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Everything posted by bluechip

  1. Ta, never looked at these sites and never will.
  2. Pardon my ignorance, what's kds and pnb or am I just being stupid?
  3. Why was there no black armbands today? I thought that was atrocious, IMO. This is the saddest anniversary in Rangers history. Minutes silence and black armbands should be the minimum on this day.
  4. Who cares, if he doesn't wear the BLUE then I for one don't care.
  5. Yup very regular, irritable bowl doesn't help.
  6. A bit naive I know but could we not get together as fans groups and refuse to pay the licence fee and tell Pacific Quay CSC and their paymasters in London why?
  7. OK. You keep posting negative shite. Possibly a Shettleston Harrier. There I've said it, honest as the day is long.
  8. I hope there are no lurkers on here because if there are they will be having a field day listening to you lot arguing with each other, get a grip ffs. Lee McCulloch is the captain of the Rangers FC and wears the Rangers blue, show him the respect he deserves. Whatever you think of Jig, negativity should not be discussed about the captain of Rangers on an open forum where Declan, Brendan or Sean can read it. WATP, RTID.
  9. Ally, wear what you like. As long as your teeth don't resemble a chewed bar of toffee and you don't speak like a ned, that will do for me. WATP.
  10. And yer Auny's your Dad's cousin ????
  11. I don't particularly care about their plans for reconstruction. It's all pie in the sky. They can not survive without Rangers money. The turkeys have already voted for christmas once, there's no way they'll do it again. Give it another couple of months, they'll be begging us to come back. That's when we tell them to go and take a good f**k to themselves.
  12. Report from the Sun newspaper. Do you think the BBC and Radio Clyde will mention this disgrace. Not on your Nelly. The Celtic family, doing what they do best, POLLUTE. DUNDEE security chief Jim Thomson last night told how staff were PETRIFIED as drunken Celtic fans ran amok at Dens Park. Operations manager Thomson was left disgusted as visiting fans fought running battles, wrecked toilets and urinated in public areas. Celtic have slammed the thugs and called for decent supporters to root them out. Five people were arrested but that total is expected to rise sharply when police study CCTV footage to identify the troublemakers, with up to 200 believed to have been involved in the shocking scenes. SunSport understands more than 70 Celtic fans were ejected from the ground as police battled to stop things escalating into a full-scale riot. The clubs are now waiting to see if SPL match delegate Tom Purdie includes the incidents in his report. If so, Celtic could be hit with a hefty punishment. Long-serving Thomson, who likened what he saw to the dark days of 1970s football hooliganism, believes booze played a major factor and slammed the decision to stage the game at 7.30pm on Boxing Day. Many supporters travelled to Dundee early and were in local pubs from lunchtime onwards. The Dens official branded the disturbances as the worst he’s seen from any supporters. He said: “In the 20 years I have been running games at Dens Park, I have never seen anything like the behaviour of the Celtic fans. “It was not just a small minority to blame. There was almost a full-scale riot. My staff were genuinely at risk. I had female turnstile operators coming to me visibly shaking. “The situation was almost unmanageable. I have never seen so many people drunk. “Our fans were abused, our stewards were abused and no doubt the police were abused. “You could not send a steward in to sort it out as you never know what might have happened. “I’m not pulling any punches here. I did not feel safe. “It was like a throwback to the 1970s. It really was scary. The away fans had no respect for their surroundings. They were basically doing the toilet where they stood. “I had Celtic fans telling me they were embarrassed by their own fans’ behaviour and the state they were in. “I stopped counting at 40 ejections from the Bob Shankly stand where all the trouble was. “They were fighting among themselves, which was frankly astonishing.” Thomson also revealed that the toilets were left in such a state that it took a team of cleaners hours to get them back into a decent state. With so many drunks attempting to get into the ground, Dundee feared there would be trouble. Thomson insists refusing them entry was a bigger risk because there was a real fear of sparking a riot outside. He revealed: “There were so many drunk people outside that we just had to let them in. “If we didn’t, there would have been a riot outside. It’s as simple as that. “The state of the toilets was a disgrace. It took us the whole of Thursday morning to hose them down.” In the end the police decided to contain the out-of-control supporters in their section, with Thomson comparing it to the ‘kettling’ tactics police employ at many games across Europe. He said: “It was like a continental-style policing operation. “In other words, they were in that stand so keep them there and if they want to fight among themselves then let them go ahead.” Dundee have received complaints from fans who feared for the safety of kids they had taken to the game. They believe the authorities blundered by allowing TV to schedule the match for the evening of a public holiday. Thomson said: “The game should never have kicked off at 7.30pm on Boxing Day. “It was a disaster waiting to happen. It gave the supporters too much time to get drunk. It’s just a joke to play a game at that time on that day. “Everyone knows this time was chosen to fit in with the TV schedule but the atmosphere at the game was just frightening. “That was meant to be the Celtic v Rangers game as we got Rangers’ place in the SPL. “If that had been an Old Firm match do you think it would have been played at that time? I very much doubt it.” A Tayside Police spokesman said: “There was a level of disturbance at the match, primarily within the Celtic section of support. “Five people are to be reported to the Procurator Fiscal for football-related offences.” Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/feeds/smartphone/scotland/4715296/Drunken-yobs-were-like-a-throwback-to-the-1970s.html#ixzz2GKk8bjqH
