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Everything posted by Bakbear

  1. I amazed to hear this from our own fans... I totally disagree. Ferguson is obviously a quality player but has been poor recently and indeed many would suggest that a couple of games on the bench wouldn't go amiss. Hutton is obviously one of our best players but we are far far from a two man team. McGregor may not be a threat but goalkeepers can win games, Cueller may not be an attacking player but he has been a rock in the defence and indeed has scored more than Sebo managed last season. A central defender can also be the difference between winning and losing. Would Richard Gough not have qualified as a significant team member in the 9 in a row year because he was not a threat?Weir has also been a colossus since signing although I think he is on the wane now. Thomson has really come onto a game and has been better than Fergie in recent weeks. Hemdani too is a class act. Naismith is one of the most exciting prospects in Scotland having won young player of the year twice. JCD when fit is a major threat and Boyd is what the second or third highest scorer in SPL history at 24 years old. Novo is a dynamo who is capable of raising a game with his energy and enthusiasm, I could go on and on, McCulloch, Burke, Whittaker, .... 2 man team? Needless to say I disagree
  2. Just while the subject is mentioned... whatever happened to Byebyethehihi??? He was regular on BBC and was Admin on here for a while
  3. I am going to risk the wrath of some here but I made an observation while watching the game yesterday. First I have to say, I like Naismith and think he is going to go on and be a class act for us. He was outstanding against Aberdeen and ran his guts out.... However, I thought he was looking a little on the heavy side yesterday??? Is he putting on a bit of weight? hate to think that he may fall into the same fitness trap of Adam and Boyd
  4. Muffger for Manager... thats exactly the team I would like to see against them... and I would even venture that Fergusons place in that formation should be under threat from Mr Buffel.. although not for this game
  5. I went for Hemdani, second would have been Thomson and then Burkey... i think its great that we are all excited about having a flair player on at last but I don't think he was as good as many suggest. He was involved in both goals so I suppose we can't ask for much more but I can't stand his diving and falling over. He got a stupid booking as well... Would rate him much higher if he tried to stay on his feet like Naismith does Anyway, think he had a decent game, not MOTM but worthy of a run in the team ahead of Adam and McCulloch
  6. I think we need him for the games against Hibs and Celtic, thereafter he should be rested for a couple of games. if we can't cope with the lower teams in the league without one player then its sad days. I would like to see Fergie and Weir being rested in January. They have both played alot of games and we have options who deserve a chance
  7. I play in a local league and have done for years... we are always roaring at each other... if someone does something stupid or is not making the effort then they know about it. I see absolutely nothing wrong with this. When i am on the end of a barracking I don't for a second think ... what a twat shouting at me like that... I think.. damn it I better pull my socks up... Has society become so sanitized that we are not allowed to show any passion, any spirit, any fight. If Naismith thinks Cousin is being a lazy swine should he just shrug his shoulders and work twice as hard to compensate.. should he say "Hey Daniel old buddy old pal, would you mind awfully if you could perhaps try just a smidgen harder, I am a little tired from running from box to box only to find no-one to pass to. Only if its not too much trouble you understand...Theres a good chap, Honestly we are so PC these days... so determined that we should never upset anyone else... Rangers players are grown men... adults who should be able to communicate their emotions on the park... I applaud Naismith, I applaud Fergie, and I applaud any other player that is showing the winning streak... as Souness said when challenged on being a bad loser " show me a good loser and I will show you a loser"
  8. I would have agreed until recently, in the last few games I think he has been no better than average... we have a alot of games coming up and I would not be unhappy to see him sidelined a couple of times. I think a Thomson Hemdani center midfield would do the same as a Hemdani Ferguson or Thomson Ferguson central pair. Or we could even look to have Thomson or Hemdani with Buffel... we have a few options... just as long as Amdy Faye is not one of them I am happy to give them a go I feel a lot more confident about our ability to cope without ferguson now than I did just a few weeks ago... He is now 30 years old, if our team cannot cope without him we are in serious trouble.
