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Should Rangersmedia.co.uk Support the Protest as a Site?


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174 members have voted

  1. 1. Should RM Support the Protest

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    • No

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As has been said by others in this thread, RangersMedia is a place where different opinions can be aired and shared. Supporting any protest shouldn't even be considered unless there is a massive majority in favour, and even then there is a big risk of marginalising the site. As a supporters forum I think it's vitally important we (RM) stay impartial.

On a personal level I think the protest is weak and poorly thought out, while the initial list of possible complaints was embarrassing in its paranoia. I'm sure there are some at the BBC who wish Rangers ill, and possibly a few who might actively plot to show us in a poor light, but the claim that BBC Scotland as a whole is institutionally biased against us is nothing short of laughable. And that's what will happen, they'll laugh at us, the entire Rangers support, as we'll all be tarred with the same brush as the tiny minority that turn up at the Beebs' door.

What are they going to do ? Laugh at us instead of spreading lies about our support? Continue to feed guys like Phil McGobblegiver more air time to tell us how he had to move to Donegal to flee the sectarian hate from those nasty Rangers fans ? Continue to ignore pro IRA chants highlighted by members of the British and Stormont parliments ?

They'll either continue as before or clean up their act.

One thing for sure is that no action on our part will equal no action on their part.

The last protest hardly brought shame on the club and this will be no different.

Laugh at us instead of spreading lies about our support?
In your opinion.

Continue to feed guys like Phil McGobblegiver more air time to tell us how he had to move to Donegal to flee the sectarian hate from those nasty Rangers fans ?
If you don't like it, switch it off.

Continue to ignore pro IRA chants highlighted by members of the British and Stormont parliments ?
Strictly speaking, this has nothing to do with the Beebs supposed biased reporting on things Rangers.

The last protest hardly brought shame on the club and this will be no different.
The last protest was barely noticed as no widely-recognised supporters organisation backed it. If, god forbid, the current protest was to be backed by a more widely-known organisation than VanguardBears it might well be noticed, and in my opinion that would reflect badly on the entire Rangers support.
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In your opinion.

Yes, that's all I can give. I never have nor never will claim to speak for the majority of Rangers fans on this issue but I can guage the reaction from those I speak to on here and elsewhere that that is the general concensus.

If you don't like it, switch it off.

When it's my club that are being talked about, whether it be on football related matters or that of politic etc then I want to know what is being said. When I hear lies and obvious stitch ups about us as a support then I feel we have the right to complain and protest.

Strictly speaking, this has nothing to do with the Beebs supposed biased reporting on things Rangers.

It does in my books when making comparisons to the hatchet job BBC Scotland pulled off with regards to Irish ministers bringing up the 'famine chant'.

The last protest was barely noticed as no widely-recognised supporters organisation backed it. If, god forbid, the current protest was to be backed by a more widely-known organisation than VanguardBears it might well be noticed, and in my opinion that would reflect badly on the entire Rangers support.

Believe what you may, the reason the last protest and this one coming hasn't been backed by a widely-recognized organization has nothing to do with said organizations disagreements with the ideas of the protest. It's a real shame they wont back it but we'll move on. Members from said organizations and RM, VB and other Rangers sites will be in attendance.

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The last demo was mentioned on their (BBC)website and on BBC teletext-they stated 35 protesters when in fact there were over 80.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but next time you hear of Rangers fans being singled out and feel anger-ask yourself where you were when bears tried to make a stand.

As for those on here who persist on spreading the lies on behalf of a certain individual who controls a website and supporters group-ask your self why?

Perhaps we should organise a trading stall at the BEEB to sell T shirts and for suggestions of threats from VB-would this be getting spread by the same person that ripped the heart out of the RST and punched (allegedly)a rival website owner in a Rangers club?

Interesting times ahead indeed.

I can be found easily as admin on vanguarbears where I will happily discuss any evidence of threats-wee word of caution and this is no threat but a promise-its not wee nerdy boys just out of a students union that are irked by such ill founded statements and as such will use all legal means to put down any accusations.

To those of you attending on saturday-remember no sectarian,rascist or otherwise, material will be tolerated.

The Famine Song is not on the agenda either-time and a place guys.



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The last demo was mentioned on their (BBC)website and on BBC teletext-they stated 35 protesters when in fact there were over 80.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but next time you hear of Rangers fans being singled out and feel anger-ask yourself where you were when bears tried to make a stand.

As for those on here who persist on spreading the lies on behalf of a certain individual who controls a website and supporters group-ask your self why?

