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Helicopter Sundae

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Posts posted by Helicopter Sundae

  1. On 04/06/2024 at 13:39, NixonRFC said:

    I just saw a report on transfermarkt, apparently from UEFA that the tims generated the joint 16th highest revenue and kit merch in Europe in 2023, earning €34m. 

    They've only listed the top 20, we aren't on it but 20th are Inter Milan who generated €26m, so at best that's at least €8m more they earned than us.

    Does anyone know what we generated? 




    £16.90, and the directors are delighted with that.

  2. On 22/05/2024 at 11:59, The Specky Forum Organiser said:

    Will be supporting whatever team stands to make me money on that given day

    So you're actually a prostitute who'll be wearing the team shirt of whoever's playing?

  3. On 03/06/2024 at 20:34, esquire8 said:

    Only reason England won't win the euros is because of Southgate.

    Him appearing in an advert with a bag over his head is ultimate cringe. Loser written all over his face.

  4. On 28/05/2024 at 10:20, RealWorldRich said:

    When celtic lost 2-0 at Tynecastle a couple of months back they received a red card early in the game when Yang caught Cochrane in the face with his studs, with his boot raised nearly 6ft in the air.  I reckon if you asked 100 ref's from 100 countries they would all arrive at the same conclusion; red card.  But, surprise surprise, the ref on the pitch missed it and it was up to the VAR to recommend a review.  The VAR was John Beaton, and despite doing his job in sending the ref to the monitor for the most obvious red card you'll see all season, Brendan Rodgers spent the post-match interviews and pressers going after him:

    "My feeling is that the game was decided by the officials – on the field and outside of the field,”

    "For John Beaton to actually look at that in VAR, supposedly under no pressure, and say that was sending off? I find that incredible."

    "it was a poor day for the officials."

    “I also think as well that VAR is not the problem here, that’s clear, It’s competence. And I think the first one is a great example of the game being refereed outside of the pitch."

    Now, fast forward to the cup final on Saturday, with John Beaton on VAR - is it any real surprise he's folded under pressure when faced with a probable game-deciding decision? 

    There's another point to make here; Joe Hart himself took a booking by chasing the ref 50 yards up the pitch to ask for a foul.  If he doesn't complain, does Beaton even think twice about the jostling that went on at the corner?  Probably not.  celtic wanted a decision, Beaton folded and gave them it. The price was a Brendan Rodgers ban and fine earlier in the season and booking for Joe the flapper. 

    The reality is I could go on for pages about how their culture of pressure and intimidation of refs and officials, from Hugh Dallas getting coined in face, to Dougie McDonald being literally hounded out the game by Lennon, which literally sparked a strike by his fellow officials, to McGregor surrounding the ref at every decision on the field and asking for cards at every turn. 

    And, it doesn't stop at the refs, it goes above and beyond, who could forget in 2008 Lawell threatening to sue the SFA if they granted a postponed to an Old Firm game, in the same season they shamelessly asked for a postponement of an Old Firm game for the death of Phil O'Donnell, another club's player.

    We've seen this season more than any other the dividends of their culture of intimidation, calling out refs in the media and even threats of litigation.  It's time the club, the manager, player and even our pundits start fighting fire with fire, or we'll never get a fair shake.

    Well said, but  a team and leadership so battered by the liquidation that they have never had the balls to fight our way back. And now the cunts have caught us.



  5. 4 minutes ago, JCDBigBear said:

    Have to admit or is that confess that I have a few daft tales from following the Gers.   Never thought if others would really be interested to be honest.

    Were you at Chelsea in 85?

  6. 2 minutes ago, .Williamson. said:

    All the corners on Saturday were decent 

    Can’t believe that swinging the ball inwards towards the goal causes problems btw

    Seems to cause problems for our players as they haven't come across this before.

  7. 1 hour ago, King Jela said:

    I'll be honest, and I'll take the pelters, but Raskin fouled Hart. I thought it at the time and I don't see anything in the clip posted to make me think otherwise. His foul was also before Taylor feeling him up. 

    The Sterling push is unbelievable cheating. 


    Just now, Helicopter Sundae said:

    Did you think it was madness of the defender to wrap his fucking arms around Raskin?


  8. 1 hour ago, Rigamonti said:

    I don't agree with the Davies incident as his arm wasn't in an unnatural position. There WAS a VAR check. All potential penalties are checked by VAR. If they don't think the referee has made an error, then there's no reason to ask him to view the monitor.

    I agree with you about the Raskin push. Madness by him.

    Did you think it was madness of the defender to wrap his fucking arms around Raskin?

  9. 1 hour ago, RFC55 said:

    Tbf I thought the second half yesterday we did get a lift and we were the better side by quite a considerable amount. I don’t think we can say the players didn’t care or try, or give it what they had 

    We matched them in every department yesterdey., Even scoring the same numbers of goals as them.

  10. 6 hours ago, left winger said:

    No, there’s isn’t a huge amount in the push, but it came first. And it doesn’t matter a fuck if he was getting anywhere hear the ball. In fact, it actually makes Raskin’s decision even more fucking stupid. If he didn’t push Hart, it would have been a goal and if it didn’t go in it should have been a penalty. And there’s no foul on Raskin before Taylor grabs him round the waist.

    edit - just seen more of the incident on another thread - only seen the 3 mins of highlights on bbc, and they don’t show Taylor shoving Raskin away a second or two before Raskin pushes Hart.

    Just watched that again and it clearly shows none of the start of the incident. BBC cunts with selective editing. If that';s a push we're fucked over.

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