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It's no wonder some of the RST board/members etc


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Speaking as a member (RM and Trust) who you haven't had the pleasure of meeting, and one who has offered constructive (I hope) criticism of the Trust on here, I can only hope you're not labelling us all fenians? Actually I know you're not, and I have a fair idea of who you mean, but I think your main point raises a few issues.

The Trust are seen as being closely associated with Follow Follow, for obvious reasons.

There is a fair amount of online rivalry between here and FF.

Some members on here will have been banned from FF and will not agree with that ban, whether it was justified or not.

Also, some will think that you, as a member of FF and here (I think, but am happy for you to correct me) might be here on behalf of FF to support the Trust. For the record, I do not believe that. I have a great deal of respect for you and your opinions, I think you're a good debater, and put yourself across well, even when I don't agree with you.

Besides, I hope to meet up with you at the RM dinner, then I can at least exclude myself from the "people you haven't met" category! :cheers:

Of course that's not what I'm getting at, FFS I refuse to rejoin the Trust due to them blanking the BBC protest. So if anything you should be questioning me :D

I said not long after I joined RM that the obsession with FF has to stop, this site (even then) had enough members to forget about competition, it's not even about that anymore, and that's not what my thread is about.

Moi a FF mole ? :D

There's a reason why the Union Bears are never invited for their input on anything over there (or the Trust) :ph34r::D

Hope to meet you too, if only to cross you off my list :D

Think we are beggining to overtake FF now jim to much things you you can say or they want to moderate you very heavily meaning you cant have a proper debate.I mean why would an interne forum want your contact number when you sign up?

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Too far ? They are ruining any meaningful debate that the Trust have tried to engage on here since your departure.

If you believe it was worse when you were the spokesman then I can only assume that's because you were the one dealing with the flak.

How would you feel if certain people tried to discredit your 'setting the standards' campaign ?

For what it's worth I'd be just as hostile with anyone acting like the cunny funt on that issue as I would be here.

I agree one or two people are spoiling some threads by going on about the same issue. They've now been politely asked to stop.

However to say meaningful debate hasn't happened since I resigned simply isn't true. There have been a few interesting threads with plenty interesting contributions from both camps.

To be clear I was no spokesperson. I just came on here (and elsewhere) and enjoyed talking about something I believed in. And people tried to discredit me regularly IIRC. Not just on here but on every forum I used.

If people tried to spoil my campaign (and it isn't a campaign just a small contribution) I'd argue their point, be open and honest and try and win over the neutrals. I'm glad you'd support me on that... ;)

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PM me who you think are fenian bastards and we'll see who we agree on.

We try our best, but we do like to give folk the benefit of the doubt as much as possible. The site has always hated banning bears, even if they are perceived as complete handwringers. However it's hard to distinguish at times.

Present me solution and I'll imply it. We haven't found one as yet.

Just ban who I say should be banned.

It's that simple :pipe:

Therr yi go, problem solved :craphead:

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Clearly aimed at me and a few others.

So as far as credentials are concerned. Known Oleg Kutznetsov for a number of years online and fought many a fight against Timmy rule. He has a load of stuff that i have done in background campaigning against certain things and YES i was the anonymous contributor away back in September/October time when everyone was saying my letter was a great piece.

Have arranged a few tickets through John Galbraith and the Bridgeton bus, though he is no longer a member, however im sure a few who know him will be able to ask and vouch on that front.

By all means, accuse me of being a prick...................but never a fenian (tu)

So does that mean you can stop trying to take any RST thread off in a tangent ?

I have no qualms with them being critisized, I do so myself often enough.

But when people I know go to great lengths to try and improve things for the Rangers support being ridiculed and dragged into some tedious mud slinging stuff then I despair.

I'll be perfectly honest, and say it was directed at you amongst others. Sometimes you target other bears in a fashion that leaves me unable to believe otherwise.

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YES i was the anonymous contributor away back in September/October time when everyone was saying my letter was a great piece.