  9. I have a few thoughts after todays game and couldn't find an appropriate thread to put them in so here it is. Cousin, rank rotten, should never be allowed to pull on the jersey again. I had hoped that would be the case after he was subbed at half time. Considering Smith has brought in so many players who "know what it means to play for Rangers" I can't believe he tolerates this guy. McCulloch, disgrace, something has obviously been simmering earlier between Him and Severin and Lee has snapped. No excuse, he should be sidelined until he earns his place back much the same as Burke and Buffel Right thats my criticism over because frankly I think we should be giving our full support to everyone else in the side on todays performance. Naismith was outstanding. He never stopped running and showed skill and desire. He was back defending on his own 18 yard line and then up in attack within seconds. would love to know what mileage he covered on that pitch today. Earned his place for a couple of games at least Cueller was an absolute rock. The guy could have defended against the sheep all day on his own. Thought he probably edged the MOTM award actually although its almost a dead heat between him and Naismith Whittaker looked really good today too. So composed in posession, he turned away from his marker several times and found an outlet. I have to say I have not been his biggest fan in the past and always thought he gave posession away to cheaply... not today, he really rose to the occassion Hutton was his usual self, good at drawing fouls and getting forward. Made a great pass into McCulloch to start the move for the goal. I thought he tired towards the end because of the constant fouling he recieved. But again a good game and long may we hold on to him. Along with some others he can be the future of Rangers I thought Thomson had a very good game as well and I think his absence from the pitch had as much to do with the Aberdeen goal as anything. He was breaking up the Aberdeen attacks in the middle and again covered alot of the area in front of the defence. McGregor... ok so he pushed the ball out to the feet of Miller, but this guy has saved us several times over the last couple of years. I am disappointed that he doesn't get more support when he makes a couple of errors. i would still have him as my Number 1 and I think he will be between our sticks for years so why not try to support him instead of getting on his back. Was solid at coming for the high balls for which he has been criticised in the past Boyd.... Well I have always been very vocal about my admiration of what Boyd brings to the team, I won't labour the point but I would rather see him starting alongside Naismith than coming on to be the lone striker when we are down to 10 men. Ferguson really disappointed me with his petulence today. You can't grab people by the throat on the football pitch irrespective of what they have done to you and the captain of Rangers and Scotland should know that. Aside from that he had a good solid game. Weir and Adam... well they were not outstanding today but neither did they let us down... Adam actually did more than I expected of him, he battled hard today and made some good hard challenges. Oh and although he is as slow as treacle, i thought he should today that his chunky appearance can be deceiving. .. I thought he should good stamina In a nutshell... I think we have many reasons to be optimistic for the future... Hutton, Naismith, Whittaker, Thomson, McGregor, Cueller and Boyd have all still got many years of playing for us ... I would love to see us get right behind them and give them our support
  10. I agree whole heartedly with everything you say. I have said it too many times before to add anything else. Well Said
  11. for me the glaring deficiency yesterday was the link between the midfield and the forwards. We seemed to have plenty of posession but just couldn't get it into the "attacking" players. many have pointed out this problem for a long time but I have never seen it so obvious as it was yesterday. The frustration for most of us is we have the missing link cooling his heels in the reserves. I am not a Buffel fan, but with the display yesterday i cannot deny that it must be worth putting him in behind the forwards and in front of the all too static midfield
  12. Eh... I thought he was quite good against Celtic this season... I don't know how many times I have read on here (and agreed) that when Fergie is off form, Rangers are off form. Its unfortunate that we rely so heavily on one player but the fact is we do. We only notice it when he is not there, When he went down yesterday I was crapping myself that it would be a Beasley style knee injury.. We may want him to do more, and undoubtedly he is capable of more than he has shown in recent games but can you imagine the team without him in there? Even at his worst he is a better option than Thomson, Hemdani and Faye (good god, perish the though)
  13. Non-issue indeed Some very sensitive souls on here if anyone thinks that will have bothered Cuellar ! I don't think it necessarily did. I think a few folk are missing the point. Were we all up in arms when Ally McCoist Grabbed Gazza by the lapels and gave him a good push? I don't recall any complaints. Did Gazza lose respect for Ally because of that or did he raise his game and get on with it? I think some fire in the belly is needed some times and as big a fan as I am of Cueller, he can look a bit ..... languid .. at times.. Fergie may act occassionally like he is "Mr Rangers "but no-one has ever dissed him have they? I have never heard anything but words of respect for Fergie even from those who have moved on from the club Ferguson is the club captain, he should be giving people a rocket up the arse if he thinks they need it.. Gough used to do it regularly as Captain.. some of the nine in a rowers did it despite not being captain. Goram used to rage at his defence.. I like it... it shows passion and commitment
  14. no disrespect to weir as he is playing against players nearly half his age, but we all know his pace is a problem and Lyon's forwards are all too spritely for him... oh for two carlos cuellars... Weir is a solid SPL player.. this game looks like it is a bridge too far... Haven't seen much of McCulloch in this game at all and Whitaker, the few times I have seen him for us, always gives the ball away to easily... We have been a second half team all season... come on the gers, don't let us down
  15. Presumabely for impersonating a footballer
  16. I disagree totally. That was a game where we NEEDED to go gung ho. One man up front (with no support to speak of) when we needed a win, as a draw or defeat would make no difference coming into the Italy game. Boyd should have at least started that one. Intriguing! Why is Boyd good enough to start for Scotland against Georgia but not good enough for Rangers? Just interested?
