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Everything posted by voltago

  1. You come onto a Rangers forum telling Rangers fans you think Celtic are favourites right now and you would only put 3 players in an old firm xi. If you love them that much why don't you go tell them that on their mhanky forums? Why don't you go home?
  2. Watched it all. As soon as they scored a knew we still only needed 1 goal to go through and now I think it was for the best they scored because it forced us to attack. Imagine if they never scored we would probably have sat back and played for penalties.
  3. Happy Birthday old timer, give us something to celebrate tonight!
  4. It's going to be Ally next, we can't afford anyone else. Even if a takeover happens, I still think Ally will get his chance. I just hope he doesn't copy Walters negative only approach.
  5. No wonder the mhanks wanted Weiss, he looks about 12 in this haha!
  6. He had 2 bodyguards out with him at Karbon so doubt he got a slap haha. Don't know if he was drinking though but people are right to say he shouldn't be. His job is too keep himself fit and play football for us and he's getting good money for it, so booze doesn't help especially that close to a game. Not saying he can't go out, just don't drink!
  7. It was never rigged. We were just too negative and it cost us. When the fuck will Walter learn sitting back 1 goal ahead is costing us! Everyone else can see it so why can't he?
  8. Looks like he is starting to settle, and if he continues to play well I would love to see him sign for us. Unfortunately can't see it happening as I reckon he's out of our price range. Another loan deal would be good if we can't sign him though.
  9. New Year was hopefully a wake up call for us, that we can't be over confident. There is still a long way to go in the league and the team need to make sure they show up for every game from here on out and play from the start of every match. It won't be easy with all the fixtures we will have and squad size but hopefully something happens in the window and we don't have as many injuries in the second half of the season!
  10. He will leave if he thinks it's his last chance. He's not a bear so he won't want to take the risk that he flops the second half of the season and nobody wants him at the end of the season. If he's offered, most likely his last 'big move' of his career he will go and he will make as much money as he can while he's on form.
  11. Although i'd like too see us sign both, I prefer Goodwillie. He will play for the top, and we need more players in the team like that.
  12. A league with 10 teams is a joke in my opinion. We need to increase the numbers not decrease them!
  13. Eremenko and Saunders. Hope something happens in the window, we need a bigger squad with European games and the games we missed due to weather ready to clog up our fixture list.
  14. I'd take Lovenkrands back. Hopefully it happens!
  15. Don't think this is true and if it is i'll be gutted. Surely they can get the pipes sorted for the 2nd?
  16. I hate Celtic Football Club. Can't say the same about individual fans, I have a few mates who support Celtic.
  17. Definitely between Foster and Wylde at the moment.
  18. Rangers have a massive fan base around the world, and I think in the EPL we would attract someone with a lot of money (who knows they can capitalise on merchandise and ticket sales) who would take over the club and keep us in the EPL, winning it and challenging for a spot in Europe would be different story and a big risk though, as with Man City we see money doesn't always mean success. It would be exciting if we went down south, but it would be a risk at the same time. Not winning trophies consistently and not making it to Europe would be hard to take for a lot of us. For whatever reason, the EPL don't want the Old Firm anyway. I think we should be more hopeful of a revamp of the SPL and coming up with some ways to sort out Scottish Football and improve it as a whole.
  19. All world class, but Goram wins out of the three.
  20. Goodwillie is better than Boyd in my opinion. Miller will go where the money is, that's always been my opinion on him.
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