Have arranged a few tickets through John Galbraith and the Bridgeton bus, though he is no longer a member, however im sure a few who know him will be able to ask and vouch on that front.

By all means, accuse me of being a prick...................but never a fenian (tu)

Why were you anonymous then? I can't remember your opinions, just that (according to Oleg) your reasons for being anon were honourable.

To be honest, if your best character witness is "knowing OlegKuznetsov for a number of years online" you're struggling for real mates (tu)

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Clearly aimed at me and a few others.

So as far as credentials are concerned. Known Oleg Kutznetsov for a number of years online and fought many a fight against Timmy rule. He has a load of stuff that i have done in background campaigning against certain things and YES i was the anonymous contributor away back in September/October time when everyone was saying my letter was a great piece.

Have arranged a few tickets through John Galbraith and the Bridgeton bus, though he is no longer a member, however im sure a few who know him will be able to ask and vouch on that front.

By all means, accuse me of being a prick...................but never a fenian (tu)

So does that mean you can stop trying to take any RST thread off in a tangent ?

I have no qualms with them being critisized, I do so myself often enough.

But when people I know go to great lengths to try and improve things for the Rangers support being ridiculed and dragged into some tedious mud slinging stuff then I despair.

I'll be perfectly honest, and say it was directed at you amongst others. Sometimes you target other bears in a fashion that leaves me unable to believe otherwise.

I will be consistent if nothing else. I openly discuss loads of topics but whenever an RST roar or an RST PR post appears, then just like me offering my opinion on Adam, Watty, Manchester, tactics, corners, training, Stevie Smith then i will say my piece on it. Simple.

I dont target specific bears at all Jim. I have my opinions and i ask questions. If thats against the rules then perhaps Admin can take action. I say nothing on here that i wouldnt say face to face.

Bluepeter -I hope you can distinguish the diference between "real mates" and guys on a forum. Not very many of my "mates" go on any sort of forum. In fact most are limited to work e-mail and would have to ask their IT guys to switch their PC on and off. I was merely pointing out that if i was a "FENIAN" the i would have had to be undercover for the last 3 years on various forums.


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Kinda strange I've been called anti-Trust and pro-Trust on here, but my own view is that the Trust have settled for another site to maximise their exposure, rightly or wrongly that is their decision. However although I agree in principle with what the Trust are trying to achieve I think the way they are going about it is non-productive in my opinion, whether I am right or wrong remains to be seen. I admire them for putting the time in, but also think that due to elitism they are missing out on what really could be a successful group. They have alienated themselves and with SDM's help they are going to find it a struggle to appeal to your average Rangers fan. As an ex-member would I rejoin? Not in it's current form no, too many crucial decisions were made at board level that should have been put to the members and weren't. I don't see this changing in the near future.

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Bluepeter -I hope you can distinguish the diference between "real mates" and guys on a forum. Not very many of my "mates" go on any sort of forum. In fact most are limited to work e-mail and would have to ask their IT guys to switch their PC on and off. I was merely pointing out that if i was a "FENIAN" the i would have had to be undercover for the last 3 years on various forums.


I don't really ask my mates what forums they go on, it's up to them. I feel more balanced for knowing that they are my mates, and I can discuss things with them regardless if they are members on here or not. For the record, I know one regular poster on here personally, along with one guy who pops his head up now and again. As far as I know, CanadaReady could live next door to me and pretend he's in Canada, it makes no difference.

Whether you're a tim or not doesn't interest me, frankly, although I believe you're not. I think some of your posts are deliberately intended to antagonise people, and I don't fundamentally think Devil's advocate is a bad thing, but I think you are deliberately antagonistic when there's no need.

Anyway, I take it you're going to the RM dinner to hear Donald Findlay QC speaking? If so, I'll see you there. If not, why not?

