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Everything posted by waltzer83

  1. Was only ardeer mate there fucking awful
  2. Fuck u cancer!!! Hate even saying that word! Will they ever find a cure for this cunt of an illness. Thoughts go out to the malbranque family sad times.
  3. Fabregas has started his new career well and think he will go on to be a star for spain now that he's with barca
  4. Anyone remember fabrice fernandes? Always thought he looked a really good player but just disappeared don't think he really got a chance
  5. Makes me sad when cunts like this can just run all over us saying what he wants!! His bullshit never gets questioned and its about time whyte went after this piece of shit!
  6. Wanker has no class. Am sure no bear will forget this little cheap shot and end of season when we win 4 in a row and can ram his words down his fucking throat!! Should be pinned on dressing room wall as a reminder of how desperate these cunts are to see us fail as there obsession with us knows no bounds
  7. No chance of this happening absolute no chance! Villa don't have 4 million to spend.
  8. Surely to god we have spoken to jela to see where his head is at and if he wants to stay as its no good if he says tomorrow he wants to leave and leaves us in the shit with regards to getting replacement/s in.
  9. Exactly!! A dnt think huttons great but he's better than these two. A think ally is to pally with some players which can only explain his ridiculous decisions to play these two as football wise they are just awful!!
  10. Fairly limited lol that's the nicest thing I have ever heard said about edu
  11. Some journo or something should ask ally what he brings to the team am sure his reply would be well he's athletic...... And if he had any sense would just try change the subject after that as he can't even do the basics right would be cringeworthy if ally said he could pass shoot head or create anything!!
  12. He's fucking hopeless but its not his fault that he plays every week!
  13. Arsenal are an absolute shambles feel sorry for their supporters! Its a no brainer that they need replacements for star players they sold so a why the fuck is that stubborn cunt wenger not spending?
  14. Like it or not that faggot left back had a good season last year
  15. A player with confidence wouldn't have needed a touch should have took it first time as by time he took his touch keeper had got closer to him therefore less of the goal to aim at
  16. Tell me how it is possible to go missing for half a season and still pick up the poty award at end of it?
  17. So I have to think back on all off his time here and try telling you when he has had 3 good games on the trot!! He's been pish so far this season but as av already said you don't win poty trophies without not once having 3 good games in a row you seriously talk shite and even the davis bashers will tell you your wee tale of him not once ever having 3 good games in a row are nonsense
  18. How is it true? You don't win player of the year awards without managing to string 3 good games in a row at one point! Absolute nonsense!!
  19. If it was him that watched ortiz and thought he was good enough then he clearly watched him with a blind fold on
  20. Am not saying he's not a promising young player but until he works on his ability to beat a man and his crossing then that's all he will be remembered as a promising young player. Hee haw from the right I agree with that as ortiz is just woeful!
  21. Gets in to great positions to cross all the time and always hits the defender
  22. Laughing emoticon(if a had one)
  23. You seriously think he can cross a ball?
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