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Helicopter Sundae

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Everything posted by Helicopter Sundae

  1. Maybe they could fit bumpers around the sides, like dodgems....
  2. Muhahahhahahahahhahahahahaha Just proves you cannae win a world championship with one knee on the ground.
  3. "...How the darkeys shouted when they heard the joyful sound, How the turkeys gobbled which our commissary found, How the sweet potatoes even started from the ground, While we were marching through Georgia." thank fuck there is nothing controversial in the original version
  4. Hibs were 6:1 up in one match and managed to fuck it up. You never give up against them.
  5. Ask soap dodgers Dave. The daft cunt.
  6. The only [possible positive is that there is still time for Hibs to Hibs it... and there we go.
  7. Quite fucking incredible when you thank about it. Racism is worse than actual physical paedophile assault. A fucked up society. Yet we have also heard this shit somewhere else as well.
  8. That is heading into serious money territory. Maybe they will need to get a few EBTs issued so they can afford to pay their players once the money tree dies off. Then relegate the cunts and send them to the lowest tier. Make them fight their way back up from the bottom. Unapologetic dirty paedo bastards.
  9. Those 3 are probably first on his list. It would be no surprise to me if he came for more. And nor just Villa either...now they all know he has gone, they will all try to destabilise our players at will. Look at the effect of keeping Morelos has had. He had his head completely turned by the transfer that never was, and with the lure of huge money that will be dangled in front of them, all are potential transfer targets, and with a player manager with such a huge reputation now away, hence our need to replace him with someone the players will respect. Or we'll be stripped out.
  10. For fuck sake man, tell your boy to get over Souness...it was a long time ago. Let bygones be bygones. He is still a magnificent bastard to me.
  11. Shagger would probably kick its balls in.
  12. The stunning thing about Walter Smith, is that when you ;look at his achievements for us, and all the trophies he won, depriving every other team of the chance to win for themselves, yet you will struggle to find anyone with a bad word to say about him. That must be truly unique in the ultra competitive game of football. A stunning man.
  13. We have lost a legend. Thanks for all the memories Walter. And the dignity.
  14. Interesting that Newcastle have been mentioned re Morelos. Given that the failed transfer seems to have completely fucked with his head, and the only reason it failed was for the poor offer put in, if Newcastle genuinely are interested, then can't wait to see if they put in an EPL size bid, or try to low-ball the fuck out of us.
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