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the sliver fox

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Everything posted by the sliver fox

  1. All the best to him, hope he scores against the bheasts. But, is his sister staying with us?
  2. Showed far more cunning, stamina, guile and agility than the last 'fox in the box' we signed!
  3. If we draw the clatty fuckers in one of the cups this year, which in theory, could be the only time we play them for the next 3 years, should we just give them the corner for their bheast supporters instead of the entire Broomie? There would be no return at the San Giro so we wouldn't have to worry about our numbers at their midden.
  4. I have to use my walking sticks from time to time when attending games, never had anything said to me about it!
  5. Should we meet up outside the megastore before the match to arrange the final details?
  6. Hookers in Elgin??? Picture the scene....Liam Neeson has just entered the building site brothel whilst on the lookout for his abducted daughter. What he see's is truly shocking, young girls in their late teens/early twenties, smacked out of their heads, 'entertaining' pervy, dirty blokes who are paying for the privilege, whilst not really having a clue what is going on due to the drugs that they are on. Manly sheets draped from the ceiling is all that separates one bed space from the next. Liam Neeson then spots his daughters jacket and loses it big time and stars shooting up the place, killing all the blokes in the place. What followed as worse for Neeson, the Realisation that he was not in France looking for his daughter hit him and hit him hard. He had somehow got lost on his travels and ended up in..... Elgin..... And the smacked up hookers weren't hookers after all, just the local slappers out for a good time.
  7. No surrender Charlie Green! No surrender, No surrender, No surrender Charlie Green! :21: :uk: :21:
  8. Is it not for anything that can receive a tv signal, due to pc's, laptops etc now being capable of receiving tv signals? Anyway, of the op is truly serious about boycotting his tv license, he should create one of the Gov online petitions, stating that if an individual does not want to watch any bbc channels they should be exempt from paying the tv license. In this modern times of digital tv signals it would be easy to block bbc from being received. Get the required 100,000 signatures and it would then have to be discussed in parliament.
  9. Regardless of what anyone thinks of him, what an amazing gesture, just goes to show what some players would do to play for the greatest club in the world. A midfield of Gazza and savage, both playing for the love of the club, with Govou up top. Savage Still a cock though!
  10. Not only that, the only reason we are in Sfl3 is the rest of the arseholes in the SpHell wanted there pound of flesh and the chance to kick us in the stones, hence vote us out of the top flight. If it happens to any of those cunts, no doubt the rest of them would vote to keep whoever it may be in the top flight, as another opportunity to try and piss us off, because that would be the 'Sporting Integrity hypocrisy way!
  11. I'm sure I read somewhere about a club who had a few youth club members lives ruined by a sexual predator, who preyed on and sexually assaulted/abused them, with certain 'Big' members of staff fully aware. Surely this sort of heinous actions should result in some sort of action, maybe not titles stripped, just indefinite expulsion from world football. Let them keep all there title records, even the ones the 'won' during WW1, just never let them compete in any other football competition ever again. I only say this as I believe sexual abuse against young children is a far worse crime than ensuring an employee has the most tax efficient contract possible!
  12. Great idea mate, but i'm no wanting the parts that those scabby, cunts of linesmen run up and down, bunch of cunts that they are. Any other part of the pitch is fine though!
  13. Too late maybe, but if the threat of the illegal transfer embargo is still hanging over us, tens of thousands of angry Bears showing the sfa up for what they are in front of the worlds media may be enough to get them to wind their necks in, maybe?
  14. I said it a couple of months ago, we should protest at Hampden during the Olympic football events being held there, that way the whole world can see what we are up against!
  15. Yes mate, I know Cardy, although I don't know what happened to him as he was on his "OOA" in Corsham when I got my med discharge.
  16. Aye thats right, Jase the scopie and the other lad was a snowdrop.
  17. Only if they dislodge Govou from the main striking role
  18. If I win the big euro millions jackpot on Tue, I'll gladly pay £5-8M to rename the ticket office "Gateway to heaven" if it means Ibrox stays Ibrox.
  19. As I said in my last post, 2 lads that were at Spadeadam while I was still there got redundancy in the first tranche, both very happy guys. Just make sure you get yourself on all the best courses available and that they are relevant for what you want to do.
  20. As soon as I hit my 2 year resettlement period I started getting courses done, as I knew there would be the chance I got binned out early due to my med status, and I was right! 2 lads at Spadeadam got redundancy in the first tranche, both very happy guys!
  21. Brilliant, I'll defo take a seat if there is one going. Been driving up myself the last few years but would love to get a supporters bus that goes past.
  22. Are you happy with getting redundancy? I would have hit my 12 yrs this Oct but pushed for a med discharge last Oct and left in Feb this year, £15k lump sum plus 40% war pension & service invalid pension paid immediately, so not upset about not getting to my 12 yr point. This is my exact thoughts about leaving, although I did shit it while job hunting!
  23. How do you get to Gretna? Do you head long the A69 to Carlisle then up the motorway? If so, would I be able to jump on at Brampton?
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