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Bluepeter -I hope you can distinguish the diference between "real mates" and guys on a forum. Not very many of my "mates" go on any sort of forum. In fact most are limited to work e-mail and would have to ask their IT guys to switch their PC on and off. I was merely pointing out that if i was a "FENIAN" the i would have had to be undercover for the last 3 years on various forums.


I don't really ask my mates what forums they go on, it's up to them. I feel more balanced for knowing that they are my mates, and I can discuss things with them regardless if they are members on here or not. For the record, I know one regular poster on here personally, along with one guy who pops his head up now and again. As far as I know, CanadaReady could live next door to me and pretend he's in Canada, it makes no difference.

Whether you're a tim or not doesn't interest me, frankly, although I believe you're not. I think some of your posts are deliberately intended to antagonise people, and I don't fundamentally think Devil's advocate is a bad thing, but I think you are deliberately antagonistic when there's no need.

Anyway, I take it you're going to the RM dinner to hear Donald Findlay QC speaking? If so, I'll see you there. If not, why not?

For the record, im not questioning you bluepeter............its others thats questioning me (tu)

Im not going to the RM dinner actually. I presume im one of 500+ members who isnt going as it seems the event was sold out very quickly.

The next home game i attend, if i break out of my "Misser/Smith" exile(ive been bad once), then im more than happy to have a pint in the Swallow(where i normally go) and tell you my view points face to face. As i have said from my very first post.....a shovel is a shovel and differing opinions are what makes the world interesting (tu)

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I don't really ask my mates what forums they go on, it's up to them.

Do you ever wonder if you know somebody really well who you've slagged off on the interweb?

I do :gerbad:

We'd been married 17 years before you sussed it was me. Oh how we laughed.......

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Quite frankly some on here are set against it whatever they say or do, I find it intriguing that it usually seems to be those members that none of us have had the pleasure of meeting. Surely that isn't a coincidence ?

Not talking about constructive criticism here, that's always welcome but the sly digs by a certain faction on here whenever the Trust unveil an initiative/statement is bloody tedious.

Note to all : the following statement isn't one supported or endored by the Trust. This is my own opinion.

There are Fenian bastards on here indulging in a wee game of sabotage, even when the Trust are being diplomatic they are held in contempt by some. Rangers Media have always taken a more diplonatic view on their membership and that's to be welcomed, however I believe it's starting to become detremental to the board to allow posters to constantly ridicule and mock the Trust.

Who knows these people ?

What the fuck have they done to try and benefit the Rangeres support ?

Jimenez, at a recent RST Board meeting I brought up what I thought was an unacceptable situation that we were seen somehow as an arm of FF. Although the RST was started by posters on that webite, we have moved on and would like to encompass the views of the wider Rangers support. To that end, we agreed to post any news on this website, which I have done tonight. If people would rather I didn't then please let me know.

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Kinda strange I've been called anti-Trust and pro-Trust on here, but my own view is that the Trust have settled for another site to maximise their exposure, rightly or wrongly that is their decision. However although I agree in principle with what the Trust are trying to achieve I think the way they are going about it is non-productive in my opinion, whether I am right or wrong remains to be seen. I admire them for putting the time in, but also think that due to elitism they are missing out on what really could be a successful group. They have alienated themselves and with SDM's help they are going to find it a struggle to appeal to your average Rangers fan. As an ex-member would I rejoin? Not in it's current form no, too many crucial decisions were made at board level that should have been put to the members and weren't. I don't see this changing in the near future.

damien1, as I said in a previous post, I have agreed with the RST Board that our articles will be posted and debated on here as well as FF. I understand your points and I think we have been guilty in the past. However we are looking at a new communication system via Supporters Direct, we will be totally overhauling our (frankly disappointing) website and in our latest release we have invited comments from our members and are planning a members meeting. If any members have any suggestions please feel free to post or PM me.