Perhaps we should organise a trading stall at the BEEB to sell T shirts and for suggestions of threats from VB-would this be getting spread by the same person that ripped the heart out of the RST and punched (allegedly)a rival website owner in a Rangers club?

Interesting times ahead indeed.

I can be found easily as admin on vanguarbears where I will happily discuss any evidence of threats-wee word of caution and this is no threat but a promise-its not wee nerdy boys just out of a students union that are irked by such ill founded statements and as such will use all legal means to put down any accusations.

To those of you attending on saturday-remember no sectarian,rascist or otherwise, material will be tolerated.

The Famine Song is not on the agenda either-time and a place guys.



*stands in corner facing wall*

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*stands in corner facing wall*

Sentry and his site have a lot riding on this reputation wise, they are prepared to take the fight to the BBC and must do so in a peaceful manner.

While I don't believe the stuff about sectarianism or racism is needed they must give the warning to ensure everything runs smoothely.

Yes no one likes to be told what to do but if you are attending this then it's only fair you adhere to the rules set out to ensure that the aims of the protest are met to the betterment of Rangers and its support.

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*stands in corner facing wall*

Sentry and his site have a lot riding on this reputation wise, they are prepared to take the fight to the BBC and must do so in a peaceful manner.

While I don't believe the stuff about sectarianism or racism is needed they must give the warning to ensure everything runs smoothely.

Yes no one likes to be told what to do but if you are attending this then it's only fair you adhere to the rules set out to ensure that the aims of the protest are met to the betterment of Rangers and its support.

wasn't aware havn't been on in a while (tu)

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion but next time you hear of Rangers fans being singled out and feel anger-ask yourself where you were when bears tried to make a stand.

Exactly Sentry - sad things is that despite the wealth of evidence that has been presented some Bears still wish to maintain there is not a bias or agenda amongst some sections or persons within the media

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I've been asked to post the following message which is directed to The Webmaster and Admin of this site.

Can you do me a favour buddy? Personally thank the webmaster and his admin crew at RM from General Schomberg at Vanguard. They're doing more than others have done.

I've had my differences with the webmaster in the past but tell him I take my Rangers bunnet off to him.

You can just cut n paste this if you like.

Thanks. :rangers:

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion but next time you hear of Rangers fans being singled out and feel anger-ask yourself where you were when bears tried to make a stand.

Exactly Sentry - sad things is that despite the wealth of evidence that has been presented some Bears still wish to maintain there is not a bias or agenda amongst some sections or persons within the media

Certain people will never be convinced D'Art.

Whether it be for the reason of being petrified of appearing MOPE like and paranoid ala the monobrows or simply 'cause they are against it for more sinister reasons.

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If you don't like it, switch it off.

You would think that after all these years and all that has happened as a support..........that switching off radios...refusing to buy certain newspapers is not going to work.

We have to tackle this cancer head on.


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I've been asked to post the following message which is directed to The Webmaster and Admin of this site.

Can you do me a favour buddy? Personally thank the webmaster and his admin crew at RM from General Schomberg at Vanguard. They're doing more than others have done.

I've had my differences with the webmaster in the past but tell him I take my Rangers bunnet off to him.

You can just cut n paste this if you like.

Thanks. :rangers:

What a lazy bassa :D

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I've been asked to post the following message which is directed to The Webmaster and Admin of this site.

Can you do me a favour buddy? Personally thank the webmaster and his admin crew at RM from General Schomberg at Vanguard. They're doing more than others have done.

I've had my differences with the webmaster in the past but tell him I take my Rangers bunnet off to him.

You can just cut n paste this if you like.

Thanks. :rangers:

What a lazy bassa :D

I'll let you tell him. :ph34r:

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If you don't like it, switch it off.

You would think that after all these years and all that has happened as a support..........that switching off radios...refusing to buy certain newspapers is not going to work.

We have to tackle this cancer head on.


The author of this article is an Admin there and one of the organizers (tu)

He also wrote the article where Spiers was basically annihilated .

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If you don't like it, switch it off.

You would think that after all these years and all that has happened as a support..........that switching off radios...refusing to buy certain newspapers is not going to work.

We have to tackle this cancer head on.


The author of this article is an Admin there and one of the organizers (tu)

He also wrote the article where Spiers was basically annihilated .

Who you talking about Jim and what article are you referring to ?

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Who you talking about Jim and what article are you referring to ?

My mistake mate. The link you provided had silence in it and I assumed it was this....



