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Everything posted by ianb1547

  1. Can the SFA actually impose this on the SPL and SFL? I understood it had to be voted upon. (wouldnt be first time i was wrong tho)
  2. Green did what NOBODY else was willing to do - save Rangers. The stick he is having is unbelievable on here. What has he done wrong? Sorry BT....your thread starts "Im not knocking Charles but......" so you are. I would love Sir Walter to be involved. Dream team. But he wont even be on the board. He is putting his name to the bid. If all true Rangers men really want whats best...why cant they work together? Im not an ardent Green fan...but ffs the guy has had rubbish to deal with and deserves at least some appreciation from us.
  3. maybe bordering on but i recently paid for a paving stone for my son. Are these still ok...or has that money gone into the old co (and therefore 'gone')
  4. so I take it nobody is saying whats been heard then. this should be an interesting thread...think i'll hang around
  5. Great work last night. Definitely earned 9.5 out of 10 (a left hook to Kelly would have been the perfect 10)
  6. If I saw him collapse in the street...I'd dial 998
  7. I think the sentence..."just passing on information that may or may not be true" will do for me. BTW....Neil Lennon will be our next manager. Im just passing on information that may or may not be true. enuff said i think
  8. with all due respect to the OP...utter tosh
  9. we be buggered with the commentary on BBC Alba
  10. This is a bit like watching my mother-in-law drive off a cliff in my brand new car.....I've got mixed feelings. Green is the only one who has done exactly what he said he would. (while others lurked in the background) Walter is Legend. Best scenario for me would be they both get together with all their mates....and work for the same thing - a stronger Rangers.
  11. can they do my question mark key as well ??????????????????????????????
  12. Coisty certainly didnt look like his usual self. Not like him either to totally ignore reporters. Sounded like CG will have to sack him for him to leave....will he be that stupid?
  13. Think it could be the chance for lots to get to Ibrox that cant afford it at current prices. I reckon 25k be a good average attendance
  14. I dont mind a 'just' punishment (on top of the pound of flesh already taken) but the most important aspect for me is that we must be able to COMPETE - otherwise...I favour Div 3 (with all that that means) We cannot accept huge point deductions for 1, 2, 3 seasons.....a fraction of sponsorship/tv money.......transfer embargoes. So yes, the fight continues.
  15. Green deserves a chance. The others have had their chance to get us out of this mess...they didnt take it. TBH I dont care he's not a rangers man...if he's a businessman that will do me. Because that means he wants a return on his investment. That means he will take the (hard) decisions needed to make us successful again....that will mean he makes money. This guy is the only option we have right now...if you dont like that fact, then buy a padlock for the gates. But i know we will move forward
  16. didnt you have a blue rosette on? think i was standing next to you
  17. are we dead yet? best thing to do when you wake up in the morning is just tap your hands out by your side. If you dont hear yourself knocking on wood...its a good day. ..............but Rangers will never die
  18. You're hiding it well there CB....what do you really think of him?
  19. they did say after all, "What goes on in football should stay in football"
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