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Its time for faith...


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Since his move to Rangers Kris Boyd has been the subject of much divisive debate amongst Bears.....a player with an uncanny knack of putting the ball in the net, whilst at the same time not reknown for his work rate outside the box.

I sometimes wonder if we are judging Kris Boyd wrongly....his skill is scoring goals and he appears to possess that uncanny predator's instinct. For those who still have any doubts about this I would remind you that he is fast closing in on Jar Jar Blinks ( :lol: ) SPL scoring record. His goal scoring record at both Rangers and Kilmarnock is phenomenal.

What is it about us a support ? We make a cult figure of a player who we paid twice as much for as Boyd and who had a fraction of his strike rate just because he ran about like a headless chicken for 90 minutes. How many matches did that win us ?

For those who would argue that his work rate (or alleged lack of it) does not justify his inclusion in the team...lets just look back to last season. In 2 Cup Finals...when our team played poorly...it was Boyd's brilliant finishing which meant we were winners rather than losers. Amidst the celebrations did we make the same condemnation of the workrate of the rest of the team who had performed poorly on those days ? Strikers need service - I have witnessed too many games where our striker (s) have had insufficient quality service.

For those who watch the team regularly its clear that Boyd's workrate has improved....his link up play is better as his overall contribution to the team. In fact his goal scoring record is as good as his current coach and mentor, Rangers greatest ever goal scorer, yet he is achieving that in a team which is nowhere near as creative or a dominant force as the team McCoist graced.

I believe if Walter continues with playing Boyd we will reap rewards. he has been used sparingly against European opposition and even Celtic in the past....which has only added to the misconception he cant score against bigger teams. There are limits to his predator instincts - you cant score goals sitting on the bench.

His fall out with Burley has put him very much in the spotlight...and even some criticism from Bears on here for his decision. Its interesting to note that many non-Rangers fans cannot believe that Boyd was passed over in favour of some untried and relatively unknown Wolves striker. As a side note I notice yesterday that Walter responded (angrily) to Burley's comments about McGregor's alleged knee problem...one wonders if there is anyone Burley will fail to rub up the wrong way.

Our current squad does not have enough match winners...players whose individual brilliance can turn the course of a match. I believe that Boyd's goal scoring brilliance allows us to declare him as a potential match winner. The 2 cup finals last season are ample evidence of that.

I hope we continue to exercise faith in Boyd's predatory instincts...his goal scoring record certainly merits such an exercise of faith.

Matches are won and lost on goals scored.

Boyd is the best goal scorer around at the moment.

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Since his move to Rangers Kris Boyd has been the subject of much divisive debate amongst Bears.....a player with an uncanny knack of putting the ball in the net, whilst at the same time not reknown for his work rate outside the box.

I sometimes wonder if we are judging Kris Boyd wrongly....his skill is scoring goals and he appears to possess that uncanny predator's instinct. For those who still have any doubts about this I would remind you that he is fast closing in on Jar Jar Blinks ( :lol: ) SPL scoring record. His goal scoring record at both Rangers and Kilmarnock is phenomenal.

For those who would argue that his work rate (or alleged lack of it) does not justify his inclusion in the team...lets just look back to last season. In 2 Cup Finals...when our team played poorly...it was Boyd's brilliant finishing which meant we were winners rather than losers. Amidst the celebrations did we make the same condemnation of the workrate of the rest of the team who had performed poorly on those days ? Strikers need service - I have witnessed too many games where our striker (s) have had insufficient quality service.

For those who watch the team regularly its clear that Boyd's workrate has improved....his link up play is better as his overall contribution to the team. In fact his goal scoring record is as good as his current coach and mentor, Rangers greatest ever goal scorer, yet he is achieving that in a team which is nowhere near as creative or a dominant force as the team McCoist graced.

I believe if Walter continues with playing Boyd we will reap rewards. he has been used sparingly against European opposition and even Celtic in the past....which has only added to the misconception he cant score against bigger teams. There are limits to his predator instincts - you cant score goals sitting on the bench.

His fall out with Burley has put him very much in the spotlight...and even some criticism from Bears on here for his decision. Its interesting to note that many non-Rangers fans cannot believe that Boyd was passed over in favour of some untried and relatively unknown Wolves striker. As a side note I notice yesterday that Walter responded (angrily) to Burley's comments about McGregor's alleged knee problem...one wonders if there is anyone Burley will fail to rub up the wrong way.

Our current squad does not have enough match winners...players whose individual brilliance can turn the course of a match. I believe that Boyd's goal scoring brilliance allows us to declare him as a potential match winner. The 2 cup finals last season are ample evidence of that.

