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Tiger Shaw

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Everything posted by Tiger Shaw

  1. Slap a 3 million price tag on his napper and tell them to pay up or fuck off
  2. The noise in the stadium when we belted out Derrys Walls against hibs was incredible, this is the best and loudest chant we have now that the Billy Boys has been targeted by taig filth and made a criminal offence to sing... Makes sense that they will go after Derrys Walls at some point. Sing it loud and proud Bears, op is a bellend
  3. I got ST in BF1 without going through the UB, went into the TO and told them I would only purchase season tickets if they gave me them in BF1, at first they refused but when they realized I was serious the lad said he would need to speak to somebody higher up, came back in 5 minutes and said I could get them at the other side of the stairs, still BF1 and right next to the UB. Fucking love it there, get to stand up and sing for 90 minutes every match. Worth a try mate but I think normally you need to go through the UB. Before that my Ticket had been in the Govan front, could never see myself go back to sitting on my arse for 90 minutes now
  4. Fucking down and dejected tonight, but still ready for the battles ahead... The club needs our support more than ever. 'When the sound of the battle is over it's shoulder to shoulder we'll stand'
  5. Fuck off then 'We'll support you evermore' obviously means fuck all to you ....
  6. Whats a penalty ? been that long since we got one I've forgot what it is
  7. With heart and voice, lets give everything tomorrow lads, this is our time to let Scottish football know the worlds greatest and most successful football club is back. Fucking right up for this.
  8. Fuck Motherwell and their shity wee dump of a stadium, lets just take over the whole fucking toon.... shag their woman and drink their beer Then kick the small time diddy club down intae the championship where they belong.
  9. ."The Rangers fans were awesome, all the lads were talking about it," said Lampard."The reception I got when I went to take corners during the game, and after when we were going off, was really nice."They certainly love their own team, but it was very special to get that welcome. It was amazing really, and a very good game to play in for us, certainly the best friendly we've had."With that kind of backing from their crowd, they will be hard to beat. And I expect to see Rangers in the Champions League."
  10. FROM OFFICIAL SITE On sale now! SPFL Premiership Final play off Rangers v Motherwell Thursday 28 May, 7.45pm Kick Off All tickets are £5 Season ticket holders can activate their card for their own seat until 9pm on Monday 25 May, at the Ticket Centre, via the Rangers Ticket Hotline on 0871 702 1972 (option 1) or via the Rangers web site: rangers.co.uk General sale tickets will be available. All Bar 72 and MLF season ticket holders will have their smartcards activated as normal for all home first team games.
  11. Fuck sake mate did you have to post that picture with Bomber in the Directors box... cue Rangers media meltdown
  12. They usually just ask for the name the tickets were booked under, sometimes they ask you to confirm your address, if whoever is collecting them has that information then there should be no problem mate
  13. Still not at it's best/loudest but probably a better atmosphere than there's been at any other club match played in Scotland this season, I enjoyed it, was good to hear the old Ibrox roar back during spells of the match. Bring on the gay Hibees Edit- The atmosphere created by the Bears at Hampden against the tinks was better, apart from that I stand by my comment
  14. My daughter just went to the TO, she said there's two queues, one for ST holder another for non st holder, she was only in the queue for about 5 minutes and got our cards activated no problem. Anyone having trouble online is best heading over to the TO if they can
  15. Just got on after a 15 minute wait, says my section is unavailable, fucking shambles. Better not have sold my seats to someone else already
  16. They are Rangers supporters, no need for the abuse
  17. Just watched it, brilliant program but difficult to watch at times. What a boy Ricksen is, he should have booted that jakey bastard thompsons baws though No Surrender Fernando
  18. When I was a nipper running about the park playing football with my mates I would always be Sandy Clark, I'll be fucked if I know why
  19. He could boost our promotion hopes by dropping captain calamity to the bench
  20. Thing that got me about this video is the quality of players wearing the blue jersey, Wilkins, Roberts, Derek Ferguson, Cooper, Walters. Makes me proud to have growing up watching players like that but sad at the same time to see how far we have fallen.
  21. Goal he scored from about 20 yards in off the post against the immigrant club at the potato hut in the early 90's, right infront of 20k Bears squeezed in behind the goal, he jumped the advertising boards and just kept running in sheer delight. Think we won 3-1 that day. Or when he set about the mhanky pitch invader who tried to attack Ally Maxwell or his performance in the title decider against the sheep.
  22. People around me in BF1 sing the real words at that bit 'Aberdeen and back again' ...... Sorted
  23. Bring back the old standing enclosure's, atmosphere was much better. Remember the champions league nights and the teams had to line up facing the enclosures before KO, the Billy boys drowning out the CL tune. Them was the days mate, would give anything for that again.
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