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Everything posted by bluechip

  1. Craig Burley, shite football analyst. Uncle George Burley, shite football manager. Definitely in the GENES.
  2. Cosgrove on Your Call with Jim Traynor saying he got the Rangers situation wrong. To late ya fat tosser your on the list.
  3. Is Tsunami Japanese for is your name Susan?
  4. Why are we tip toeing around. Sue the shit out the SPL for defamation, loss of revenue etc., etc.? How long do we have to hold our tongues? It's time for retribution and revenge. We have to bring the SPL down via the courts we are not going to get any help from FIFA or UEFA.
  5. Saw this on FF. Apparently breaking news on Clyde. Don't know if this is accurate as I don't listen to Clyde. AND SO IT BEGINS.
  6. PM please, hope it's not a wind up as I'm stupid enough at the best of times. p.s. Is there a problem with the emoticons?
  7. I'm with you Alwaysblue. Some people seem to have forgotten that we nearly didn't have a football club at all. So let's get every b*****d sued and/or banned from Ibrox. Let's make them suffer the pain we suffered. No forgiveness, no charity towards them and definitely No Surrender, WATP.
  8. Although I see where you are coming from, it still gives the Mhanky Mob a free run at the Champions League for another three seasons at least, all things remaining as they are. In my book that is not acceptable and a police investigation needs to be opened up so we can get to the bottom (Peter slant eyes) of this.
  9. Good old spew continues to laud Celtic and their family. Dear God has that man ever had a pair?
  10. Is that the best this wee rodent can come up with. Changed days indeed. McLaughlin, you are also on the list along with many other rangers haters. Tick Tock.
  11. I think it's a bit of both. I just hope BBC Scotland and it's biased journalists are near the top of the list when retribution comes around. They should be subject to an internal enquiry, run by the real BBC, with the results and sackings made public. Rangers lawyers should be going after BBC Scotland big time after all the accusations and inuendo we've had to put up with.
  12. Why would you get bored of watching the Rangers at anytime especially as we nearly never had a Rangers to watch? HMMMMMMM?????
  13. The SPL's league reconstruction looks like a non starter. 12. NOTICE TO RESIGN MEMBERSHIP No Member shall resign, retire or otherwise cease to be a member of the League unless it shall have given not less than two full seasons prior written notice so to do, unless with the approval of not less than two-thirds (66%) of the votes cast at a general meeting of the League. GIRUY :SPLbroken:
  14. Light BLUE touchpaper and retire to a safe area. :SPLbroken:
  15. Did you point out to him that he is a bellend?
  16. Don't forget this current SPL was set up on the behest of Fergus McCann and ra Sellik football club. So they will fight tooth and nail to retain the status quo. Forget the nonsense of England, the scum want to get as close to our titles total while we are incapacitated. TIME FOR CHANGE.
  17. Bearing in mind (no pun intended) we are just a test case. These c***s think they are above the law but HMRC will be going after them soon enough. Anyway WATP.
  18. I think what Edmiston Drive is getting at is that DJ was on the radio and could have stood up for us , but he chose not to , in fact he stuck the boot in on the odd occasion. Used to be my hero, not any longer.
  19. Aye, quite write. I want to know who was responsible for giving this traitor a job at Ibrox. DJ, Dumb Jackass.
  20. Definitely agree. I bet only a small minority who saw Captain Blood play are on here whinging and moaning about him. The rest probably never saw him play and if that's the case you missed a man who would run through a brick wall. Sure he maybe could have said more while he was on the board but so could a lot of others. Did the penny not drop for some short sighted people? Big John walking away was the biggest hint anyone could have had that there was something not right about Googly Eyes and we chose to ignore it. We are also culpible. John Greig is a Rangers legend and deserves respect. He is also an elderly man and for that he also deserves respect. If you don't like any of that post, tough. Because I don't give a f**k about people who slag off a Rangers Legend.
  21. We're the boys from SEVCO we're Loyal and we're True. And when we meet the Pacific Shelf 595 we're Ready for a Do.
  22. Why do Rangers supporters listen to Radio Clyde's Super Scoreboard? It is a totally biased anti Rangers Radio station run by people who have sympathies for the non dignified team from the East. It is not going to change, so why would you bother to tune in and hope that it has. It has never changed since the puppet Paul Cooney took over and set their agenda. It never will change, it will always have anti Rangers panellists, Keevins, Guidi, Odious Creep (the discredited journalist), Dellahunt, Duffy, Gerry etc., etc., and this won't change until their listening figures plummet. So please switch off. In fact could you all please switch off any Radio Clyde programme and hit them where it hurts. PLEASE. While I am on the subject, stop buying the Daily Record and The Herald as they are the most biased anti Rangers tabloid/broadsheet going. p.s. Feel free to buy any other stuff that isn't anti Rangers LOL.
  23. This should provoke lively debate. Would Rangers and the Rangers community get a fairer crack of the whip if Scotland was independant? Not according to that other community. See below, straight from the horses mouth. http://www.catholictruthscotland.com...wsletter12.pdf Andrew McCann hit the nail on the head with his article on independence in the September edition. As he said, there is already anti-Catholic bias in the media and the bigotry at football matches is far and away mostly aimed at Celtic supporters. All the talk about “sectarianism” is misleading because Scotland is more an anti-Catholic and an anti-Irish country than “sectarian”. That would get worse if we became independent. There has already been a case where a defendant pleaded guilty to a “sectarian” assault that took place on live TV and yet the jury still refused to find him guilty. This proves there is institutionalised bigotry in Scotland, and, in fact, it is one of the examples given by Andrew McCann in his article (see p.19, Issue No. 73). The SNP has always been known as a “Protestant” party, so it is very true that we need to be careful what we vote for. It would be an own goal to vote for Scottish independence. David Martin, Coatbridge I like it.
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