The guy who wrote it is The Hitman, now Admin on VB and one of the organizers.

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Guest Andypendek

I was under the impression that both the boycott of the Herald and the dismal viewing figures for the tim-infested am dram fest that was Scotsport had a direct bearing on Spiers being sacked and that programme being pulled: it's not true to say boycotts don't work.

The problem with the BBC is that we are forced to pay for it whether we want to or not, thus a boycott is rather harder to pull off. Apart from anything else, boycotting them would mean listening to the painful 70s relic that is Radio Clyde, or the painful garden shed productions from Setanta TV.

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I was under the impression that both the boycott of the Herald and the dismal viewing figures for the tim-infested am dram fest that was Scotsport had a direct bearing on Spiers being sacked and that programme being pulled: it's not true to say boycotts don't work.

The problem with the BBC is that we are forced to pay for it whether we want to or not, thus a boycott is rather harder to pull off. Apart from anything else, boycotting them would mean listening to the painful 70s relic that is Radio Clyde, or the painful garden shed productions from Setanta TV.

I actually believe Setanta is a great channel. The value for money factor is superb IMO and I'd listen to Hartson all day long before I would ever give Chick Young the time of day.

Boycotting BBC Scotland is unrealistic IMO, for starters it isn't an exclusively sports based programme and on top of that the majority of programmes are UK wide and my beef isn't with the corporation as a whole just the Scottish branch. Avoiding funding them would only result in court apppearances and I wouldn't want any bear faced with that.

Showing face and letting them know about our disgust with them is the only logical choice of action IMO.

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This protest seems to have changed the tune of some posters on here regarding FF and the RST.

Lots of different opinions about Saturday, some still burying their heads in the sand though. I just can't fathom how people cannot see that those in charge of certain organisations, the BBC being at the forefront, are demonising our Club and fans at every chance they get.

IMO we need to show them that we know what they're up to and we're not going to let them continue doing it. The more people turning out on Saturday the better.

Well done to VB's for setting this up. The RST board should be hanging their heads in shame at not supporting this protest.

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This protest seems to have changed the tune of some posters on here regarding FF and the RST.

Lots of different opinions about Saturday, some still burying their heads in the sand though. I just can't fathom how people cannot see that those in charge of certain organisations, the BBC being at the forefront, are demonising our Club and fans at every chance they get.

IMO we need to show them that we know what they're up to and we're not going to let them continue doing it. The more people turning out on Saturday the better.

Well done to VB's for setting this up. The RST board should be hanging their heads in shame at not supporting this protest.


Anti Rangers agenda or not, what difference will this protest make?

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Anti Rangers agenda or not, what difference will this protest make?

No disrespect but huh ? <cr>

If you believe you are the victim of an unfair agenda you act, sitting about thinking to yourself 'them's the rules' is weak.

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Anti Rangers agenda or not, what difference will this protest make?

Enough pressure/ publicity might just make them think twice before they make or allow unfounded accusations against us.

Like they do with perfectly truthful ones about them....

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It's up to the individuals to decide for themselves but RM allowing it's discussion between its members to make that decision for themselves is most definitely welcome.

We have one or two of the moderators here who hope to be attending and one who doesn't support it. I wouldn't expect an entire site to be in agreement on any issue.

But this thread has highlighted to me more than anything that the vast majority of the support want to unite on issues such as this which is possitive.

Hope to see as many RM posters there as possible.

Yellowcross! You're a nutter :lol:

LOL - Such interpretation - You haven't even carried a majority on this poll (when I just looked 60 had voted against and 44 voted for). Even forgeting that RM has 10,000 members you didn't even win this vote but somehow construed this into the statement in bold !! LOL - The BBC, even in extremis, look very even handed compared to that interpretation!

If you read the question again I believe you'll find it has nothing to do with whether posters agree with the protest or not.

LOL :rolleyes:

I voted no as I believe it's up to the individual to decide for themselves, how do you interpret that ?

LOL :rolleyes:

You're becoming a right wee stalker of mine, I suppose I should be flattered at the notoriety.

If you read my reply again you will see I was having a go at your statement on Unity - nothing else - it was just ... extravegant in its Exaggeration ! :lol:

I admire (whoops sounds like a stalking word) that you realise that its up to the individual to decide. 100% agree - but that also means I have the right to 'vote' against - or even 'discuss' againts the protest, does it not?

As for wether I am stalking you or not - give me a kiss and I'll let you know ! :kiss1:

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