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Everything posted by djbroxybear

  1. I wonder if these 5 players are going to be guaranteed a game or game time. I wonder also who will be picking the team.
  2. Don't know how true it is but apparently McDowell is having no say on the loanees coming in, so i would say it was Shiels himself who is knocking it back...Don't forget Ibrox is a Holiday camp just now..
  3. Keith Downie reporting from Newcastle not a report of any players coming to Newcastle, there fans won't be happy.
  4. Im sure Boogie said he would come back and play for free till the end of the season..
  5. Who is going to get dropped from the team because win , lose , or draw, it has picked itself bar 1 or 2 changes so where do these Academy kids fit in. It has been the same nucleus of players for as long.. Maybe they are coming up for the experience..
  6. Rumoured named players iv'e heard are Gael Bigirimana, Kevin Mbabu, Haris Vuckic, imagine coming to train and work with the clueless Management team we have
  7. Simonsen was horrific last season hence we had let him go at the end of the season, he was looking for another club and thanking the Rangers fans then hey presto McCoist brings him back, Foster is never a footballer in his life, McCulloch is finished and should never be playing at CH, McGregor was out his depth yesterday maybe with a good quality CH beside him things might have been different, Wallace seems to have lost confidence his head wasn't on the game yesterday he also looked very unfit. We need a complete overhaul at the club im afraid.
  8. The current squad are really a gutless lot of imposters who will be happy to take there wage from the club for there efforts.
  9. We need a Manager in ASAP, who is going to coach them because our Management Team can't.
  10. McDowell could have turned the Managers job down and stayed in his role as assistant, he has a contract as AM yet he has taken job even though he doesn't want to be a Manager and has given his notice. Since he has taken charge there is no change to from when Ally was in charge, and how the fuck McCulloch is being a player/ coach is beyond me, the whole club is a clusterfuck the jobs for the boy's is still intact until they are gone. If we don't get a Manager in now im afraid we run the risk of not getting promotion.
  11. Would like to see most of the duds gone today, but can't see it. We are stuck with them till there contracts are up..
  12. Comedy Gold what a load a pish , everyone of them are imposters... They don't deserve the support they get....
  13. Have to agree with you mate, had the same arguments with fellow bears
  14. Wallace didn't look fit today he was struggling big time, i really don't know what the fuck they do at training its becoming farcical..
  15. The imposter should never play for Rangers again after today.
  16. He is a fucking imposter simples.
  17. The whole team are fucking imposters including MCDowell.
  18. With a statement like that you are a fucking walloper , hes a fucking imposter
  19. Can't disagree mate, spot on the lot are imposters ,and all the time ive been following Rangers this is the worst ive seen
  20. McDowell has to be relieved from Management as of now , he is fucking useless and will never be a Manager in his life..
  21. "our captain" this cunt is an imposter/ wage thief.... after today should never play for Rangers again.
  22. There all fucking imposters who don't deserve to wear the light blue jersey I'm afraid.
  23. Typical Fenian deluded cunt, hope he gets his cunt kicked in.
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