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Everything posted by Bakbear

  1. Sorry, but I think we've been doing that since we signed him, up until Walter came anyway. And what have we won? These comparisons with Ally really get on my tits. If you mean predatory instincts, then you're nearly there. But Ally tried a lot, lot harder than Boyd and the team around him was 100 times better. So even if he had an off day, someone would save his arse. Boydy doesn't have that luxury. For the people that say he HAS to play...are you saying McLeish AND Walter are wrong? If he was as good as all of you are making out, surely he'd be first choice in both teams? Right, so the comparison with Ally regarding his predatory instincts are "nearly there" Lets assume that he has as good a goals to starts ratio as Ally (I am sure you can confirm or refute this). You then go on to say the team around Ally was a hundred times better? Is that Boyds fault then? Does that detract from, or enhance the comparison? Does that mean if Ally was playing in the current team he may not have as good a goals to starts ratio?? I fail to see how the Comparison to McCoist can "get on your tits" lets see.... A predatory striker, reveered by many, scorned by almost as many. Spending alot of time on the bench at the outset of his Rangers career, A rangers man through and through, criticized for not doing enough in a game but always popping up with vital goals.... now that could easily apply to either Boyd or McCoist so... it is your right to disagree and say he is not the player McCoist was, no problem, but why does it get on your tits, its a fair comparison? Also I watcehd mcCoist throughout his career... absolute legend but I can tell you in the early days he was often accused of being a lazy bastard who did nothing. There were a couple of Managers that didn't fancy him much. He started to work harder as age caught up with him. Sometime the mists of time dull the negatives
  2. I have said it before and I will say it again and I will not stop saying it until Boyd is eventually forced to leave.... which sadly is looking evermore likely Kris Boyd is the Ally McCoist of our generation. I think it is scandalous that we are not playing a 4-4-2 in the SPL with Boyds name the 3rd on the team sheet (after Barry and Hutton), I would save the 1 up top tactic for Europe and MAYBE Celtic although I think their defence is pish enough that 2 up front may be worthwhile (thats another discussion) I would be gutted if Boyd does have to leave to get first team football and I think it would be a sad day for Rangers. If he was starting every week in a partnership with JCD/Cousin/Naismith I believe he would be top scorer this season and probably have 100 Rangers goals under his belt by the end of 2008 (injury permitting) Yes he needs to work harder, No he will never be good enough to be the lone striker, and yes there will be games where he contributes NOTHING, but he will ALWAYS score goals if he is played in the right set-up and there are some skills that cannot be taught.. a strikers instinct is one of them. Sebo ran his arse off... finish the comparison yerself.. Just my opinion of course
  3. Ah something positive... come on guys, a wee reality check here, we are playing Barcelona at the Camp Nou... its not Falkirk at brockville.. we went behind to a handball and then a well worked goal, over the two legs we have been completely outclassed, we have not however been even a little bit embarrassed, I think hutton has has another good night and generally we have punched above our weight... keep working hard and we could nick one... mind you while typing this Barca are turning the screw
  4. A headless chicken who runs all night, he isn't even that good Yeah, he's pretty average. All he's really good at is collecting winners medals. Like the World Cup for example. Loads of shite players have won the World Cup. Like.... ehm... hmm..... gimme a sec.... Guivarc'h??? Actually a few shite players have won the world cup but its irrelevant because Gattuso is not one of them. Hemdani is good and he should start every week but I would trade him for Gattuso in a heart beat
  5. Yep, this is a problem we face. Nonetheless, we'll fight on and there will always be bears prepared to address our own challenges whilst also ensuring those of us who want to celebrate our history can do so being continually persecuted. I see no-one has managed to answer my question in post 21 yet... Can't find a lawyer who is interested appearing in the public domain?? Christ, there were lawyers in this country willing to defend Saddam Hussein for the publicity? Surely our stock has not fallen so much, that war criminals are more appealing to get the 15 minutes of fame. I am certain that if the RST engaged a lawyer to sue an individual next time he makes a reference like "the bouncy is an imitation of a sectarian beating" the media would soon sit up and take notice. As with the other stories that were mentioned
  6. Point taken. Really? I thought that would be slaughtered... so do you think the RST would lead the charge then Frankie?
  7. With respect, who pays for it? No win, no fee Thats a Joke BTW Seriously, I posted a while back that if there was a well organized, reliable plan in place to take legal action then I would donate money to the pot. How many others would? 40,000 fans chucking in a fiver or a tenner? Okay the legal costs may be more than a couple of hundred thousand but I think the point I made at the time was that there may be some good lawyers out there that would like to take on the case (high profile) for a reduced fee? I know this might be supremely Naive but a well organized group of people can be a powerful force and there seems to be a ground swell of opinion that something must be done.
  8. No slur taken. But cosy cuppas are not the order of the day when we meet with SDM - I can assure you. I do think we've managed to get some decent concessions via this dialogue. What drastic action do you recommend? Legal Action. I have said before that I think we (RFC or its Supporters) should be pursuing routes to take people to task over the imbalance.
