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Jocky Broon

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Everything posted by Jocky Broon

  1. If the option we are offered is Boyd or Healy up front then I would have Boyd.
  2. My guess is that Rangers was nothing more than a stepping stone for Jelavic on to bigger things.The fact we were regularly competing in the Champions League was seen by him as an opporunity to sell himself to a wider audience.When we went out of Europe so early his plans went awry and his performances since then for us were reflected in his general poor play.If you think about it there was never any demonstrable affinity between the Player and the fans.He always played it low key in the Media saying just enough to keep us happy.
  3. Nice change to see a Rangers team that can pass the ball about instead of lumping it high up the park like we have seen for quite a few weeks. We are still short of quality up front and even though Healy did OK we still need a quality striker.
  4. Enjoyed their commentary - particularly about the bad calls of the Referee.
  5. You can be pretty sure Jelavic is on his way out of Ibrox now.
  6. Thats good news for starters Oz but there are a lot of unanswered questions around his playing time.Seems as though his Agent is doing all the talking so maybe he should butt out and let McKay resolve any problems with Ally.I take the position that in his mind Ally is putting out the best Rangers team including subs.That doesnt mean to say he is infallible but any Player who is left out has to prove him wrong and if you are not in the team then the only other place is at Murray Park.He needs to do what he has to do to start figuring in McCoists plans and if he doesnt know what he has to do then he needs to go and ask.If after giving it his best shot he is still not making it then he has to move on.Look Ally saw something in the guy and wanted him.If you go back to the time he signed Ally made a statement about how he admires the dedication and application of Australian sportsmen.That probably hasnt changed but something else has.So let Matty McKay have it out with him and get his head down if that is what is required.
  7. Well at least he put Kayal out for a month.
  8. Personally I would like to see others get a start before Jig but he isnt solely to blame for our recent form.Try looking at the loss of Naismith and that will give a lot more answers.
  9. He also called Jack Wilshere who wanted a Rangers win a "wee orange b--stard." VB also drew attention to his Bebo account where he was making racist remarks but about whom I dont know.Well done VB.
  10. True but VB alerted Strathclyde Police and I alerted Fife Police.Also said his apology was insincere and Cowdenbeath should make a statement on their site, which they did.So kudos to them for jumping all over him.
  11. But arent we agreeing that should be McKay's position.It would appear that Ally likes McCulloch in his team.I am not inside his head to see why and I like most fans agree we are a better team without him.Doesnt matter what we think or even McKay if he agrees with us.He has to get into that team and prove to McCoist he is a better pick than Jig.Go and beat McCoist's door down and demand a place or have a serious face to face with him but dont walk away after 6 months.That is sending a completely different message regarding his desire and willingness to fight for his place.
  12. He is in the kitchen at Murray Park.Its the dining room at Ibrox he cant get into.Seriously though I am not against the boy but he has a lot to prove.At 28 he hasnt made it anywhere other than Australia and whether you agree or not their League is not considered to be as good as the SPL.He has given it 6 months and now the talk is of him quitting.I would much rather read he was banging on McCoist's door demanding a place in the team.If he is going to give up that easy then rather we both cut our losses.
  13. We dont know that for sure.Its an opinion from the many experts on here.The point of fighting for his place is that when the chance comes along he is ready to grab it with both hands.Point in case is McGregor and how he fought for his place under Le Guen.He won and look at him now.
  14. Seems like Ian Ferguson is giving him the best advice by telling him he would be crazy to return to Australia and he should stay and fight for his place.There is a lot of patriotism influencing the answers in this thread but if McKay is good enough then he needs to show it.If he walks away after 6 months it doesnt say much for his determination.Maybe his head has been filled with how good he is and he thought he would just walk in to the team.Life is never that smooth and if he cant handle the heat maybe best for everyone he gets out of the kitchen.
  15. A Rangers fan in Argentina has just tweeted Carlos (in Spanish) asking him if he would go to Celtic and why not Rangers.I will be interested to see if he gets a response.
  16. There are a lot of questions that need answering here.I have only seen him twice but the first thing that struck me was how small and slight he is.He was neat and tidy in the games I saw but not exceptional.You have to ask why he has not been given more opportunities and the only thing I can think of apart from settling in etc is that he hasnt shown McCoist in training he is worth a start.I dont believe all the McCoist only starts his buddies.Why he choses to allow the Media on to this story is another issue.Does he feel he should just walk into the Rangers team? Why isnt he having a heart to heart with the Management team and if there is a footballing reason why isnt he getting his head down and showing his worth? There are a lot of unanswered questions and we are all guessing the answers.
  17. He has had a number of injuries and hasnt always been available to play.I would be much more concerned with McKay who has gone completely off the radar.
  18. Cant see the point in blaming Willie Collum for our turgid performance.We can argue 1 or 2 decisions but asking him or the linesman to get the Wallace goal call correct is just daft.Lampard had a much clearer goal against Germany in the WC and didnt get it and without goal line technology the Refs are never going to get it 100% correct.We got lucky with the Healy yellow card cause in my book that was a stonewaller red.
  19. To me that is the way of the modern World.Tell people what they want to hear but in an obscure way so that if the shit hits the fan you can deny deflect etc.
  20. CB my honest opinion is that Whyte wont be throwing any big money around to buy in Players.First and foremost he is a pragmatist and I doubt he sees any future in spending big at Ibrox.If Ally wants a transfer kitty then he is going to have to sell to get it and that means Jelavic and possibly Davis.I can definitely see Boyd coming back provided he agrees to the wages we will offer and maybe a few loans but not much more than that.
  21. McGregor McMillan Goian Bocanegra Papac Ortiz Edu McKay Aluko Bendiksen Lafferty
  22. For me Jelavic flatters to deceive and he is not as good as he is cracked up to be.If we can get £7 or £8 million for him and that money was to be used to buy Players I would punt him.
  23. Ally wont get sacked.From memory he has a 12 month contract which I expect the Club will see out.The big question is whether they will renew it in the summer and that will very much depend on what we do between now and then.
  24. 100% behind Ally and particularly now that our season has gone pear shaped.He is going to make mistakes but mention one Manager who doesnt.The reality at Ibrox is that every Player or Manager is expected to hit the ground running and the patience levels amongst fans is pretty low.It will be interesting to see what Ally does from here.
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