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Everything posted by savenosouls

  1. However - I should point out that you need to give them 3 weeks notice - I didn't get 3 weeks notice from Rangers that I was being allocated a ticket for Albion Rovers - so I couldn't theoretically cancel it if I wanted according to their rules - However I do feel it is positive step and welcome the change
  2. I know we are short with Goina & Bocca away - But not for me - he is a nightmare playing for Scotland!!!
  3. Double number above - single numbers below - maybe? (edit - 25 blows that theory out the water!!!)
  4. I think the black bar is actually some sort of monitor that the players were during training - gives feedback on heart rate etc? (I think)
  5. I assume that under the "new" SPFL regulation all leagues are back to squad numbers - given the Willie Vass comment re "Who is 17?"
  6. I think you might find Arsenal on the list too - have they not announced a massive deal with puma?
  7. My form arrived last week - renewed it online - much easier - aknowledgement email strait back - warning though to all though - they were not slow in charging my credit card (understandably)
  8. Albertz Q. Best Goal in football? A. Free kick against Cetlic. Next Q. Favourite moment in football? A. See above answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also Dado when asked his aims for the season replied "To score more goals than I get stitches"
  9. Excuse my ignorance in thing of a business nature, but if an EGM is called, do all share holders get notification and do they have the right to attend (if so I might just go :-))
  10. This thread is getting very disturbing - on many levels!!!
  11. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear - give it 6 months from when the Commonwealth Games finish and it'll revert to type - side note - Looking forward to the flying of the Union Flag at the opening Ceremony of the Games at the meccano dome!!!!!!!!!!
  12. He lives in Hamilton - just off the road out on the way to Larkhall.
  13. I am in GR7 - pretty much level with the penalty spot - bad news for you buddy - mine was around the £320 or £330 mark - the season before was about £497!!!! Welcome to the world of the grown up!!!!
  14. I understand your sentiment - should have been thought about around the time of the share issue - I think having to pay £50 just to have the right to buy a season ticket is a bit steep - not much incentive to buy one if you are getting 10% of a normal match ticket!!!!
  15. Continuing the Who theme - "Won't Get Fooled Again!!!"
  16. I think if the TV issue is not cleared up - we should try and get a question raised whenever the 1st Rangers Shareholders meeting is - We should ask for clarification on who holds the tv rights for Rangers and for how long?
  17. Heard a rumour (and I stress rumour) 20% increase in price - think we may struggle to get to the 30k mark if that's the case.
  18. I was sitting behind them - no wonder - most of them had no idea what continent they were on - never mind stadium!!! Mind you their efforts at folding up the banner beneath the Govan were no better!!!!!!
  19. There was no mention of friendlies on the form this year - just checked - I think Gers are being a bit naughty on this one!
  20. I may have done - however in the past the "friendly" option was seperate!!! Bit sneaky as far as I'm concerned!!!
  21. That is seriously out of order - when did friendly's become part of the scheme - Out of order!!!
  22. Just checked and had £13 taken of my account on 28th March - no email and no idea what for - before that £15 was the last for the QP game - anyone got any ideas (I am assuming the Linfield game is not counted as part of the scheme?) Any ideas folks?
  23. Sorry I don't know the answer to your question - The matter of contact from Gers was not mentioned in the 2 liner I heard.
  24. I know no more than I have said above - it was no more than a "throw away" comment I heard - I'm not trying to dangle a hook - thought I'd throw it out there - so everyone else "take a chill pill"!!!!
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