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Everything posted by SPWF

  1. It was covering the advertising, which isn't allowed. Some of our support are getting worse than the manky mob getting worked up over silly stuff like this.
  2. He's not injury prone in the slightest, in fact he's went through almost his entire career without any serious injuries until earlier this year. You should check your facts before posting rubbish. He's exactly the type of player we need.
  3. You must know absolutely nothing about football if you think he'd be a good central midfield player.
  4. What does that make the fucking terrible jokes you post in the OT then?
  5. That won't be happening. We play 4-3-3, from youth level up to the first team, regardless of who we're playing.
  6. "And now we've been promoted." Or some variation of that. /thread.
  7. Haven't listened to this whole recording for a long time. Listening to it there just made me feel sad about how we never made it. The "Manchester brace yourself..." bit always gives me goosebumps, but listening to whole thing has fucking destroyed me ?
  8. The guy is a very good goalkeeper. His command of his area is first class and the couple of instinctive saves he's pulled off show he's got natural talent that can't be coached. He's being asked to to play an entirely different style than he's used to, a style that's difficult enough for outfield players to get used to, never mind a goalkeeper.
  9. Guy I used to go to games with as a teenager is now a Tartan Army diehard and goes to watch Dumbarton. He regularly calls us "Dirty Orange Bastards" on Facebook, had it out with him a few times because of it.
  10. SPWF

    Seb Faure

    I haven't seen the tweet, but I'm almost certain it's a fake account. And even if it wasn't he was absolutely rubbish, so who cares?
  11. Why would we sing about another team's player? It's all about Rangers. ?
  12. Plastic handles on stainless steel pots.
  13. My man of the match today. Did all the dirty work in midfield and kept us ticking over in possession when Peterhead where making it difficult to find space. Looking like masterstroke of a free transfer already after only a couple of games.
  14. Exactly. People would do well to stop, breathe and think before forming their opinions. ?
  15. Didn't think anyone would be able to spin this bit of good work into something negative about the board, but you have. Hats off.
  16. Sure I seen Nicky Law in a few of them. Who?
  17. Belter. Best top we've had since the Div 3 home top. Definitely the best we've had from Puma, the other offerings have been rotten.
  18. The choice isn't defeat in style or win ugly though. The old days of "The Rangers Way" are gone, come join us in the future. Out of interest actually, what age are you?
  19. Broke down when Zenit's second went in. It had been an emotional day all round, missed the whole first half trekking from Picadilly to the screens at the stadium. So seeing is go down with a relative whimper, the second goal putting it to bed, it was too much. I've still never watched any footage of the game to this day.
  20. I see the rags are still reporting we made our move after Birmingham "pulled out". Let's not let this become widely accepted. The guy knocked them back when he heard Warburton wanted him at Rangers.
  21. The first team players contracts will likely run until the end of this month, I'd imagine we'll get an official statement then. Don't think there's any chance any of them will be offered a new deal, regardless of who our new manager is.
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