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Kinda strange I've been called anti-Trust and pro-Trust on here, but my own view is that the Trust have settled for another site to maximise their exposure, rightly or wrongly that is their decision. However although I agree in principle with what the Trust are trying to achieve I think the way they are going about it is non-productive in my opinion, whether I am right or wrong remains to be seen. I admire them for putting the time in, but also think that due to elitism they are missing out on what really could be a successful group. They have alienated themselves and with SDM's help they are going to find it a struggle to appeal to your average Rangers fan. As an ex-member would I rejoin? Not in it's current form no, too many crucial decisions were made at board level that should have been put to the members and weren't. I don't see this changing in the near future.

damien1, as I said in a previous post, I have agreed with the RST Board that our articles will be posted and debated on here as well as FF. I understand your points and I think we have been guilty in the past. However we are looking at a new communication system via Supporters Direct, we will be totally overhauling our (frankly disappointing) website and in our latest release we have invited comments from our members and are planning a members meeting. If any members have any suggestions please feel free to post or PM me.

Good to know. I suggest you post and debate on as many websites/forums as practical.

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Kinda strange I've been called anti-Trust and pro-Trust on here, but my own view is that the Trust have settled for another site to maximise their exposure, rightly or wrongly that is their decision. However although I agree in principle with what the Trust are trying to achieve I think the way they are going about it is non-productive in my opinion, whether I am right or wrong remains to be seen. I admire them for putting the time in, but also think that due to elitism they are missing out on what really could be a successful group. They have alienated themselves and with SDM's help they are going to find it a struggle to appeal to your average Rangers fan. As an ex-member would I rejoin? Not in it's current form no, too many crucial decisions were made at board level that should have been put to the members and weren't. I don't see this changing in the near future.

damien1, as I said in a previous post, I have agreed with the RST Board that our articles will be posted and debated on here as well as FF. I understand your points and I think we have been guilty in the past. However we are looking at a new communication system via Supporters Direct, we will be totally overhauling our (frankly disappointing) website and in our latest release we have invited comments from our members and are planning a members meeting. If any members have any suggestions please feel free to post or PM me.

Good to know. I suggest you post and debate on as many websites/forums as practical.

We will do so but much of that depends on how much spare time we have. Personally, I work from about 8 until 5, I get home and have to make dinner so then have a few hours spare in the evening unless I have to do washing, ironing, cleaning, tidying, load my dishwasher. I also have to take in games, visit my mother, go shopping, walk my dog, do RST paperwork, attend RST Board meetings, take forward RST initiatives, support charities that the RST is involved with, help oranise events such as the Sam English tribute dinner, RSEA event, pay bills and, very occasionally, see my friends. I'm not complaining as it is a labour of love for me but people need to realise that we have lives too.

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Kinda strange I've been called anti-Trust and pro-Trust on here, but my own view is that the Trust have settled for another site to maximise their exposure, rightly or wrongly that is their decision. However although I agree in principle with what the Trust are trying to achieve I think the way they are going about it is non-productive in my opinion, whether I am right or wrong remains to be seen. I admire them for putting the time in, but also think that due to elitism they are missing out on what really could be a successful group. They have alienated themselves and with SDM's help they are going to find it a struggle to appeal to your average Rangers fan. As an ex-member would I rejoin? Not in it's current form no, too many crucial decisions were made at board level that should have been put to the members and weren't. I don't see this changing in the near future.

damien1, as I said in a previous post, I have agreed with the RST Board that our articles will be posted and debated on here as well as FF. I understand your points and I think we have been guilty in the past. However we are looking at a new communication system via Supporters Direct, we will be totally overhauling our (frankly disappointing) website and in our latest release we have invited comments from our members and are planning a members meeting. If any members have any suggestions please feel free to post or PM me.

Good to know. I suggest you post and debate on as many websites/forums as practical.

