully the overwhelming majority of our support see sense with this issue.

You always claim that it's a minority, yet this song gets sung loudly at Ibrox.

Are you sure you go to Ibrox ?

Derry's Walls, The Sash,... also have nothing to do with Rangers Football Club, you want them banned as well ?

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