  13. Quite right WATP, why is nobody challenging these w*****s?
  14. No. No Europe for at least another three years, f**k them.
  15. I'd like to take you guys back to when we had a 15 point lead over the manky mob before administration hit and the 10 point deduction. Ally was managing the team just fine and we were heading for 4 in a row. Then the shit hit the fan and we all know what happened then. My point is, and I said it at the time, that a number of selfish bastards disguised as Rangers players (Lafferty, Davis, Naismith, Whittaker, etc., etc.) were more concerned about where their next excorbitant wage packet was coming from rather than trying to stay ahead of the Mhanksters in the league. I don't buy into " A, but they took a cut in their wages" theory, even then they were still getting too much for the shite they were playing. THEY LET ALLY DOWN, BIG TIME. That's why we lost the league, half of them chucked it. To summarise, Ally would have won the now famous 'tainted title' if these selfish cunts loved Rangers more than themselves. Secondly, after an iffy start to the 3rd. division we are now coming together as a solid unit that can play good football when required. IMO, Ally McCoist will be a good Rangers manager if given time and money.
  16. Not to mention Wooly Miller frae Abergreen ken, saying Rangers bought players they couldn't afford therefore, not a level playing field therefore Rangers cheated.LOVING THEIR PAIN. :7325: :7325: :7325:
  18. Here's a question for you bears. What religion do you think the SPL fans that wanted us out of the league were? Maybe the same religion as these wallopers who keep appearing at Ibrox and other grounds where Rangers are playing with their futile banners. PATHETIC. :7325: :7325: :7325: WATP.
  19. For you people who have replied to this post, I F******G LIKE YOUR STYLE.
  20. First off, Merry Xmas to all bears, I am so proud of you guys and gals who stood shoulder to shoulder to repel all that is wrong with this sad little country of ours. We have scuppered their master plan, and our great club will live on. I am certainly looking forward to the year of retributions. Definite court action after the Doncaster led corrupt SPL Kangaroo Court sits, these clowns will be found out for exactly what they are, lying , cheating and dishonourable people who as part of a cabal have tried to bring the mighty Rangers FC to it's knees. Doncaster your time is coming to an end. Revenge against the Regan led corrupt SFA for their part in attacking a member club and being manipulated by the evil cabal. They elected to try and blackmail us into giving up titles to join the SFL division 1 amongst many other wrong doings. Regan your time is coming to an end. Next on the retributions mini list are Duff and Phelps for their handling of Rangers administration, Collyer Bristow and of course HMRC and who put them up to ignoring Whyte's non payment of PAYE and Income Tax and the way they went after Rangers with an unnatural vigour, spurned on by whom I ask? The Press and Media who have orchestrated an unbelievably , rancid and cowardly attack on our great club. What I hope and pray for most of all, is that THE MASTER ARCHITECT (former chairman who is in retirement) of this horrendous witch hunt and his apostles of that dishonourable, deceitful, classless football club with it's terrorist sympathising fans are brought to book and shown to the outside world what they really stand for. Then and only then will we be able to move on and perhaps forgive, although I know I will not. WATP. RTID.
  21. Defending Nuremburg Shug, mmmmmmmm??????
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