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Jocky Broon

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Everything posted by Jocky Broon

  1. Much rather have Davie in than Bartley.He has been there, seen it, done it and got the T Shirt.
  2. He is lucky he hasnt had the kind of abuse from the fans that some others have got.He has been shite this year and spends far too much time lying on his back and whingeing at the Referee.You can blame the tactics and/or lack of support but his first touch has been awful and he has missed quite a few sitters including today.If he wants to go to the EPL let him go.Much rather that than he kicks his heels with us picking up a wage for just turning up.We broke our neck to get him and he was very happy to sign the contract.He needs to step up now and repay the fans for the faith they have shown in him.
  3. No Surrender Super Rangers.Forza the Champions.We are going to shut up the ginger bigot and the best illicit chanters in the World on 28 December at the Piggery.
  4. What about Scot Symon playing Roger Hynd up top in the ECWC Final against Bayern Munich?
  5. Probably the only thought on his mind was to keep his feet and get a shot off.I dont think Aluko is a diver and I doubt he had sufficient time to even think about the Dunfermline incident.
  6. You would have to be totally deluded not to think this has been coming for weeks.We have gotten away with playing crap football and turning up for 45 minutes in games but we didnt get away with it today.Too many of our Players are way off the boil and particularly those we look to for a big performance.Davis and Jelavic were shite again today just as they have been for the past couple of months.When we see a Sellik reject,McGowan,run circles around our midfield and we can do nothing about it then you know how bad we are.Two guys who are showing for us are Wallace and Aluko but where the fuck are the Whittakers,Edus and a few others? You cant just blame McCulloch and/or McCoist.McCulloch got sent off for a foul we see every game and every day of the week.I still have faith in Ally but the only way we turn this around is for the Players to get their act together.I am really not looking forward to the 28th for on this form we will get a real doing from which we may not recover.
  7. No negative intent in my question,D'Artagnan.Great article.I have the utmost respect for Vanguard Bears.
  8. 3rd paragraph-SNP have used their considerable majority at Westminster.Shouldnt that be Holyrood or am I just stupid?
  9. Davis was total shite today.He couldnt find a man with a pass and his crossing was dreadful.He seriously needs dropped until he can find form again.At the moment we are looking to him to provide that bit of difference but he is completely out of form.
  10. With a bit of luck he could easily have scored 2 goals today and he would still have been the worst man on the park.His defending was shocking and that is easily the worst I have ever seen him play.
  11. I had never heard of that before and it made me laugh so I Googled it.I came up with this site http://www.orange-pages.tk/shop/index.php They have some cracking music,keyrings and fridge magnets etc. Sorry, off topic a wee bit but others were asking about availability of the old songs etc.
  12. Only saw the 2nd half but it was an unconvincing performance from us.We need to get the basics right i.e. finding a blue shirt with a pass and supporting the ball carrier.Too often Aluko got himself into good positions and when he looked up there was hardly ever anyone within 20 yards of him.Jelavic seriously has to find some form.The high punt up the park to him never works as he loses most balls in the air.Also thinks he gets brushed aside too easily.Today he missed some good chances and in the end we were holding on in case they made a breakaway.Davis is another one out of form and Whittaker was back to the daft stuff today with his defending and he overdid it on too many occasions when on attack.Aluko was the outstanding man for me and all he really needed was close support and I am sure he would have done a lot more damage.
  13. See#36 Al Capone's answer to me.Surely Vanguard Bears can do something with this info especially my Twitter mate WilhelmVB.
  14. Just unbelievable the lengths they will go to.This needs to be spread to as wide an audience as possible.
  15. Why would Reagan see fit to release this kind of info to the BBC,particularly to McLaughlan, when they know Whyte is in the process of suing the BBC.You have to wonder if Liewell isnt behind this particularly since Leggat says he and Reagan are best pals.They will stoop to any lengths.
  16. How poor were we? You could see St Johnstone wanted this far more than we did and we were lucky not to drop all 3 points.Too many of our players just didnt turn up but I was particularly dissappointed with Bedoya,McKay and Davis.
  17. I dont think anyone is saying McGregor has become a liability.What has been pointed out is that this season he has had an unusually high number of errors given the high standards he has set for himself.The question is Why and what can be done to resolve it.A possibility is being dropped and replaced by Alexander who is a more than capable Goalie.More likely is Ally taking him aside and speaking to him about his form.If it doesnt improve then Alexander should be handed the Jersey.After all that is what competition is all about.
  18. You are making too much sense for some on this thread.
  19. This is spot on for me.Do we have to wait until a mistake costs us a game before we are allowed to criticise?He put us under real pressure yesterday and attempting to blame Sasa wasnt on for me.But you are right.There are a number of parts of his game this year that he needs to give attention to.
  20. The Telegraph are reporting we will be giving a trial to this kid: McCoist, meanwhile, revealed that Joe Sise, a Swedish winger of Gambian extraction, will be given a trial at Murray Park. The 21 year-old, who has just been relegated with Halmstads BK, will become a free agent next month. Anyone heard or know of him?
  21. Only Ally knows what he was thinking but at a guess he wanted to give the pair of them a run out.For me it was a mistake since the game was so delicately balanced but I guess you can argue fresh legs.
  22. No doubt he has the ability but we arent seeing it this season yet.We cant keep on blaming others all the time.Today he missed a complete sitter and one attempt at a square ball for a second goal was pathetic.Its been much of that the whole season so far and as patient as I am it is running out with him.
  23. On the evidence of what Jelavic has produced this season we would be lucky to get our money back.Its time for him to step up big time.
  24. Honestly think the complete lack of success over many years has led to a lot of apathy amongst fans.All of my life Scotland have served to frustrate but more often than not we were making the World Cup finals so that was a degree of success.Then we had the England match every year which was a game entirely without equal anywhere so that was always great to look forward to especially at Wembley.We also had a few really top Players as well so it was usually worth watching.Nowadays I watch on the TV more in hope no matter who we play rather than with conviction.Our football standards have really slipped and at this stage of the game I wouldnt oppose a GB team.I cant think of one current Scot who would come anyhwere near some of the truly greats that played for us through the 60's,70's and 80's.
  25. Here is a response from Andrew Dickson who is responsible for editing the magazine: What I would say is we can't force retailers to stock it and the best way to guarantee you get your hands on one is to go into your newsagent in advance and ask them to order it in for you. Either that or subscribe and it will be posted to you can do that by calling 0871 702 1972 (option 7). Most major retailers (Tesco, Asda, WH Smith) should stock it, feel free to...
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