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Everything posted by stuart1994

  1. aww fuck was expecting more from ivory coast Algeria Egypt semi-final should be tasty
  2. were 7 points clear fs 7 that's a great lead, I seance a 53rd title myself
  3. Brings a tear to the eye IMO think he is better in midfield than in defence he shows good attacking ability's
  4. My god there taking this establishment thing rather serious
  5. Was a good night a stweard told me to go to my seat i was in the copland front or ment to be and they took us to cr1 but once the police told me to go to my seat walked out n went back to the seat i was origanly in up cr1
  6. Seen him a few times looks like a right good prospect would be great for a loan move a bit of flair
  7. I new getting PAPAC on my top, would come in handy one day
  8. We need more of these displays there simply great I would like to see the banner card combination http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive...450_482107a.jpg
  9. thanks mate great one love sasa how do i apply it ?
  10. Yes, but not any time soon in maybe 10 years when he's got more englsh football under his belt and the right financial backing from a board with a bit of cash in hand and he'll be in the line of great scottish manager. plus he's a teddy bear so that's always good
  11. it was significant, but every result will be the best thing about today's game was the girls selling the pies
  12. Hope we can see him back to his best not seen the best of him since before his injury
  13. Would anyone be nice enough to make me a sasa papac sig with the pic with him in fiorantina when u see his back would be very grateful if some could do it for us
  14. awryt mate wits the thread u wur talking aboot the day ? sittin beside the UB ?

  15. Hope he gets a contract which the lad deserve's and he stays here for a while He's very promising
  16. If he's a smart boy in which i suspect he is he will know not too get ahead of himself and stay here don't want to see him go but if and this is a big if he did i would like too see him do well
  17. Anyone heard paisly road west great song too
  18. Thomson IMO davis is not captain materal weir is a great captain
  19. Great day surprised to see the tarriers not standing up and only standing up when the sang a song was great day the goal was so good celebrated for 2 minutes solid
  20. Been waiting for this game so long been excited for a while
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