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Everything posted by ChrisVanDarche

  1. That tackle is a straight red offence, and Andy Walker can ony describe it as "naughty", and that he "can't complain about the yellow". That's disgraceful - if it was a Rangers player they would be screaming blue murder.
  2. Moyes has done a belter of a job at Everton - if they sack him, the only direction they will move in the EPL is down.
  3. Why is this? It's a passionate and heated rivalry, not very much unlike the Old Firm.
  4. Hope Man Utd pump Liverpool - can't stand the cunts, especially Stevie Gerrard.
  5. I really hope this isn't true but if it is I hope they throw the book at him. There is no excuse for domestic violence.
  6. He will be in the reserves there for a while then eventually will move to a Championship team.
  7. She wanted to see if you were submissive or not - she was after her hole IMO
  8. From the player himself to a pal of mine - "there has been contact"
  9. Word is from Murray Park that a swap deal is on the cards for Goodwillie, with Andy Webster going the other way. Won't name any names but I think this is reliable. It's came straight from the horse's mouth so to speak that talks have taken place already.
  10. Watched the game last night and his finishing was poor. He also took a shot a few times when he could have picked a pass instead - I think he's trying too hard, as JFH said in the analysis.
  11. After seeing it happen and his reaction, I'm surprised he finished the game, as he looked really shaken up.
  12. What does he expect from our team - to go down there and play openly, and let them pump us? What a fud.
  13. Were you watching the same game? Naismith was utter pish last night.
  14. They really are sad, it almost makes me feel sorry for them. Almost, but not quite.
  15. Ferguson was the best player I have saw to date in a Rangers jersey, within my time of watching the games regularly (Since 99). Before he left the first time, he could have walked into any team.
  16. That's frightening hopefully he can make a full recovery.
  17. Hatton needs to get himself sorted out. Doesn't look healthy at all anymore. It's also shite that the NOTW have broadcast this fact to the nation.
  18. While I'll admit that his work rate isn't the best, you can't call the all-time top scorer of the SPL "crap".
  19. If we keep it tight in the first half I can see us getting a point.
  20. World class and could have played in any team in his prime.
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