I hope we continue to exercise faith in Boyd's predatory instincts...his goal scoring record certainly merits such an exercise of faith.

Matches are won and lost on goals scored.

Boyd is the best goal scorer around at the moment.

Personally dont see the argument, agree with all you say. Points win prizes and we dont, i feel, have anyone to touch Boyd when it comes to putting the ball away.

Burley,s actions have done us a real turn I think.

As for the goalkeeper, another judgement error which could have cost us dearly. Smith must take the blinkers off as it looks like Magregor,s head is still not where it should be.

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Since his move to Rangers Kris Boyd has been the subject of much divisive debate amongst Bears.....a player with an uncanny knack of putting the ball in the net, whilst at the same time not reknown for his work rate outside the box.

I sometimes wonder if we are judging Kris Boyd wrongly....his skill is scoring goals and he appears to possess that uncanny predator's instinct. For those who still have any doubts about this I would remind you that he is fast closing in on Jar Jar Blinks ( :lol: ) SPL scoring record. His goal scoring record at both Rangers and Kilmarnock is phenomenal.

For those who would argue that his work rate (or alleged lack of it) does not justify his inclusion in the team...lets just look back to last season. In 2 Cup Finals...when our team played poorly...it was Boyd's brilliant finishing which meant we were winners rather than losers. Amidst the celebrations did we make the same condemnation of the workrate of the rest of the team who had performed poorly on those days ? Strikers need service - I have witnessed too many games where our striker (s) have had insufficient quality service.

For those who watch the team regularly its clear that Boyd's workrate has improved....his link up play is better as his overall contribution to the team. In fact his goal scoring record is as good as his current coach and mentor, Rangers greatest ever goal scorer, yet he is achieving that in a team which is nowhere near as creative or a dominant force as the team McCoist graced.

I believe if Walter continues with playing Boyd we will reap rewards. he has been used sparingly against European opposition and even Celtic in the past....which has only added to the misconception he cant score against bigger teams. There are limits to his predator instincts - you cant score goals sitting on the bench.

His fall out with Burley has put him very much in the spotlight...and even some criticism from Bears on here for his decision. Its interesting to note that many non-Rangers fans cannot believe that Boyd was passed over in favour of some untried and relatively unknown Wolves striker. As a side note I notice yesterday that Walter responded (angrily) to Burley's comments about McGregor's alleged knee problem...one wonders if there is anyone Burley will fail to rub up the wrong way.

Our current squad does not have enough match winners...players whose individual brilliance can turn the course of a match. I believe that Boyd's goal scoring brilliance allows us to declare him as a potential match winner. The 2 cup finals last season are ample evidence of that.

I hope we continue to exercise faith in Boyd's predatory instincts...his goal scoring record certainly merits such an exercise of faith.

Matches are won and lost on goals scored.

Boyd is the best goal scorer around at the moment.

agree with that but my only concern is watching him now his workrate is much better than of late which beggers the question why could he not do that when we first signed him

i was a critic of his workate only now hes addressed that i think he is the best striker in the spl

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Is it not the case that against better opposition we don`t get the ball into the box enough therefore ws thinks we need a different type of forward

ie someone who holds the ball up runs the channels ect

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Is it not the case that against better opposition we don`t get the ball into the box enough therefore ws thinks we need a different type of forward

ie someone who holds the ball up runs the channels ect

It could be belter....but I have not seen much evidence of that working....in fact when I think back to the Lyon game at Ibrox...JCD missed a sitter which probably cost us a place in the next stages.

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Think he had the attitude at the start that a lot of players have nowadays that once you sign you think you have made it, you've got the jersey and thats enough, hopefully the penny has dropped and he now realises the only way he'll keep that jersey is through blood and snotter. ! :sherlock:

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If you are a born goalscorer you are just that via instinct, if the ball lands on your toe 8 yards out you dont stop and think oh fuck its Celtic/ManUtd/Barca then proceed to miss and if its Partick/Killie/Well carry on and bury it.

Yes Boyd would not play the lone striker role very well,in most European games we never look like scoring, imo Boyd plus another was the way to go, because the chances come along less often all the more reason to play a guy who in all likelyhood will snap it up.

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Since his move to Rangers Kris Boyd has been the subject of much divisive debate amongst Bears.....a player with an uncanny knack of putting the ball in the net, whilst at the same time not reknown for his work rate outside the box.

