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Everything posted by ianb1547

  1. Game tomorrow will emphasise the fact that EVEN with all the carry on off the park - we still beat them. It doesnt get any better. Supers team talk will be easy. For some players, it may be the last time they play in an old firm....so dont let us down. simples
  2. are you feeling persecuted MrC?
  3. Cant be there in person...but my ST has helped someone else get there to support the gers so Im a happy bear. I think Allys team talk will revolve around the fact that some (most) of the team may never play against the scum again and so they should go out and give their all....for the fans to remember...and for them to say that they beat the "so-called" champions of 2011-12 season.
  4. Is it only me ? Drysdale is on camera yesterday saying ".....some emails to the club and a couple of silent calls on my mobile, but apart from that there HASN'T BEEN ANY DIRECT THREATS TO MYSELF"
  5. think this thread is kinda mixed up.... 3rd division would be the result of liquidation = debt free / newco ......and yes, I'd take that right now. Fuck the SPL
  6. BP you'd better keep that survival suit close....u could end up in the drink behaving like that
  7. If it is found that this sanction has no legitimate basis then those in the SFA really need to step down. What better example of incompetence can there be?
  8. I know there are lots of huge negatives that would come from a drop to Div 3, but Id still opt for that now. I would, however, travel to away games in Div 3/2/1 so that the smaller clubs get some direct benefit for hosting us. Bye Bye SPL......... and I'll bet at least 2 other SPL clubs go bust within 12 months
  9. putting a wee fiver on Over 210 throw-ins on my Bet365................just in case
  10. Fellow Bears....... On Sunday 6th May a walk will be taking place around Ibrox, with final lap inside the stadium, to raise funds for the RFFF. The total distance will be 1 mile 872 yards (1872). Only 200 places are available and it is suggested that sponsorship of £100 per entrant is raised. I will (unfortunately haha) be sunning myself in Tenerife that day...but more than willing to sponsor 5 people £20 each if they want to contact me by PM. Its just us doing our bit.....and showing again why we are such a stron football family. Anyone else who would like to do likewise re sponsorship then just post on here. Have fun folks
  11. Seems we will just have to wait that wee bit longer...... and don't forget the famous saying, "If you can keep your head when all others are losing theirs..........you obviously dont realise the shit we are in."
  12. I must admit...I wasn't too keen on TBK and their seemingly lack of substance in their bid....BUT if they do save our club I will be 100% behind what they do. As has been said by others, time to put differences behind us, get on with helping our Club get back to where we rightly belong.
  13. The absence of FACTS makes all this posturing very uncomfortable. D & P must do best deal for creditors - fact They are answerable to Courts for all they do (and dont do) - fact Supporters don't actually know whats happening (unfortunately) - fact Im all for waiting and hoping that we come out of this the right way. Not much more we can do at the moment, unfortunately, and I hope that when we DO come out of this we still stick together and forget some of the slating thats gone on between fans on here.
  14. Big Tam Forsyth for me.....was always reliable for putting someone up in the air
  15. who else thinks thats going to be a goal celebration on saturday?
  16. phew......thought I was getting caught up in the irony there ........and some thinking it was serious
  17. congratulations mate.......... think its time you got a television that works tho....didnt give ur missus much time did u... roll on the New Bears
  18. welcome mate. ..... and that wind in hull just cuts you apart
  19. Highly unlikely..i agree. But I would want to be in a position to influence the outcome if I was a bidder....not watching from the sides
  20. I thought TBK believed they were the likely preferred bidder, hence they were asked to put the £500k up. Are you saying that they still didnt think they would win control - even as the preferred bidder? Sounds more like they were just not up to the job.
  21. Neil Lemmon will win it. ...................sorry, thought it said Minger of the Year
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