  17. aw man this is incredible... Inimitable truth gentleman... as much as we like to do it, NO-one can make statements like "Boyd would have scored that" or "Cousin Scored a cracker that Boyd would not be capable of" these are ludicrous statements. There is simply no way of knowing what would have happened had another player been in a given situation on a given day in the past or in the future. "Boyd only scored that goal because it was deflected" is likewise just tripe. Speculation is part and parcel of football and it contriubutes to the intrigue of the game, "if that free kick hadn't been given against Alan Hutton then maybe Scotland would have gone up the pitch and scored". "If only that penalty had been awarded in Tblisi" etc. Speculation is fun, however sometimes you just need to look at raw facts. Kris Boyd Scores Goals, lots of them, more than any player in a Rangers Jersey since Ally McCoist. He scores against anyone he is asked to play against. he scores deflections, he scores penalties, he scores headers, he scores tap ins. He just scores. He doesn't make saves, he is not a goalkeeper. He doesn't make many tackles, he is not a defender. He does not make defence splitting passes, he is not a creative midfielder. He doesn't get to the bye line and cross, he is not a winger. He is a striker, he scores goals. I personally want him in the team doing just that. Some of you don't. Thats fine I respect your opinion. I understand you would rather someone getting more involved and setting up goals for others as well as chipping in a few themselves. That is a desireable situation. I just haven't seen that happening too often with the current Rangers team. I liked the Hateley/McCoist partnership and would like to see it recreated with JCD and Boyd, or Cousin and Boyd. I even quite like the Naismith Boyd option but all of them have Boyd because I don't see any of the others doing the business in the goal scoring department. When we play 4-5-1 Boyd is useless, when we play 4-4-2 I would start him everytime
  18. It is my opinion that we are not going to see an attractive, attacking formation from Walter this season. I believe that he is interested in one thing and one thing only, getting the SPL trophy back where it belongs.. Ibrox. Flair, attacking formations, confident and positive approaches, all the things we would love to see from our team, are just not going to happen. I am not saying it is right, I am not saying it is wrong, but I believe that Rangers are going to be a team of battlers until we have that title of Champions once again. Therefore I am resigned to seeing a negative midfield (and strike force) with work-rate valued over skill and flair until next season. I think we will see changes once the league is ours, then, and only then will be when we see the Buffels and the Naismiths and the 4-3-3, or 4-4-2 formations and the attacking, positive play we became used to in the 90's Rangers are playing like a team that know nothing less than first place will do
  19. He will go all out for the win with a 4-5-1 formation
  20. I am afraid I simply cannot chose between Gazza And Laudrup, both were just outstanding talents and a joy to watch, i agree that the Gazza's hat-trick against the sheep was the best performance I have seen, Laudrup's cup final against Hearts was a close second though. I am too young for Baxter, and Cooper is a very vague memory from my youth. Gazza and Laudrup were right in my school days and I feel priveleged that they played at our club. I can only pray for the days when we can have talent like that in our team again
  21. Surely Burke and Buffel have had plenty of chances? They have been with the club for years...
  22. Ok, its been a while since I saw a thread like this but with all the names flying around for January Moves, I thought I would ask everyones opinion on who should stay and who should go in January or at the end of this season... Here is my stab at it, obviously I have just said keep all the youth players coz I don't really know whether they are worth Keeping or not 1 Allan McGregor - Keep 16 Graeme Smith - Keep 25 Roy Carroll - Get Rid 58 Scott Gallacher - Keep 2 Alan Hutton - Keep 3 David Weir - Retire 5 Sasa Papac - Keep 12 Ugo Ehiogu - Get Rid 21 Kirk Broadfoot - Keep 22 Andy Webster - Get Rid 24 Carlos Cuellar - Keep 26 Steven Smith - Keep 28 Steven Whittaker - Keep 37 Jordan McMillan - Keep 41 Alan Lowing - Keep 45 Steven Campbell - Keep 63 Ross Perry - Keep - Georgios Efrem - Keep 6 Barry Ferguson - Keep 7 Chris Burke - Get Rid 7 Brahim Hemdani - Keep 8 Kevin Thomson - Keep 11 Charlie Adam - Get Rid 14 Amdy Faye - Get Rid 15 Thomas Buffel - Get Rid - Unless he turns it on big style between now and season end 20 DaMarcus Beasley - Keep 27 Lee McCulloch - Keep 33 Steven Lennon - Keep 34 Paul Emslie - Keep 35 Rory Loy - Keep 36 Dean Furman - Keep 49 Steven Kinniburgh - Keep 9 Kris Boyd - Keep 10 Nacho Novo - Keep 11 Alan Gow - Get Rid - He hasn't been given a fair crack but I don't think its ever gonna happen, might as well go 14 Andrew Shinnie - Keep 18 Steven Naismith - Keep 19 Jean Claude Darcheville - Keep 29 Daniel Cousin - Keep 43 John Fleck - Keep
  23. I guess it just shows that football is all about opinions and every one is entitled to them. I appreciate that there are differing opinions but I really struggle to understand why Rangers fans do not appreciate the goal scoring instinct of Boyd. It reminds me of when some fans moaned because Marco Negri didn't smile as he scored his goals.... I have already said enough times that he is not going to do the lone striker role and that he shouldn't be starting against the better teams in Europe for that very reason. I have also said in previous posts that irrespective of how good a striker we have, how good a midfielder we have or how good a goalkeeper we have, some fans will ciriticize anyway. Gazza, Laudrup, Cooper, Gough, Goram all had their detractors at some point. I see Bomber Brown has been taking some flak on here recently, Today I have seen some people saying Hutton is over rated and not World Class, I have seen people say that Stevie Smith was nothing more than unrealized potential... you cannae please all the people all the time... just one of the wonderful idiosyncracies of this game
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