I sometimes wonder if we are judging Kris Boyd wrongly....his skill is scoring goals and he appears to possess that uncanny predator's instinct. For those who still have any doubts about this I would remind you that he is fast closing in on Jar Jar Blinks ( :lol: ) SPL scoring record. His goal scoring record at both Rangers and Kilmarnock is phenomenal.

His record is phenomenal, and I've always been dubious about the 'flat track bully' theory, (if it's possible to be such a thing why aren't there more?), but there still must be a doubt about his ability in the big games. Saying that, he at least has now made himself a first choice for those matches.

It's never time for faith though. Analytical and rational assessment, yes.

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No-one can argue with his goals,and his overall game is getting better,dont buy into the idea that he cant score against the so called big teams,after all he HAS scored goals in europe and international football. If there is one area of his game a think that he really needs to improve is his strength,by that I mean being able to mix it with defenders, look at the way Cousin bullied Caldwell and McManus in the last old firm game,they just couldnt handle him, and if Boyd could improve that aspect of his game he would be nearer the perfect centre forward, but maybe that side of things isnt in his nature.

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goals win games, boyd is the best goalscorer we have at the club. Simple as that. I would rather have boyd scoring goals and winning us games than working hard for 90mins and not scoring and us drawing. Would like to see him improve his all round game of course but while hes scoring goals the way he is i wont be complaining too much. Miller can do the hard work outside the box and let boyd do the finishing inside the box.

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Nice summersault D`Art

Remember this thread from Dec 05


Is Boyd now part of the solution instead of part of the problem, like the team.... consistency is required as we all look up to you

Somersault ?

Did I actually state there was a clique or did I ask a question ?

I'll give you a clue CD..

Which makes me wonder is there a clique of players at Ibrox who are exerting an unhealthy influence at our club ? If so who are they ?

The question mark at the end of the sentence is a give away....

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Nice summersault D`Art

Remember this thread from Dec 05


Is Boyd now part of the solution instead of part of the problem, like the team.... consistency is required as we all look up to you

im only 5ft 7" so i look up to everyone

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Nice summersault D`Art

Remember this thread from Dec 05


Is Boyd now part of the solution instead of part of the problem, like the team.... consistency is required as we all look up to you

im only 5ft 7" so i look up to everyone

Whats more alarming is that anyone would look up to me !!

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Nice summersault D`Art

Remember this thread from Dec 05


Is Boyd now part of the solution instead of part of the problem, like the team.... consistency is required as we all look up to you

im only 5ft 7" so i look up to everyone

Whats more alarming is that anyone would look up to me !!

better watch out or groupies might start hanging about outside your house not me though

but just in case i take two sugar and no milk (tu) Insert Special Item

FontsArialArial BlackArial NarrowBook AntiquaCentury GothicComic Sans MSCourier NewFranklin Gothic MediumGaramondGeorgiaImpactLucida ConsoleLucida Sans UnicodeMicrosoft Sans SerifPalatino LinotypeTahomaTimes New RomanTrebuchet MSVerdana


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Nice summersault D`Art

Remember this thread from Dec 05


Is Boyd now part of the solution instead of part of the problem, like the team.... consistency is required as we all look up to you

im only 5ft 7" so i look up to everyone

Whats more alarming is that anyone would look up to me !!

better watch out or groupies might start hanging about outside your house not me though

but just in case i take two sugar and no milk (tu) Insert Special Item

FontsArialArial BlackArial NarrowBook AntiquaCentury GothicComic Sans MSCourier NewFranklin Gothic MediumGaramondGeorgiaImpactLucida ConsoleLucida Sans UnicodeMicrosoft Sans SerifPalatino LinotypeTahomaTimes New RomanTrebuchet MSVerdana


You shouldnt pass on the milk KP...it may stunt your growth :mutley:

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Nice summersault D`Art

Remember this thread from Dec 05


Is Boyd now part of the solution instead of part of the problem, like the team.... consistency is required as we all look up to you

im only 5ft 7" so i look up to everyone

Whats more alarming is that anyone would look up to me !!

better watch out or groupies might start hanging about outside your house not me though

but just in case i take two sugar and no milk (tu) Insert Special Item

FontsArialArial BlackArial NarrowBook AntiquaCentury GothicComic Sans MSCourier NewFranklin Gothic MediumGaramondGeorgiaImpactLucida ConsoleLucida Sans UnicodeMicrosoft Sans SerifPalatino LinotypeTahomaTimes New RomanTrebuchet MSVerdana


You shouldnt pass on the milk KP...it may stunt your growth :mutley:

im quite happy being small nobody wants to pick fights with the wee guy in the pub

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I'd argue that although he's a wonderfully prolific striker, he's not capable of the sort of brilliance that brought us our 1st goal against Celtic in the 4-2 win at the start of the season.