  9. I am wondering if this isn't some kind of misguided tactic? I can't believe we can be so consistently poor in the first half without it being deliberate. Perhaps someone at the club feels that we can let the oppostion run around againt our defence until they tire and then run them ragged in the last third of the game. Foolish if thats the case
  10. eh? what are the old ideas?? He may have made a selection error (specifically with the bench) but I don't follow with the "old ideas"
  11. At half time i would have taken a draw, at full time I am disappointed... we should have won that
  12. All those that whinge about Boyds workrate must be pleasantly surprised by his efforts today... he is chasing everything and putting in a real good shift
  13. I do admire your positivity but you have to agree whittaker has been sh*te and that our midfield has been dominated by motherwell??? Cueller is defending further up than papac and Weir and its leaving some gaps in the middle and McCulloch is creating nothing (apart from the shot off the bar)
  14. the thing is i am not insired by the bench... would like to have seen Novo come on for Whittaker and hemdani for thomson... but Faye and Adam are not going to change this game
  15. midfield is having a nightmare... whittaker is giving the ball away every time
  16. I don't think 6 points will do it... We have the toughest run in of the three, France should get all 9 points, Italy should also get 9, including us... we still have a huge job on our hands. Ukraine and Georgia away are by no means forgone conclusions We have done brilliantly to be sitting here doing the maths but it will still take a minor miracle for us to make it... hope we do though
  17. Clearly my memory is shocking because as I remember Soti was a fecken liability on the park. Gave away ridiculous free kicks, got sent off stupidly too often... (How many Reds did he get? Is this just my poor memory again?) and he also tried to engineer his way out of Rangers before realising no-one else wanted him so reluctantly came back... or did I just dream all that?
  18. not as a lone striker no, i cant remember any1 ever saying they would play him as a loan striker Precisely, If we were playing 2 upfront then yes I would play Boyd even against Barca. However if, as is likely, we go for one up front then he would not get near the team. I think WS knows this and I think he knew this even while Manager of Scotland. Even against Barca?what are you smoking?the only reason he got a game today was because it was against the worse team at home,and he still looked lacking. Bench-warmer at best. Yeah Ok, you are entitled to your opinion. I am entitled to mine so there is no need for the "what have you been smoking" sh@te. I personally wouldn't play two up against Barca so he wouldn't be in my team, but IF we did play 2 upfront then he would be in my team every time 71 Appearances 48 goals, I agree to disagree...
  19. Maybe, but I doubt it, I think it will continue to be 4-5-1 in europe. Hemdani protecting the back four.
  20. I wouldn't disagree with Davie needing a rest but if Steely's point was that Gow doesn't deserve a chance then what has Webster done that is any different? (Reserve matches that both players have played) Broadfoot could have played? There is no answer to these questions, we cannot see what goes on in training, we cannot know how WS rates players. Maybe he rates Webster over Broadfoot, maybe he rates Several players over Gow, maybe he feels that Gow is not mentally ready to play for Rangers due to his family bereavments, maybe he thought it was more important to have Naismith on the bench today than Gow. Maybe maybe maybe The point is that Gow will get his chance when the time is right and he better be sure that he gives it all he has got as the competition for places is brilliant
  21. not as a lone striker no, i cant remember any1 ever saying they would play him as a loan striker Precisely, If we were playing 2 upfront then yes I would play Boyd even against Barca. However if, as is likely, we go for one up front then he would not get near the team. I think WS knows this and I think he knew this even while Manager of Scotland.
  22. Nah, Riordan is arguably the second best striker at that club.... Gow may be a good player but there are players ahead of him that are there on merit. Plus Gow has had personal problems that have delayed the start to his career. If he is good enough he will force his way into the team
  23. I think this slating of Boyd is fairly endemic of the Rangers support, we always seem to value a hard working striker who can’t score over a goal machine who contributes little else. Salenko (goal every 2 games), Flo (Goal every 2 games), Erik Bo Andersen (goal average better than every 2 games), even the legend that is McCoist took a slating in his early days with the club because he “didn’t do enoughâ€. And perhaps most comically of all, there is the criticism that was aimed at Negri because he didn’t smile when he scored, didn’t celebrate enough ffs. When we signed him, Boyd was sarcastically likened to the new Steven Thompson by many of our own support and there was a thread dedicated to “will Boyd score 100 Goals for Rangers†on the BBC forum. People were ticking them off and counting down as he started working his way towards that target. He is very nearly half way there in only 54 starts, in fact he has scored more goals for Rangers than Steven Thompson has scored in his entire career. Boyd has his deficiencies, no doubt. But I simply don’t understand why he is not highly valued by the entire Rangers support as a young, Scottish, Rangers Supporting, Goal Machine who cost the club less than half a million pounds Does anyone doubt he will score 100 goals for Rangers now?
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