We will do so but much of that depends on how much spare time we have. Personally, I work from about 8 until 5, I get home and have to make dinner so then have a few hours spare in the evening unless I have to do washing, ironing, cleaning, tidying, load my dishwasher. I also have to take in games, visit my mother, go shopping, walk my dog, do RST paperwork, attend RST Board meetings, take forward RST initiatives, support charities that the RST is involved with, help oranise events such as the Sam English tribute dinner, RSEA event, pay bills and, very occasionally, see my friends. I'm not complaining as it is a labour of love for me but people need to realise that we have lives too.

Wow! Good luck.

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This thread reminds me a little of David Murray's call for unity the other day. Get behind me or you're not a real fan. This seems to be "agree with the RST or you're a Fenian". Completely ridiculous comment Jiminez.

Btw ... I did actually agree with most of the points in the We Deserve Better campaign. It was just poorly managed and fizzled out before it really got going.

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This thread reminds me a little of David Murray's call for unity the other day. Get behind me or you're not a real fan. This seems to be "agree with the RST or you're a Fenian". Completely ridiculous comment Jiminez.

I think you've missed the point of what Jiminez what trying to make.

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This thread reminds me a little of David Murray's call for unity the other day. Get behind me or you're not a real fan. This seems to be "agree with the RST or you're a Fenian". Completely ridiculous comment Jiminez.

I think you've missed the point of what Jiminez what trying to make.

I dont think he has. Jim accused me and others of being sabotagin "Fenian Bastards" and he admitted so further down the thread. I admire his honesty, though is Timmy radar is not working on this occassion. (tu)

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This thread reminds me a little of David Murray's call for unity the other day. Get behind me or you're not a real fan. This seems to be "agree with the RST or you're a Fenian". Completely ridiculous comment Jiminez.

I think you've missed the point of what Jiminez what trying to make.

Enlighten me then

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Quite frankly some on here are set against it whatever they say or do, I find it intriguing that it usually seems to be those members that none of us have had the pleasure of meeting. Surely that isn't a coincidence ?

Not talking about constructive criticism here, that's always welcome but the sly digs by a certain faction on here whenever the Trust unveil an initiative/statement is bloody tedious.

Note to all : the following statement isn't one supported or endored by the Trust. This is my own opinion.

There are Fenian bastards on here indulging in a wee game of sabotage, even when the Trust are being diplomatic they are held in contempt by some. Rangers Media have always taken a more diplonatic view on their membership and that's to be welcomed, however I believe it's starting to become detremental to the board to allow posters to constantly ridicule and mock the Trust.

Who knows these people ?

What the fuck have they done to try and benefit the Rangeres support ?


I agree that there are a lot of unwashed visiting our site however it should not be assumed because someone is critical of the trust that they may be a t******

I am no big fan of the RST and have stated that on more than a few times.

I have always felt that the RST members are not canvassed properly before certain things are said and done, allegedly in their name.

What I won't knock though is that it is done with the best of intentions.

I just feel your going down a dangerously paranoid route by the mild suggestion that those who criticise the trust are not Bears. I have never knowingly met any of you guys but it doesn't make my opinions any less valid?

Thats my tuppence worth anyway. . . Now back to the brekkie before I get cracking for the game !


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I don't really ask my mates what forums they go on, it's up to them.

Do you ever wonder if you know somebody really well who you've slagged off on the interweb?

I do :gerbad:

I mostly wonder if my boss is a member on here. I have been known, on the odd occasion ;) , to use RM in work. My boss is a good Rangers man, who uses forums (fora?) but I don't think he's discovered this one yet. I am moving offshore with my company in a few weeks, so I'll be introducing him to the site then when he can't catch me skiving! :D

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The next home game i attend, if i break out of my "Misser/Smith" exile(ive been bad once), then im more than happy to have a pint in the Swallow(where i normally go) and tell you my view points face to face. As i have said from my very first post.....a shovel is a shovel and differing opinions are what makes the world interesting (tu)

I'd be happy to have a pint with you, I'll drink with (almost) anyone. :gerbad: I agree with some of the things you say, not with others, but as you say, differing opinions are what makes the world interesting (tu)

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