The power, pace and thunder bolt shot transitioning once after the other is something only few top strikers can do.

Boyd is not capable of that sort of "individual brilliance" ala Danny Cousin.

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I'd argue that although he's a wonderfully prolific striker, he's not capable of the sort of brilliance that brought us our 1st goal against Celtic in the 4-2 win at the start of the season.

Boyd is not capable of that sort of "individual brilliance" ala Danny Cousin.

But Cousin has gone Ted...

We have to go with what we have got.

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Nice summersault D`Art

Remember this thread from Dec 05


Is Boyd now part of the solution instead of part of the problem, like the team.... consistency is required as we all look up to you

Somersault ?

Did I actually state there was a clique or did I ask a question ?

I'll give you a clue CD..

Which makes me wonder is there a clique of players at Ibrox who are exerting an unhealthy influence at our club ? If so who are they ?

The question mark at the end of the sentence is a give away....

So is your inference and the picture to high the fact, what is it they say a picture paints a thousand word note no question marks required

Sorry friend you had well and truely jumped on that bandwagon

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At least be accurate with your quotes CD...surely its not too hard... even for you....

I said "Every picture tells a story" in response to TM's picture.

Just for the record I do believe Boyd is part of a clique at Rangers along with the other 3 in the picture.

How would I resolve it ? Keep ferguson and Boyd and sell the other 2. Divide and conquer.

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Since his move to Rangers Kris Boyd has been the subject of much divisive debate amongst Bears.....a player with an uncanny knack of putting the ball in the net, whilst at the same time not reknown for his work rate outside the box.

I sometimes wonder if we are judging Kris Boyd wrongly....his skill is scoring goals and he appears to possess that uncanny predator's instinct. For those who still have any doubts about this I would remind you that he is fast closing in on Jar Jar Blinks ( :lol: ) SPL scoring record. His goal scoring record at both Rangers and Kilmarnock is phenomenal.

What is it about us a support ? We make a cult figure of a player who we paid twice as much for as Boyd and who had a fraction of his strike rate just because he ran about like a headless chicken for 90 minutes. How many matches did that win us ?

For those who would argue that his work rate (or alleged lack of it) does not justify his inclusion in the team...lets just look back to last season. In 2 Cup Finals...when our team played poorly...it was Boyd's brilliant finishing which meant we were winners rather than losers. Amidst the celebrations did we make the same condemnation of the workrate of the rest of the team who had performed poorly on those days ? Strikers need service - I have witnessed too many games where our striker (s) have had insufficient quality service.

For those who watch the team regularly its clear that Boyd's workrate has improved....his link up play is better as his overall contribution to the team. In fact his goal scoring record is as good as his current coach and mentor, Rangers greatest ever goal scorer, yet he is achieving that in a team which is nowhere near as creative or a dominant force as the team McCoist graced.

I believe if Walter continues with playing Boyd we will reap rewards. he has been used sparingly against European opposition and even Celtic in the past....which has only added to the misconception he cant score against bigger teams. There are limits to his predator instincts - you cant score goals sitting on the bench.

His fall out with Burley has put him very much in the spotlight...and even some criticism from Bears on here for his decision. Its interesting to note that many non-Rangers fans cannot believe that Boyd was passed over in favour of some untried and relatively unknown Wolves striker. As a side note I notice yesterday that Walter responded (angrily) to Burley's comments about McGregor's alleged knee problem...one wonders if there is anyone Burley will fail to rub up the wrong way.

Our current squad does not have enough match winners...players whose individual brilliance can turn the course of a match. I believe that Boyd's goal scoring brilliance allows us to declare him as a potential match winner. The 2 cup finals last season are ample evidence of that.

I hope we continue to exercise faith in Boyd's predatory instincts...his goal scoring record certainly merits such an exercise of faith.

Matches are won and lost on goals scored.

Boyd is the best goal scorer around at the moment.

Well said mate, I agree with you 100%

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At least be accurate with your quotes CD...surely its not too hard... even for you....

I said "Every picture tells a story" in response to TM's picture.

Just for the record I do believe Boyd is part of a clique at Rangers along with the other 3 in the picture.

How would I resolve it ? Keep ferguson and Boyd and sell the other 2. Divide and conquer.

I really was not quoting you they say being the operatative words, and I was only using another analogy sure a man of such penmanship as yourself would have seen that if they had read it properly instead of looking for recriminations.

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