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Everything posted by bluenose48

  1. I am a 69 year old Rangers supporter. I have supported my club since I was 10 years old. With this timescale I have been fortunate enough to witness some of the great Rangers teams over the years. Great players such as Jim Baxter, Eric Caldow and the rest of the Scot Symon team of the sixties. I have delighted in the artistry of Brian Laudrup, Paul Gascoigne and Ally McCoist. I have also seen the bad years when we were nowhere in the Division one. I watched with great sadness as events unfolded in 2012, how could this be happening to my team? How was it allowed to happen? Yet we the fans still turned up in the thousands at Ibrox and sold out our ticket allocation to tiny stadiums all over Scotland during our time in the lower divisions. We, the fans of this great club, balanced the books of so many small clubs in Scotland for years to come, because we love our team. This season saw a record number of season ticket books sold, we have seen Ibrox packed so many times with fans, like me, who live for this club. Yet for the last five years we have been duped by charlatans of all descriptions. Some have sold our club for one pound, another bought it for one pound under the pretence he was a multi millionaire. We were then subjected to a pissing contest by supposed millionaire businessmen from all corners of the globe. We were subjected to derision and abuse from all corners, the Scottish media came to feed like jackals on our carcass, fans of other clubs delighted in our demise screaming like banshee's at every piece of bad news. Yet we kept following. Now I don't, nor claim to, speak for all Rangers fans but I believe this morning there are thousands waking up in disbelief at what we have witnessed over the last two matches against Celtic, a complete capitulation to our greatest rivals a disgrace to the memory of the history of our club. Again come Monday morning fans will be subjected to torment, abuse and derision at their workplaces because we are Rangers supporters. We were reportedly promised, by our Chairman, various sums of money to make us competitive in the premier league this season. A very small percentage of this money has been seen, especially in the transfer market. Yet the season ticket money and various sponsor deals have realized millions of pounds. We will be expected to blindly turn out in our thousands to purchase season books for next season on probably the same empty promises of more money for players, better players, competitive players. Are we such a toxic brand now that we are unable to attract investors willing to put real money into the club? Or perhaps a new owner? We the fans have been the only constant over the last five years, we have poured millions of pounds into the club, the only return we have received is, our club is still alive. We don't invest for profit unlike the businessmen, we invest our hard earned pounds, at times, ill afforded, because we love our club, it is our life our passion. We deserve better, much, much better.
  2. Voted yes as I am always positive about the future.
  3. I think Pedro is assessing who he wants to keep for next season, those he thinks will fit into his style of play. The others will be sold if possible or left out in the cold until they get fed up and leave. He will have a good idea of who he would like to bring in for next season.Those he chooses to keep from the present squad, he feels, will gel with those he wants to bring in.
  4. Well deserved one of the very few players who understand what it means to be a Rangers player. Sure he has off day's but he still works his arse off for 90 minutes.
  5. Hopefully half of them get their marching orders at the end of May so holiday's will be the least of their worries.
  6. Got to be worth a run. At least he scores goals unlike Garner and Waghorn. Yes I know Wags is the top scorer but when we are just + 14, Aberdeen + 35 and the scum + 65 we need someone who can score.
  7. Anticipation is the system. Defenders know who the likely target men are get between them and the goal or push them onto the goal line and keep them there. Watch the movement of players in the box and block them off. We stand there like stookie dummies and wait for the ball to find its target and then try and defend it. Rubbish.
  8. Wrong team selection, Garner, Halliday and Waghorn should have been nowhere near the park. Even injured Toral would have been better than Halliday, Dodoo up front with Miller. KM was right they didn't turn up, no steel in the midfield. I lost count of the passes that went straight to a scum player mainly when we were trying to play our way out of trouble.
  9. Need to get Dodoo on for Garner. Take Halliday off for Hodson.
  10. Hopefully Rossiter is back in full training. Would be good to see him take part in a few games before the end of the season.
  11. Good young player, deserves a new contract.
  12. Terrible defensively, but has moments when he looks the part. As others have said if we keep him would be far better in midfield.
  13. If the report is true will be sorry to see his talent wasted in the lower reaches of english football. Maybe he should have a talk to Danny Wilson as to how his trip to Liverpool went.
  14. Not the way I understand the problem. The board are saying he, with the 3B, acted as a concert party to purchase the majority share in Rangers. As such he should have made an offer to purchase all other shares. Whether they chose to accept the offer, as it would have been lower than the current trading price, was up to them. But the law states that he had to make the offer and he didn't. That's why he is in court. The concern is what, if any, implications does this have for Rangers.
  15. Kenny's finish for the first one was as good you'll see in any league. Took his second well. Young Dodoo took his one really well and was unlucky not to get his double. Cannot understand why both Garner and Waghorn start in front of him. Imho Garner should never pull on a Rangers shirt again. I have said from the beginning he is rubbish the number of shots he misses is unbelievable.
  16. Beerman looks really good with the ball and defends well. Bates needs more confidence with the ball, but his defence is good.
  17. FFS if we had another 10 players that had been that rank rotten this season, we would be safely in second spot.
  18. T least he has a plan B.
  19. Totally agree with Cushy. Garner is pish a total waste of good money. I could score goals eventually with enough crosses coming in, I'd get a percentage.
  20. Fan groups are, in theory, a great idea and I believe, maybe naively, that those who start them have the best intentions. Then along come the personal agenda merchants, the political bias groups, the groups that form to thwart any ideas from that other group because we don't like them. Pretty soon the whole thing becomes a laughing stock because it no longer does what it was formed to do. Represent the fans, all the fans no matter who you voted for, which foot you kick with, which school you went to. It has been posted on here before, imagine the clout a Rangers fan club that acted with cause in mind, could achieve. A dream that has been made impossible by all the fore mentioned groups who, without doubt, started out with the best of intentions but strayed off the path due to influences that for the most part had nothing to do with Rangers.
  21. Yes one more year as a bench player. We need two proper centre backs.
  22. It was a stonewall penalty. Hill put his leg over his waist and never touched the ball until Griffiths was falling. If that was against us we would have been raging as well. But heigh ho there you go fenian cunts.
  23. 20 year old first old firm game full house at the piggery. Was he overawed? Maybe a bit but give him a break. This experience will only make him a better player. I would love him to either extend his loan for another season or would love to sign him.
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